" I can't believe we weren't hurt at all in that attack. I wasn't aware that he was about to attack so I know it was not the lamber driver. Was it you Kaname?"

Souske asked Kaname.

" It wasn't just me. It was me and your emotions towards the lamber driver and your emotions threw AL."

" That's incredable but how?"

"We become one because I love you Sousuke Sagara. My heart, my body, and my soul are becoming one with the arbalest because I want to protect you since you are always protecting me. Hotar doesn't stand a chance against us because his whispered doesn't love him. That whispered only wants to kill not to protect. I will give you the power of my all so you can defeat Hotar before he destroys the world!"

" Kaname, do you really feel that way?"

" Yes I do Sousuke. I had always loved you but my true form is stubborn at times so I rather keep my emotions bottled up inside and hurt you by yelling at you rather than giving you my all and get a chance at being hurt."

" Kaname"

" Sousuke... I mean it"

" Kaname I love you too and I mean it as well. My love for you wants to protect you as well and defeat the demons who keep hurting you."

" Thanks Souske, if you really mean it, please tell me when I wake up. okay?"

Kaname's spirit suddenly appeared in the Arbalest and was slightly hovering over him. Her spirit leaned over and kissed Sousuke on the lips. Even though Sousuke couldn't psychical feel her but he felt her spiritually as he closed her eyes and took in the kiss. Their lips parted as she then sat on top of Souske's lap and put her hands on top of his then disappeared. Sousuke was now ready.

" Alright I promise Kaname, now lets get ready to kick some ass."

Hotar began to attack the arbalest with his knife. He charged towards but arbalest defended himself with his own knife and with Arbalest's force field, it was blown a few feet away and landed on the ground.

" Kaname!"

Souske yelled out as he then charged forward and grabbed out a gun and used a power shot and with the help of Kaname. The power shot was so strong, it blew the Hotar into smitherins. With the help of Kaname, Souske had finally defeated The Hotar. He moved the Arbalest to a safe spot and made him stop so he can get out of the cockpit. Sousuke rushed down to where Kaname was and pushed the button to inject her tube she was in. Sousuke then opened it up and noticed she was lying there unconscious.

" Kaname!"

Sousuke put his hand around her body and kept shaking her, hoping her would wake up.

" Kaname! Wake up! Please wake up!"

Sousuke was starting to get worried. She wasn't waking up and he feared that the fighting with the arbalest was took much for her since she had never done anything like it before. Souske was afraid. Afraid that she wouldn't be able to wake up. Afraid that she would never smile again or be angry at him. He didn't care how many times she yelled and smacked him with her fan since she was there with him. Souske then took one of his hands and softly touched her cheek, then went on touching her hair then suddenly as he was looking down on her face, he noticed her eyes slowly opening up. With her eyes finally opened she began to open her mouth.

" Hey you."

Kaname said softly as she was still exhausted.

" Kaname! You're alright!"

Kaname realized that there was something different about Sousuke's eyes then usual. His eyes were glassy, like a kid who got injured but was too tough to try so he tried to hold it in.

" Sousuke, your crying."

Sousuke was embarrassed.

" Yes... I was afraid I was never going to see you again. I was scared that I would not be able to tell you what your spirit told me to tell you when you first woke up."

Kaname had never seen Sousuke cry before and it was a moment she would remember forever. Kaname reached out her arms and wrapped then around Sousuke's neck after Sousuke had put his arms around her waist.

" So what was it you were going to tell me?"

Kaname moved her head back and looked into Sousuke's eyes. Sousuke swallowed really hard and started to sweat.

" I love you Kaname."

Sousuke let go of Kaname and started to stand then extended his arm to her.

" Can you stand?"

Kaname was shocked by Souske's confession but had the feeling she had heard it once before. She held out her hand and grabbed his while he helped her stand up. Kaname then moved toward and kissed Sousuke on the lips while her arms wrapped around his neck again. The tender kiss was what both of them expected out of each other. It felt like time froze and them two were the only ones that mattered. Sousuke put one of his hands around her hips while the other one reached up and held her cheek closely to him. A minute had passed and they finally pulled apart so they could breathe. Kaname caught her breathe and looked up at Souske seeing him looking down,trying to hide his happiness from her.

" I love you too Sousuke!"

Sousuke looked up at her and smiled.

" Lets go home okay, okay Sousuke?"

" Yeah, let's go home together."

After the battle, Sousuke and Kaname went back and they all celebrated. Everyone was sad that Sousuke was leaving but they were happy that him and Kaname were finally together. Sousuke told his friends he would still keep in touch with them. A few days later, Sousuke and Kaname walked towards the door that lead to her apartment. Kaname stood there silently looking as if she was afraid to go on the other side and Sousuke noticed the tension she was building.

" Kaname"

" Yeah?"

Kaname asked as she slowly pulled her key out of her pocket.

" It will be okay there's nothing to be afraid of."

Kaname looked down at the doorknob and unlocked the door with her key and slowly opened your day.

" Your right. As long as your with me I have nothing to be afraid of."

Kaname smiled as they both walked into the apartment. Kaname was surprised to noticed as good they have cleaned up the apartment, it looked like her old apartment even the couch looked the same.

" Wow, I can't believe how good you and Mao cleaned up in here. It looks great Sousuke!"

Kaname ran around the apartment to make sure Kain didn't break anything or anything was misplaced.

"I should call Kyoko. I bet she is wondering where Ive been."

Kaname ran over to the phone while Sousuke went over and sat on the couch.

" Hi Kyoko, it's Kaname.... I know I'm sorry I've been sick so that's why I haven't been to school but I'm better now......... so what are you doing tonight? really? hey hold on Sousuke with me, Hey Sousuke?"

Sousuke looked up when he heard his name.

" Yes Kaname?"

" You want to go to the movies with Kyoko tonight? It would give us a chance to relax?"

" Sure I think that would be fine."

" Alright we will meet you up there in ten minutes, bye."

Kaname hung up the phone and walked into her room to pack.

" Sousuke the movie starts in twenty minutes, I told her we would meet her there in ten minutes okay?"

" Sure." Sousuke stood up from the couch and walked to the window and looked around the area.

" Okay Sousuke I'm ready."

Sousuke turned around and saw Kaname with her purse.

" Affirmative."

They walked out the door and headed to the theater. Sousuke and Kaname met Kyoko at the movie theater and went and saw the last war movie movie but five minutes later a large group of people started running out of the theater screaming, followed by Sousuke, Kaname and Kyoko.

" Sousuke that was again not cool of you! That employee had a flash light in his hand, not a tazer! They always walk down the isles when a movie is playing and they have a flashlight incase they can't see."

Kyoko said to Sousuke while his face was full of confusion.

" Kyoko, you should give Sousuke a break."

Sousuke and Kyoko was shocked and turned to Kaname who was surprising on Sousuke's side, usually she's always against him in situations like theses.

" There are dangerous people out there and you never know when someone is a threat. You can never have your guard down."

Kaname explained to Kyoko while she still had a blank on her face.

" Um.. Kaname?"

" What?"

Kaname asked.

" Are you still feeling sick? You sounded just like Sousuke."

" No I'm fine. It's just I realize Sousuke is trying his best to be calm but when something does happen, there is no need to stress over it anymore since he is not going to learn anyway so I rather just relax and live how I want to live, right Sousuke?"

Kaname explained as she turned her head to look at Sousuke and extended her hand towards him. He turned and looked at her then looked down and noticed her hand so he just smile at her and took his hand out of his pocket and gently touching her hand then gradually started to put his fingers around hers.

" Affirmative." Sousuke said and for the first time was expressing happiness in his voice.

" Wait a minute! What's with the holding hands? Oh my goodness are you guys finally a couple now? Yay! Let me get my camera out and take pictures!"

Kyoko looked through her back pack as the couple kept smiling to each other knowing that their fears and the danger they were facing had come to an end.

So that is the end of " Endless Panic" I know it might seemed a little rushed but I lost intrest in this story so I wanted to go ahead and get it over with. I looked back at it and realized it wasn't that great and I'm surprised I got any reviews but it was my very first fanfic. Thank you for everyone who did review, I was very thankful for that. Thanks for reading!!