...Sorry, Tobi..

Tobi dropped to his knees in front of his beloved sempai. Tears were streaming down from his hidden eyes, and he was sobbing uncontrolably. "Why did you do that to yourself Deidara sempai?" He said to himself. The last words that his sempai ever said to him eched in his head

...sorry Tobi...

All that Tobi wanted was for Deidara to have treated him a bit better, even though he didn't mind when he was so blunt, but the cruelty, it was unbareable. Tobi always had looked up to his sempai, but he was always looked down upon, like he wasn't good enough. After Deidara had died, Tobi just felt him leave, his spirit, it felt like it went right through poor Tobi. But it wasn't Deidara's normal attitude towards Tobi, it was cheerful. Like a small child at a candy shop. Tobi looked up at the sky, and yelled...

"WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE MY SEMPAI FROM ME?!" He began to cry in front of Deidara's massacared body. Tobi heard light footsteps from behind him, but he didn't bother to turn around. He thought that if someone was going to kill him, it would be better. He would get to go up with Deidara, and finally be with him. He felt a warm hand on his shoulder, and the touch startled Tobi. He slowly turned around and looked up at a very familiar face. Tobi took off his mask, just to see if it was really true, it was. He began to cry lightly at the sight of his sempai, standing above him, with his hand on Tobi's shoulder. Tobi stood up, and turned to hug Deidara, but Tobi couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Sempai..." He said. "Deidara sempai, is it really you? Are you really here?" Tears began to trickle down the boys face, and Deidara put a hand up to Tobi's mouth.

"Don't speak," Tobi gazed into his sempai's eyes, as if it were the last time. "I just felt guilty of leaving you like this. Tobi, I always knew that you cared about me, I just didn't know what to do about it myself." Tobi looked puzzled, but then put his head down.

"So you really are gone, aren't you." Deidara nodded. "WELL, IF YOU ARE GONE, TAKE ME WITH YOU SEMPAI!" Tobi yelled as he grabbed Deidara's arm.

"I'm sorry Tobi, goodbye." Deidara's image faded away in the coming light, and Tobi just stood there, mesmarized by what he had just seen. He looked up, and in the sky, he saw a little white bird.

"He's finally free..." Tobi whispered to himself as he wiped the tears from his eye. The bird flew towards Tobi and landed on his finger.

"Deidara, it's ok, you can go. You're free, go and see your Danna." Tobi held the little bird close to him, kissed it's head and let it fly. His outstretched arms reached out for Deidara, but his heart let him go. Tobi, thank you. Tobi wiped the tears from his eye once again, and just stood there, where his sempai had truly said goodbye to him. Tobi now knew that Deidara really did care for him, and now, he was finally free.

...Tobi, thank you...