A/N: Hola, people! I'm Siyui-no-Akatsuki, here with a very very very very very very very late chapter of WWWML!! YAY! Edward Elric, do the disclaimer!!

Ed: Siyui-no-Akatsuki doesn't own Naruto. One, she doesn't have a ton of money. Two, she doesn't know anything about ninjas. And three, she's not Japanese. Understand? Good.

Siyui: Gracias, Ed. Anyway, I'll keep my ranting short so—


Siyui: ^sighs^ The ones that makes you look like Stevie Wonder?

Itachi: Yes— I mean NO! ^glares^ Do you know where they are or not?

Siyui: ^looks off into the distance^ No… ^breaks something behind her back^ Anyway, read the story, kay peeps?



"Why are you calling me that? You know I'm not a princess." He smiled, suddenly, well… hugging me. Er… Taylor ish very confused… Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very confused…

"Because you soon will be…" I pushed him away, still confused, by the statement and the sudden hug.

"What the heck do you mean?!" He grinned (I haveta admit, it was pretty hawt…).

"Because you, Taylor-hime, are going to marry me in three days, just as promised by the leader of Akatsuki." ERP?!?!?! Wait, what?!?! PEIN, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?!?!?!


Chapter 4: Leader goes Bye-bye!



I was not a happy bunny. Not in the least.

My eye twitched. "What do you mean the Leader of Akatsuki 'promised'?" Daisuke grinned.

"As in, for me to join Akatsuki, I get a wife." I pointed at myself.

"So Leader," I said the word with pure malice, "told you that I'd be your wife?!" Oh, I may not be a ninja, but I will find some way to kill Pein's pierced ass…

"Exactly." I scowled. Daisuke noticed this, apparently. "You weren't aware of this, were you Taylor-hime?" My scowl deepened.

"No, I wasn't aware." I hissed, crossing my arms. Oh, Pein is going to die when I get a hold of him…


Pein sneezed violently, getting evil snot everywhere. Konan looked at him, worried. "Are you okay, Pein-sama?" Pein nodded, returning to his work. Since when the hell do I sneeze…?



"Did you tell Taylor-san that she was going to become Daisuke's wife?" Pein thought for a second.

"Hmm… Seems I forgot to… Oh well." Konan rolled her eyes.

"Did you tell Hidan?"


"Well, did you?"

"…Damn…" Konan rolled her eyes again.

"This is going to end badly…"

"Probably." He answered, not even paying that much attention.

"Are you going to do anything? Once Hidan finds out, he's going to kill everything, including Daisuke." That made Pein at least look up.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because he's Hidan. He'll take any excuse to kill something."

"Hmm… You're right."

"You're not going to do anything, are you?"

"No, not really."

"Of course…" Konan thought for a second. "You know, when Hidan gets angry, he not only kills everything, but he also eats everything, including the pudding."

"We must do something about this immediately!"

"What do you mean 'we'? I didn't do anything."

"I must do something about this immediately!"

(Yup, Pein has to have his pudding. If he doesn't, he explodes.) (No I don't. But I do love pudding.) (What I say goes. You explode if I say you explode.)

"Sorry Daisuke," I started, crossing my arms, "but I can't marry you." Daisuke grinned.

"I understand." I smiled, uncrossing my arms.

"You do?! Thank you so—"

"You're just so shocked, you've got cold feet." He doesn't understand. "But don't worry, I got you." He hugged me again. I rolled my eyes, pushing him away from me.

"No… that's not what I meant…" I don't think he heard me, because he started to walk off.

"We must start planning the honeymoon immediately!!!" I rolled my eyes as he turned to me. "Where would you like to go, Taylor-hime?" I sighed, re-crossing my arms.

"I said I wasn't going to marry you, Daisuke. Leader lied ta ya." I tried that approach, but he just grinned.

"I don't care."

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because…" He walked up to me, grabbing my hand. "Destiny brought us together, and the love we share shalln't be separated!" I rolled my eyes, yanking my hand away from his grasp and pushing him away from me.

"Still no." He looked me in the eyes, a sullen look on his face.

"Why, Taylor-hime?" he pleaded. I sighed, crossing my arms so he couldn't grab my arms again.

"One," I started, "don't call me 'Taylor-hime'. Just 'Taylor' is fine. And two, I don't really feel like marrying anybody right now." He sighed. I expected him to give up, but… a grin appeared on his face.

"I'll get you to marry me, Taylor-hime!! Our love at first sight will not be wasted…" Oh, dear. "Just you wait!" I just looked at him for a second, and then sighed.

"Can I leave?" He grabbed my hands again, beaming at me.

"Only if I can come with you, Taylor-hime!" This guy wasn't going to leave me alone, is he?

(Hm. Taylor has an assassin in love with her. Weirdos...)

"Let me see the map."

"Of course, Taylor-hime!!!"

"Stop calling me that."

"Yes, Taylor-hime!!" I sighed, taking the map from him anyway.

"Okay, if we keep going this way, we should find the guys…"

"How do you know they haven't moved?"

"Because they're idiots."


"Okay, where do you think she is?" Hidan hissed, still kinda pissed that Deidara 'lost' Taylor. Tobi rubbed the back of his head.

"Man Deidara-sempai, you really screwed up, didn't you?" Deidara glared his glare reserved just for Tobi.

"Shut up, un. Now I think…" He looked back over to the bird. "What's that?" he went and picked up a small note, looking it over.

"What is it?" Hidan asked, looking at the note. His eye's widened then, as he read it over again. "Daisuke Harusuchi took her… to his mansion?" Tobi turned to Hidan, then to Deidara.

"'Harusuchi'? Like the prince of the Land of Wind?" Tobi said, holding his chin, like he was thinking, "He lives…" he pointed to the left, "that way. About three miles." Deidara twitched.

"How do you know, un?!" Tobi shrugged.

"That's where I went to use the bathroom!!" Hidan and Deidara both twitched at the same time, taking all of there will not to strangle the masked man's neck.

___________ Rayne!!!

I wondered around Suna like a lost girl from Tennessee.

Well, that's what I am, right?

Anyway, I wondered around, looking for anything that could possibly resemble Gaara's house. Wait— WHAT THE HECKERDOODLES AM I THINKING? I don't know what his house looks like!! Well don't I suck…

I looked around again, just in case I might find something. I turned my eyes to the left, squinting.

"What is that…?" I squinted even harder, putting my hand over my eyes like a sun visor. "I think that that's it…" I did a mental cheer (if I did one out loud people would think I was insane).

I started walking proudly throughout Suna's highly-populated streets, a proud grin on my face. "I WIN!" I cheered out loud, earning strange looks from people.

Err… I ducked my head to my chest, walking a little bit faster.

"Stupid Gaara, leaving me here all alone… Who does he think he is, leaving me here by myself?" Of course, I didn't notice the person walking up behind me. "I'm Gaara!" I said, lowering my voice to mimic him. "I leave defenseless girls out in giant place for FUN! It is my hobby, and I am great at it! No, I don't care that she could possibly be killed by murderous ninja and treacherous sponge demons! It doesn't matter, 'cause I'm evil like that! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Really now?" I stopped my rant, my face twisting into a look of pure patheticness.

"Hey… Gaara," I said, a sheepish grin on my face. "So… how are you?" I saw his eye twitch dangerously as his scowl possibly deepened. "Er, well, I'm sorry, it's just that—"

"Quiet." Rather than test the patience that I saw was wearing thin, I zipped it. "Didn't I tell you where you were suppose to go?"

I thought for a moment, remembering….


I looked at Gaara's face. Hmm… His mouth is moving, so I'm guessing words are coming out. Maybe I should be listening… Naw, it probably isn't that important. If it was, something would tell me that I should be listening to him… Wait, isn't that the case?

"And that's how you get there. Got it?" I nodded lazily, looking out the window. Hmm. Maybe it was important. Darn.

End Flashback

Oh. Well, there that goes. I really need to pay attention more…

"Er, let's say I forgot…" I said, rubbing the back of my neck. He glared at me, turning around and walking off. "Wait! You're not going to leave me here, are you?" He turned around only half-way, closing his eyes in a sigh.

"Do you think I was?" I looked at him for a second, blinking. I saw the corner of his lips turn upwards slightly in a small, almost invisible smirk. I scowled tersely, crossing my arms and tilting my chin upwards.

"I can find my way on my own, thank you very much!" Gaara shrugged impassively.

"Okay." He disappeared in a wisp of sand, making me instantly regret saying anything.

"Darn. Don't know where I am again. CURSE YOU GAARA!" Again, I got that same creepy look from before from everybody around me.

________Taylor, 1st Person!!!

My eye twitched as I looked down at the map, tilting my head to the side. "Do you know how to read maps, Daisuke?" He smirked, nodding proudly.

"Of course I do, Taylor-hime!" I have officially stopped trying to get him not to call me that. "I was trained in such activities!" (A/N: Get your mind outta the gutter, Mai-chan. I know what yer thinkin'.)

I handed him the map, not sure if he knew what he was doing. I saw his eyes look over it quickly, scanning it.

"Well, Taylor-hime, we need to go about a mile and a half north," He said briskly, taking out a compass he happened to have in his pocket. Why? I have no idea at all. Maybe he's some kind of navigating expert? "And north is…" He pointed into a random direction. "that way." I raised an eyebrow, giving him a testing look.

"Are you sure?" He nodded, tilting his chin upwards with an air of arrogance.

"Of course!" He exclaimed dramatically. "Do you think I would ever fail my true love?" I opened my mouth to respond, but I seriously had absolutely nothing to say in response to that, so I just started to follow him and kept my mouth shut.

__________Now with… our favorite… um… Err, just read the story, foos. ________________

Pein's eye twitched as he looked down at his map, tilting his head to the side. "Okay, where the HELL am I?" He looked at his surroundings, ringed eyes narrowed. "Okay, I know I'm somewhere in Land of Wind…" he remarked proudly, accidently letting go of the map right at the exact moment a giant gust of wind— the kind that the Land of Wind is famous for— decided to blow through that part of the forest, causing the map to flow away from him so he could possibly never get it back.

"Oh… shit."

__________Okay, we'll get back to him later. With Hidan.____________

"So this is it?"

"I think it is, un."

"Guess so, Hidan-sempai."

Why Daisuke live in such a giant house, none of them really knew. Why it was located in the middle of a forest… Well, they didn't know that either. Hidan scratched the back of his head, looking at the giant house.

"So, should we just—" Hidan twitched as he saw Tobi talking with a maid.

"Hello Maid-chan, do you know where Daisuke Harusuchi is?" This maid looked at the masked man with a confused look on her face, but she shook it off.

"Um, he left about an hour ago to go with Taylor-hime." All three of the men hung their heads, sighing.

"Do you know where he is, un?" The maid gained a thoughtful look on her face before responding.

"Well, they went to go find three of Taylor-hime's companions." She laughed a bit, a small smile coming onto her face. "She had said they were idiots…" Hidan and Deidara twitched, while Tobi just sweatdropped.

"Do you know which way they went?" The maid nodded.

"Yes, they went south. They said it was the place near Burger King…"

A/N: Hola! Again, sorry I've been gone awhile!! ^sweatdrops^ Er, anyway, I hope you like this chapter of WWWML!!! ^dances^ HUZZAH!!! Also, if yall wouldn't mind, I would love it if you guys went and saw this band called Papercut, my friend's band. The link to one of their songs is .com/watch?v=f2DbMttN3zI&feature=player_embedded. Yeppers, please check it out, kay? They are actually REALLY good, believe it or not. BTW, he has an account here! Flyingchicken. Yup. He writes Warriors fanfictions. Anyway, done with the advertising. ^throws away sparklers and signs^ Okay, tell them to review, Pein.

Pein: Review, got it?

Siyui: ^rolls eyes^ Wow, aren't you so enthusiastic.

Pein: At least I said it.

Siyui: ^ignores him^ Anyway, review, and see ya guys later!!! ^salutes^