DISCLAIMER: ROBOTECH and its associated characters are registered copyrighted trademarks and are the property of HARMONY GOLD, Inc. Copyright infringement is for storytelling purposes only and is not intended. Other characters and situations are of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental and is not intended. Story can be downloaded and printed for the reader's enjoyment. The cutting, copying, pasting, quoting, plagiarizing or changing of this story is prohibited. Any publishing of this story in any magazine or fanzine without the author's permission is strictly prohibited. The writer has not made any monetary gain off the writing of this story.

DEDICATION: This story is dedicated in tribute and loving memory of Carl Macek, the creator of ROBOTECH who had left us too soon. It was his vision, brilliance and genius that brought the world of Japanese anime to America and the world and made ROBOTECH the world-wide phenomenon that it is today, even after over 25 years after it first aired on American television.

BACKGROUND OF THE STORY: I've always love the "what if" story. It's these types of stories that make fiction writing and reading so interesting. In this "what if" alternate universe story, what would happen if tragic circumstances brought Rick and Lisa together but neither had any romantic interests in each other. What if Minmei fell for Rick but Rick had no interest whatsoever in Minmei.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I love the character of Catherine Bateman, my character from my 10 chapter story; "Resignation". I like her so much that I included her in this story and even though she is not the central character in this story, she does play a pivotal role in Rick and Lisa meeting. In this story, Cathy is an orphan child. Her father was a stunt pilot in Jack "Pop" Hunter's flying circus until a mid-air accident at an air show cost Cathy's father his life. To make amends for what he thought was his fault in having his best friend and stunt pilot killed, Pop Hunter raised Cathy as his own child because he always wanted a daughter, but couldn't after his wife passed on. Rick and Cathy grew up almost like brother and sister but Cathy and Rick saw much more in each other than just surrogate siblings.

According to official ROBOTECH mythos, Rick and Lisa shared only one thing in common; both are the only child of single fathers. However, that is where the similarity ends. Lisa was a military brat. She was the daughter of an admiral while Rick was the son of an owner of a small flying circus. Lisa became estranged from her father while Rick and his father loved each other very much. When the series began, Lisa's father was still alive while Rick's father has passed on. Lisa went to a military academy and entered the RDF as an officer while Rick enlisted in the RDF and became an officer through a battlefield commission. Most importantly and as far are we know, Rick barely being a teenager, never had a girlfriend while Lisa did had a boyfriend only have the boyfriend killed on Mars. This forced Lisa to only think about her job and nothing else.

In this alternate universe story, what would happen if Rick went through a similar tragedy in losing a girlfriend that forced him to enter the RDF academy and like Lisa, only think about duty and his job and nothing else? You would think with all that much in common, it would be easy for Rick and Lisa to meet and fall in love. But it's funny how attitudes and personalities will conflict and would prevent that from happening anytime soon.

The timeline has been fudged a great deal in order for this story to make sense. I have tried to keep things close to the official timeline as much as I can, but certain details have to be changed in order for this story to make sense. Most of the plot of this story was taken from "The Macross Saga" segment of the ROBOTECH series and the Jack McKinney novel adaptation of the ROBOTECH series.

This is a complete rewrite of an earlier version of the same story. I was not happy with the way I've written the story so I'd added more material in order to make the story flow more and to make the plot make more sense. I hope you enjoy the rewrite.







JULY 2005

12:30 PM local time

Inside a small trailer near the flight line of the air base, Rick Hunter and Catherine Bateman were going over last minute details of the stunt flying they will do for their part in the air show. Cathy was nervous because this will be the first time she will be flying solo in a plane. Usually she is in a plane with Rick while another pilot was in another airplane. However, the pilot was involved in an automobile accident after finishing an air show in Kansas earlier in the summer. Rick was about to cancel the Hunter Flying Circus' participation in the air show in Milwaukee but Cathy persuaded Rick to let her substitute for the injured pilot because they need the money to keep the air circus going. Rick was hesitant about letting his now girlfriend to fly solo because she never had much experience in stunt flying

"Rick, you're barely a teenager yourself. You don't have much experience flying either."

"But I've been flying and flying solo ever since we were little. I know how to do these stunts, you don't."

"Rick, I have to learn how to do it sooner or later. We've been practicing it for a long time."

"Yes, but it's been on the ground not in the air. You know how dangerous this stunt is? Our wingtips will almost be touching each other and we have to break off a split second later belly to belly."

"I know how to do it, Rick. I've seen you do it plenty of times in back seat of your plane. It's just a matter of timing."

Rick blew out a big breath. "Ok Cathy, I'll let you do it. But we are going to do this by the numbers, slow and easy. We are going to take our time and work on this on the ground and in the air. We can't afford to make any mistakes."

"I have no problem with that, Rick."

As time was fast approaching for their turn to do their part in the air show, Cathy was beginning to get second thoughts. Rick smiled to try to reassure her.

"Are you ready for your turn to shine in the spotlight, Cathy?"

"I don't know, Rick. I'm really getting nervous about doing this for the very first time and in a major air show to boot."

"You'll do fine, Cathy. It's good to be nervous. We've worked on this for a long time. Just follow my lead and my commands."

"Okay Rick."

As Rick and Cathy were walking to their planes, long time family friend and mechanic Tim, who liked to be called Timmy because he was a fan of the old 50's TV show "Lassie", talked to Rick with a look of concern on his face.

"Rick, do you think it's a good idea to let Cathy do that stunt?"

Rick looked at his old friend who has been more of a father to him ever since Pop died, tried to reassure him even Rick still had reservations himself. "Cathy says she is ready to do it. We've been practicing it for several days now."

"Yes you have but most of it has been on the ground and not in the air. You of all people should know practicing maneuvers on the ground is not the same as doing it in the air."

"I know that Timmy and I wish we did have more time to practice it in the air but we didn't have the time to do much air practice. We have to go with what we rehearsed on the ground, the few times we did it in the air and with what she knows."

Timmy couldn't help but shake his head. He wasn't sure the stunt would work. "I just hope you're not making a big mistake in letting Cathy do that maneuver."

"Well, the only thing we can do now is to do the stunt and hope for the best." Rick said as he was strapping himself in.

"Okay Rick, whatever you say. I'll go to Cathy to see how she is doing and help her get strapped in."

"Thanks Timmy."

Timmy walked over to Cathy's plane and immediately noticed her hands were trembling so hard and fast, she looked like a lone leaf on an almost bare tree that was blowing in the cold and brisk autumn wind. She was shaking so bad, she couldn't get the straps around her body. Timmy tried to reassure her as he was strapping her in.

"Hey Cathy, how are you doing sweetie?"

"I'm…a…bit nervous…Timmy."

"Hey, it's okay to be nervous. There's nothing wrong with being nervous. Just follow Rick's lead and follow his commands. Just keep an eye on your speedometer, your altimeter and your artificial horizon. Stay a comfortable distance apart from each other and if he commands you to break off, you break off immediately. Got it?"

"Got it…Timmy."

"I'll be near the radio so I can give you some moral support and to let you know I'm nearby. When you land, I'll be the first to greet you."


Cathy then swallowed hard, smiled a little smile and gave Timmy the "thumbs up" salute telling him she's okay and ready to go.

Timmy tried to give her a reassuring smile but could only do it halfway but did managed to give her the "thumbs up" salute back.

Rick then turned on his radio. "Cathy, are you there?"

"Yes…I am here Rick."

"Okay, when we come straight at each other remember to be at least 9 feet apart from each other and keep your air speed at around 120 knots. When we go into our dive for the loop remember to keep your air speed around 60 to 80. Any lower, you will stall and crash. Remember to obey my commands and when we start to do a maneuver, to count off. Remember, this all about timing."

"I got it Rick."

"Are you ready to take off?"

"Yeah…I'm ready Rick."

"Okay, here we go."

Rick then turned the engine to his biplane on and began to taxi off the grass and onto the runway with Cathy close behind. As the two biplanes began their taxi to the runway, the air show's announcer came over the loud speakers.

"Our next act ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls are the Flying Hunters of the Hunter Flying Circus. Let's give them a big round of applause."

"Circus One, this is Mitchell Tower. Runway is clear. You can take off when ready."

"Roger Mitchell Tower."

Rick then increased his air speed as he pushed the stick towards him. The old World War I plane strained as it was lifting off the ground but Rick managed to coax the old plane into the air without problems. Cathy was close behind. They started with some simple maneuvers they did for the few times they were in the air. Timmy was watching what they were doing with a cautious hopeful optimism.

"Well…so far so good." Timmy was saying mostly to himself.

As their part of the air show was coming to an end, the most dangerous part of their show was coming up. They were going to climb to 6.000 feet, go into a looping dive and when they approach the bottom of the loop, they were suppose to make it look like their wings was touching, then a split second later, go belly to belly and pull up to finish the maneuver when actually they were a reasonable distance apart. As they were going into their dive, Rick noticed something terrible was wrong. Cathy was going too slowly.

"Cathy, what's your air speed?"

"I'm at 65 knots."

"That can't be right. I'm at 65 knots and I'm going into my loop faster than you."

Rick didn't like how slow Cathy appeared to be going.

"This doesn't look right! Abort the maneuver Cathy! Abort the maneuver!"

:"I can't get out of the dive Rick!"

"Increase your air speed Cathy!"

"The g-forces are too great for me to deal with Rick!"

"Pull up Cathy! You need to pull up!"

"RICK" Cathy screamed but then cut off and the radio went dead.

Cathy's biplane hit the ground at a steep angle nose first. Pieces of the biplane went several feet up into the air. An audible collective gasp came from the huge crowd and many in the audience stood up. The air show announcer was telling everyone to stay calm and stay in their seats. Immediately the air base's fire department's crash crew raced out to the scene of Cathy's downed plane and started to foam down the crashed antique plane trying to prevent sparks from catching fire and setting the plane on fire. An ambulance was close behind but stayed several feet away so as to not to interfere with the crash truck.

"Oh no I knew this was going to happen!" Timmy said as he was looking at the horror unfolding right in front of him. He ran as fast as he can to the crash scene wanting to see if he could do anything to help Cathy but by the time he got there, the air base's fire department was already on scene. Timmy tried to get through but was held back by a fire fighter telling him to stand back and let the crash crew do their jobs. All Timmy could do was to nod his head.

"Cathy! No!" Rick yelled as he pulled his biplane out of the dive and raced back to the base so he can land. By the time Rick landed, the plane was foamed down enough so the paramedics and the firefighters can pull Cathy out of the wreaked plane. By the time Rick landed, Cathy was already on her way to the hospital.

Hunter Family Cemetery

Hunter Family Farm

Windham, New York

One week later

Cathy was buried in the family cemetery on a farm that the Hunter family owned for generations. Rick spent most of his childhood on the farm when he wasn't with Pop and the flying circus during the summer. The funeral was conducted by a church pastor who happened to be a family friend. She was buried near Pop. Rick in his dark suit and tie and a white shirt kept staring blankly like a zombie at the freshly dug and filled grave for what seemed like hours. His dark aviator's sunglasses covered the redness in his eyes that came from hardly sleeping the past week.

Rick outwardly showed no emotion during the funeral. All he kept doing was to stare at Cathy's casket. At the cemetery, Rick couldn't pull himself away from Cathy's grave. He kept standing still like a statue at her grave looking at the dirt and the small white paper grave marker covered by a piece of plastic provided by the funeral home that temporary served as Cathy's headstone. The monument company said it will take a year for the granite slab to be removed from a granite pit mine in Vermont, shipped to the monument company and then carved into Cathy's headstone. The burial service happened earlier in the day and everyone was at the house attending a reception. Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Rebecca and Timmy started to worry about Rick and they asked Roy if he could talk to Rick and persuade him to come to the house and eat.

Roy who was granted emergency leave to come back home to attend the funeral because he and Cathy were both orphans when Pop Hunter "adopted" them, slowly walked up to Rick and gently put his hand on Rick's shoulder. Rick did not turned around to see who it was but he knew it was Roy. Rick just kept staring at the grave. After what seemed to be like hours but in reality was only several minutes, he finally opened his mouth and slowly and quietly began to speak.

"I should have never let her do that stunt Roy. I should have never let her do that stunt. Damn it Roy! Why didn't I say no? Why didn't I say no?" He then turned to face Roy. "Damn it Roy it should have never happened! I was thinking about asking her to marry me in a couple of years. Why her Roy? Why did she have to die? Why is she in the ground and not me? Damn it Roy it's not fair! God damn it Roy it's not fair!" Rick said as his voice was trembling.

Then all of the pent up emotion and grief that Rick kept dammed up inside of him for the past week began to gush out of him like a fountain. He began to cry and weep bitterly. He then buried his head into Roy's chest. Roy who was grieving himself because he had lost his "little sister" could not do anything nor could he answer the questions Rick asked him. Even if he could answer them it wouldn't be the correct answers, make any sense nor would it matter if the answers were right or not. All he could do was to wrap his arms around Rick's shoulders and let him continue to cry on his chest. Roy in his own trembling voice because he was crying himself kept telling Rick; "It's okay Rick its okay. Let it go little brother let it go."

After a while, Roy gently pushed Rick away from him. "Come on Rick, let's go to the house and eat. I know you must be starved."

Rick gently nodded his head. "Yeah, I am Roy."

Roy then put his arm around Rick's shoulder and hugged him as they walked to the house.

Hunter Family Farm

Windham, New York

October 2005

The Hunter Flying Circus is no more. An investigation conducted by the FAA and the NTSB into the accident that killed Cathy determined that the accident was caused by pilot error because the pilot was too young and inexperienced and the stunt should not have been done. Another investigation conducted by the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation faulted the air show for allowing 2 minors to do dangerous stunts in antique airplanes without adult supervision. Rick was faulted for letting an unlicensed pilot fly a plane. Even though technically Rick was not the owner of the circus because a distant relative was the real owner, Rick was still found liable for the accident because the circus was willed to Rick by Pop. The government was about to prosecute or fine Rick but didn't because he was a minor and the guilt he felt for being responsible for Cathy's death was punishment enough.

After Pop died, Rick had difficulty trying to find large venues to stage the air circus so they were stuck doing small air shows in small towns. It barely made enough money to cover fuel and maintenance expenses and that was about it. Timmy, Rick, Cathy and the other pilot didn't get paid. It was only by luck they were able to participate in a big air show like the Waterfront Air Show. They got a portion of the gate receipts which covered fuel and maintenance expenses and there was enough money left over to pay Timmy, Rick and Cathy.

After the accident, no air show would allow Rick to take part in their air show. Soon, because no money was coming in, Rick had to declare bankruptcy. The planes had to be auctioned off to pay off the creditors and everything else such as tool boxes and tools were sold so that at least Timmy would get some money. Rick decided to return to the family farm to work. He came just in time to help Uncle Jonathan with the fall harvest. He was working but he wasn't happy; he wasn't flying. Late one night when Rick couldn't sleep, he was having an IM chat with Roy. Roy returned to Macross Island shortly after the funeral.

FokkerAce: Hey little brother, how's things down on the farm?

LittleBro: Fine.

FokkerAce: Fine just fine?

LittleBro: We're almost finished with the fall harvest. Uncle Jonathan's hoping the money from this harvest will see us through the winter and into the spring.

FokkerAce: What're you going to do if it doesn't?

LittleBro: I guess I'll have to get another job for the winter. I know the local ski areas are now hiring for the upcoming winter skiing season.

FokkerAce: Yeah, it is about that time of year. So how's Timmy doing?

LittleBro: He's doing fine. He called us recently. He's living with his daughter and her family outside of Kalispell, Montana. He says he's enjoying being around his grandkids, fly fishing for trout and he's about to go hunting for white tailed deer.

FokkerAce: Oh yeah, Timmy was always a big outdoorsman. Is there anything else that is new in your life?

LittleBro: Actually Roy there is. You're going to be shocked at what I'm about to tell you.

FokkerAce: Little brother, nothing about you ever shocks me.

LittleBro: I don't know about that Roy. I think you will be shocked.

FokkerAce: OK Rick. What is it?

LittleBro: Well, you know that the RDF is opening up an academy, right.

FokkerAce: Yeah, I've been hearing about that. They'll be in Colorado Springs on the grounds of the Air Force Academy. The Air Force just turned some of its property over to the RDF. Why did you mention that?

LittleBro: Well, I have won an appointment to attend the academy.

FokkerAce: Rick, you're kidding me!

LittleBro: I'm not kidding you big brother.

FokkerAce: Rick, stop playing around with me!

LittleBro: I'm not playing with you Roy!

FokkerAce: You're not kidding? You're serious aren't you?

LittleBro: I am serious Roy! I am going to the RDF Academy.

FokkerAce: You Mr. Rick "I'll never join the military because I don't believe in killing" Hunter is entering the RDF Academy?

LittleBro: Yeah, I know. Sometimes I don't believe it myself.

FokkerAce: Man, Pop would faint if he was still alive and found out you're joining the military.

LittleBro: Yeah, I know. Remember the day when you told Pop you're joining the military as a pilot soon after the Global Civil War kicked up?

FokkerAce: Boy do I ever remember. I still remember him not being very happy when I told him I've joined. He said; "I can't believe you will go off fighting for a nation who is fussing and fighting with other nations over a damned dinner bowl!" He was very much against the war even though he served in the Air Force. I think that is how you've gotten some of your pacifist anti-war views. Well anyway congratulations Rick!

LittleBro: Thanks Roy.

FokkerAce: How did you managed to win an appointment?

LittleBro: Because of Pop. Remember Pop was a Vietnam War hero and a Medal of Honor winner.

FokkerAce: Oh yeah! That's right. I'd forgotten Pop was a war hero.

LittleBro: Yep. You're chatting with a member of the first incoming freshmen class of the Robotech Defense Force Academy Class of 2010.

FokkerAce: When are you supposed to report to Colorado Springs?

LittleBro: Late June. That's when I'll get sworn in, get my uniforms, get my shots, get a medical and eye exam and start my plebe summer.

FokkerAce: Well, the flying and math shouldn't be too hard for you.

LittleBro: No, it shouldn't. I'm a little bit worried about the history and English though.

FokkerAce: Yeah, they were never your strongest subjects in school. Man, Pop used to get on you a lot for that, especially the English.

LittleBro: Yeah, I remember Pop used to having a cow about that. He always told me; Rick, how can English be your mother language and you can't get A and Bs in class? But somehow I always managed to skate by with no problem.

FokkerAce: How you've managed to do that I'll never know.

LittleBro: Talent Roy. I've got talent.

FokkerAce: Uh-huh yeah right. So what will you do before June?

LittleBro: I guess I'll keep helping Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Becky here on the farm as much as I can. I'll help with the spring planting and if there is any early vegetables that come out, I'll help harvest and sell them until I have to report to Colorado Springs. Hey Roy thanks for the chat. I'm getting sleepy now so looks like we going have to cut this short.

FokkerAce: Hey no problem Rick. It's been great chatting with you. Let me know when you would like to chat again. I'll let you know when I'm not flying so we can get on IM again.

LittleBro: Will do Roy.

FokkerAce: Have a good night Rick."

LittleBro: Thanks Roy. Good-bye.



21 JUNE 2006

12:00 PM local time

Rick's plane landed at the airport around early afternoon. Rick dressed in jeans; a tee shirt and a windbreaker with a backpack slung around his back walked up to the information kiosk and asked an air force sergeant when and where is the bus that is going to the academy. The sergeant told Rick there will be a bus arriving very shortly and to stay in the terminal area. Rick wanted to get lunch but decided against it. He hoped they will serve lunch at the academy. Besides, the prices for food at the airport were outrageous. Rick decided to wait outside in the still cool early summer Colorado air and sunshine. He wasn't the only one who decided to wait outside because there was a large group of people waiting outside.

About 5 minutes later, several buses arrived to take a group to the academy. A line immediately started to form up at the closed door of one of the buses. The bus' door swung open and people started to get on the bus. Rick was the 10th person in line so he had a lot of seats to choose from when he entered the bus. Rick walked to middle of the bus and sat next to a window. The bus was filling up quickly. A short rail thin blue haired guy in his late teens and wearing glasses was looking around searching for an empty seat. He came upon Rick.

"Hi, can I sit next to you?"

Rick shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, go ahead."

The teen let go a sigh of relief when he sat down. "Ah, it's great to sit down."

The teen then turned around to face Rick and offered his right hand. "Hi, I'm Max Sterling."

"Rick Hunter pleased to meet you."

Just as Max and Rick shook hands, a rotund black haired young man with a barrel chest spotted Max and frowned. The bus was full and he had to stand.

"Hey Max! I thought you were going to save me a seat!"

"I tried to Ben but I was near the end of the line."

"That can't be right Max! I was only few inches from you in the back."

Just then, a fearsome looking air force tech sergeant in his air force dress uniform with a short sleeved shirt and wearing a "Smokey the Bear" hat stomped on the bus

"ALL RIGHT EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP! First things first! First welcome to your first day as cadets at the Robotech Defense Force Academy! Second of all whenever you are given a command or you are spoken to the very last word that will be coming out of your mouth from here on out until the day you graduate will be 'sir' or in the case of the sex of the female persuasion is 'ma'am! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir."



"For the next 4 years…if any of you will last that long which I seriously doubt because most of you will fail and I will see that you will fail by any means necessary and unnecessary. If you manage to survive me, for the next 4 years you will be trained to become officers in the newly formed Robotech Defense Force. During the next 4 years you will be trained in the use of the latest high tech military hardware. After 4 years, you will graduate and become commissioned officers in the Robotech Defense Force and will join the fleet where you will join your fellow RDF brothers and sisters in defending this planet!

If you have followed the instructions you have received in your information packet, you should only have one piece of luggage and that is the one you have brought on board the plane with you. If you have brought more than that one piece of carry-on luggage, it will shipped back home to your parents! In your carry-on luggage, you should only have the things that you need; such as prescribed medication, toiletries such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, a comb, a shaving kit for the males, deodorant, soap, shampoo, feminine hygiene products for the females and several changes of undergarments. If you have any contraband such as illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, contraception, weapons or pornography you are to get rid of it in the contraband box at the reception center!

Now listen up because I will only say this once! When this bus stops on academy grounds at the reception center, you will be directed to get off of this bus and place your feet on the painted yellow footprints! You are to stand on those footprints with your arms to the side at the position of attention looking straight ahead and not move! You will not speak unless spoken to! There you will be told what to do next! If you do not follow what I have told all of you, there will be dire consequences! Do I make myself clear?"


The sergeant then stomped off the bus leaving everyone on the bus in a state of shock. Everyone then spoke in hushed tones.

Ben was quaking in his shoes after the sergeant left. "Yikes! Where did that guy come from the dark side of the moon?" Ben quietly asked a teenage girl standing in front of him.

"What you are majoring in Max?"

"I'm majoring in Aerospace Science. I'm going to be a pilot in the RDF."

Rick gave Max a strange look. "You're wearing glasses."

"I was given a waiver. What about you Rick?"

"Same here Aerospace Science also although I'm already a licensed pilot"

"You are how?"

"I was a stunt pilot in my father's flying circus."

Max gave Rick a questioning look. "It wouldn't be the Hunter Flying Circus?"

"Yes it was. How do you know about my father's flying circus?"

"I saw you once at an air show in my hometown of Kenosha, Wisconsin. You're one of the reasons why I want to be a pilot. I've heard what happened to you at the Waterfront Air Show. I'm sorry what happened to your friend. Real shame you couldn't keep your circus open. I really enjoyed watching your show."

"Uh…yeah…thanks." Rick said quietly not wanting to remember the pain of seeing his family's legacy vanish and being reminded of Cathy's death

The bus ride to the academy grounds was relatively short. When the bus came to a stop and the door opened, this time a mean looking marine gunnery sergeant dressed in Blue Dress Class "C" uniform and wearing the same "Smokey the Bear" hat entered the bus. Standing near the doorway he yelled; "YOU HAD 5 SECONDS TO GET OFF OF MY DAMNED BUS AND YOU ALREADY WASTED 4 OF THEM!"

All at once people started pushing, shoving and scrambling to get off the buses. The doorway was jammed with two or three people trying to get through a tiny doorway that only had room for one to get through. Rick got off the bus without a problem and found a set of painted footprints to stand on.

The rotund guy named Ben wasn't so lucky. As Ben was getting off the bus, he stumbled on the bus' stairs and fell, knocking over a young girl who was in front of him. Immediately, the drill instructors pounced on him like he was wounded prey. Even before Ben got back on his feet, the instructors were in his face, yelling and screaming at him and calling him; "fatso", "lard ass" and "Cartman". It took all of Ben's inner strength not to break down and cry. The drill instructors sensed this and harassed Ben even more.

After what seem to be an eternity of where the instructors were constantly harassing, yelling and screaming at the new cadets, Rick and the others were marched off to start their in processing and swearing in. Then they were marched off to the dining hall where Rick finally had the chance to eat lunch.

The next few days looked like a blur to Rick. After 3 days of signing forms, having medical, eye and ear exams done, receiving shots, receiving their uniforms, and learning how to march and salute, the cadets finally received their room assignments. Rick looked around the place where he will be living in for the next 4 years; it was very small. It only had enough room for 2 people and it was very sparse and there wasn't much room furniture. It had 2 beds with a locker, foot locker and a small dresser-drawer, a pair of night stands with a lamp and 2 desks with a computer on each desk. As Rick was looking around his room, he heard a semi familiar voice behind him. It was Max Sterling.

"Hi Rick! Great to know we'll be roommates!"

"Hello Max!" Rick said as he extended his hand. "I didn't know we'll be roommates. I just looked at my room assignment card."

"Uh…yeah…if you look at the name plate on the outside of our door, it has our names on it."

Just then a booming voice made them jump a little. "Hey Max! I thought we'll be roommates."

"Ben, we can't always do everything together. We room with whomever they assign us with."

Ben then looked at Rick. "Oh, I'm sorry. Pardon my manners. Ben Dixon." Ben said as he extended his hand.

"Rick Hunter. I take it the two of you know each other."

Max nodded his head. "Ben and I have been friends ever since we were in elementary school back in Kenosha."

"Yeah, talk about a pair, the Shorty and the Fatso."

"We weren't always have been known by that nickname. We were also known as the Brain and the Braun. I think you can tell who the Brain is and who's the Braun."

"Yeah, but it always made for interesting double dates on Friday nights, right Max." Ben said as he slapped Max on the back and laughed.

Rick sighed to himself. 'It looks like it's going to be an interesting four years here.'


Rick graduated in the middle of his class. As was expected he excelled in flight class and advanced mathematics and he had trouble in history and English. Fortunately he only had to take one English course in his freshmen year and he went on to finish his language requirement studying German. Because he was a licensed pilot, Rick was automatically made a student assistant instructor, which came to good use because Ben had problems in aeronautics class. Rick spent many hours helping Ben in the flight simulator. Ben had more enthusiasm for flying than smarts but his enthusiasm help make up for his lack of book knowledge.

Max on the other hand was almost a natural when it came to flying. He has quick reflexes and a flying style that clearly impressed Rick and the instructors. He also excelled in the classroom. Rick often turned to Max to help him with his studies and Max graduated at the top of the class.

Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Rebecca flew out to Colorado Springs for the graduation. Because Uncle Jonathan was a retired navy fighter pilot and owned a plane, they flew in their own plane instead of flying on a commercial airline. At the graduation where they saw Rick graduate and receive his commission, they met Max and Ben. The three of them became good friends during the past 4 years. Ben had hoped they will be stationed together but he and Max have not received their orders yet. Rick already received his orders to go to veritech fighter training school at Macross Island. Rick became very excited when he received his orders. He will be close to Roy. After saying their good-byes, Rick flew back to New York to enjoy a 2 week leave before reporting to veritech fighter training school.

During his 2 week leave time, Rick e-mailed Roy to let him know his first duty assignment was at Macross Island for veritech fighter training school. Roy e-mailed Rick back telling him how excited to know he will be on Macross Island. He also invited Rick to fly out early for the commissioning ceremony of the SDF-1. It will be there he can see a demonstration of the veritech fighter he will be flying soon. Rick decided it would be a good thing to do. So, he decided to leave New York early. On Thursday, Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Rebecca drove Rick to the Albany Airport. After saying a tearful good-bye Rick boarded a plane to San Francisco. From San Francisco, he boarded a 747 for the long almost trans-oceanic flight to Macross Island. On the plane Rick in his uniform and with his dress shoes off was relaxing into a very long flight. As he was nodding off, the captain's voice came on the intercom.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We'll be landing on Macross Island very shortly. Please take the time to look around your seat to collect any garbage you may have. The flight attendants will be coming by very shortly with garbage collection bags. Also please return your trays into the backs of the seat in front of you and return your seats to the upright position. If you are not buckled in now, please buckle yourself in at this time. Current conditions on Macross Island is; skies are mostly clear, winds are out of the east at 24 kilometers an hour, visibility is at 80 kilometers, barometric pressure is at 62 kilograms of mercury and rising, relative humidity is at 90 percent, dew point temperature is at 15 degrees Celsius and temperature is at a very toasty 32 degrees Celsius so I hope you brought your sunscreen with you. On behalf of the flight crew I would to thank you for flying Trans Oceanic Airways. We hope you had a good flight and have a good day. We'll be landing on Macross Island very shortly."

As the jet was making its descent, Rick reached inside his uniform jacket pocket and took out the e-mail Roy sent to him. He began to read it.

Hi little brother,

Great to hear your first duty assignment will be on Macross Island. I know you do not have to report to fighter training school until Monday but I'm hoping you will consider leaving early so you can come to the commissioning ceremony of the SDF-1. At the commissioning ceremony I will be in charge of and narrating a demonstration flight of veritchs fighters. The veritech fighter will like no other plane you have ever flown before, I promise.

Because you are RDF personnel, you will be able get on the base. However, because many dignitaries will be at the commissioning ceremony, security will be tight and the entrance to where the commissioning ceremony and the demonstration flight will be at will be tightly controlled. Because you're with the RDF, you should be able to get past security. If you have problems, I have attached a copy of your invitation in pdf format to show to security, so please remember to print off the invitation. Just show the military police officer or security the invitation and they will let you through.

Because I will at the commissioning ceremony, I will not be able to meet you at the airport. I will send a car to meet you at the airport and drive you to the base. Hope to see you on Sunday at the commissioning ceremony.


After he finished reading the e-mail, Rick could feel the jumbo jet banking as it was making its approach to the airport. Rick looked out the window and saw the huge SDF-1. He could not believe how gigantic the ship is. The ship was so big; a city was built around it, and the city still looked small compared to the spaceship. He tried to say something but he was so stunned at the immense size of the spaceship, the word was stuck in his throat. After a while, he managed to say a stunned "Wow". It was right then and there, he realized that a great adventure was about to start for him.