Azreal-X: ah! I LOVE the fan's AMAZING!!!! as always! Uhm, all questions are answered below! I'm going to miss this story...but I've got others to focus on!

Sonia: hahaha...okay, okay! You're welcome for the story, I enjoyed it! All the questions are answered below!

Minniemousemom: They do deserve it! Thank you! I'm glad you like the ending.

Kaydreams: Thank you!

Kissn'envy: Why does everyone cry???? Is it THAT bad? And I've got another story in the making yes!

Nice Girl 15: Thank you! Thank you! I'll have my other story up soon I hope!

Blue Wallpaper: The answers are below, to all the questions! lol...uhm, Thank you SO much for reading faithfully! And pointing out the mistakes that I should have seen! But my other story should be coming out soon, so I hope you'll read it too!

Empty-Spaces: thank you! I did my very best to keep it believable...thank you! thank you!

Alayneni: the answers are all down you'll get your answers to the mistakes I didn't explain in the story. heh...

Mistyfire: Thank you! I don't know...I just though 20 would be a good that I think about should have been 21 or something...oh well...haha

Animeartist17: Thank you!!! =)

TheBLOfSH: hahah...better than food! Oh my but your hilarious!

Lizzy-Chan-InuYasha-Fan: Cry? why does everyone CRY?!?!? haha Thank you so much! I will have another SasuxSaku story out soon...So I hope you'll give it a try.

DemonGirl11: yes, it's over...I know, its crazy! I'm going to miss it!

Anyacamille: thank you!! =)

KurenaiBara-chan: uhm...cry, smile or happy dance?...I say happy dance...and answers are down at the bottom! uhm...I've got my other story out soon I hope! so watch for that! =)

Rina Serubeyoru: I'm glad you liked the story! And I hope you'll take the time to look at my other story when I finally manage to get time to put it up!

To Everyone!: Hey guys! I know its taken me FOREVER to get this last part up! Completely unlike me I know! I'm Sorry!!!! But stuff came up (like my grandpa in the hospital...for about 2 months now)...I'm still working on my other story, as well as two other stories...thankfully one is almost done, but since it's a oneshot, that's rather ridiculous to not be done soon...uhm...only one of the three stories is about Sakura and Sasuke...I've got one for Charmed...if you like the show, I think you might like the's very...unique and full of new ideas. and the other story is a harry potter fanfic...I'll say I'm not a die hard fan...and its not a story about Harry, Ron, Hermione or's about Krum...which I think is unique simply for that...but as for the characters that interact with Krum, totally unique and new! I think it's going to be epic! The oneshot is a fanfic for TrueBlood...the series..erm...books? well,'s random but I think I've done well with it! SO! when I eventually get those up, I hope everyone will look into them! Thanks everyone for your time and interest! love ya all! Enjoy this last little bit!


Q&A Session:

With me:

Q: What about Kakashi? When and how did he die?

A:Well, Kakashi actually lived quiet long, 86 to be exact, and although he died mostly of old age; it was an illness that finally took him from the world. But he got to see his children grow. His son and daughter both grew to become great ninja's, both taking after him with his copy skills, they were his pride and joy and Shizune, waiting to die only two months after his death, remained his love.

Q: Sakura was supposed to die at sixty, Ayame gave up twenty years of her life so Sakura could live longer, what happened?

A: It's all in the memories of Sakura's story in the character interview. I'm not sure how I forgot to put it in the story, but it's all explained down there. The second question of the character interview is where you'll find the answer.

Q: Weren't Kanae and Fusao brother and sister?

A: No. Fusao has only one brother; Kanae's brothers are Hiro and Tatsu.

Q: What happens to Tsuande?

A: Well, Tsuande lived quite a while, but of course we all expected that. She lived long as an elder, and when she died it was in her sleep with Shizune and Sakura by her bedside. Of course she didn't go without a fight, just as she usually did, Tsunade went out fighting, every moment she fought for a little more time with the two that were like her daughters.

Q: Did any of Sakura's children get her blood line limit? Did any get both?

A: No, because Sakura was never supposed to have excisted, lived, married let along have children, she could not pass on the Bloodline Limit, only some of her chakra control could be passed down. So all ten Uchiha children will only have Uchiha Bloodline Limit, that's part of the reason Sakura was such a good pick to be matriarch, because she's strong, can attribute chakra control, and her Bloodline Limit can't be given to the next generation and take away from the expantion of the Uchiha growth.

With the characters:

Q: Did Naruto ever become Hokage? How was his reign?

A:"Yes I did! BELIEVE IT! Let me tell you about it." Naruto goes silent as his eyes drift to the ceiling, Hinata shifting with a nervous look at her husband as he was lost in the memories. Silence for Naruto was never a good indicator.

It was a hot morning and everyone had gathered to witness the event, at thirty Naruto was to become the new Hokage. Kakashi stood proudly with Shizune and their two children, ready to step down and into an elder's position. All of Rookie Nine and Team Gai were there, watching with a mix of pride and unease. Naruto as the head of Konoha? Yeah, that was going to fly real well!

From the day he became the Hokage, Naruto changed. Although he still found time for family and friends, not to mention annoying them all to near insanity as usual, he became slightly more serious. Although he told his friends everything, even the secrets and information that very few should ever know, even the ones that should only have been entrusted to the elders and Hokage, they were trustworthy.

He had been Hokage for fourty years, and had stepped down and let Konohamaru become the next Hokage. In those fourty years he had known mistakes and victories, most of all he had learned. And with his face on Hokage Mountain, between Kakashi and Konohamaru, was the title 'Naruto the Loved.' It had taken time, but after Kakashi had lead Konoha in rebuilding after wars, Naruto had lead Konoha with the help of his friends in building up ninja ranks, hospital efficiency, a regular patrol of police for the citizens and had done an impressive job with building up the village treasury.

After years of torment at the hands of the people for being the Kyuubi's host, Naruto had become the most loved ninja, respected by everyone, watched with reverence and cheered to by the people in any ceremony he hosted or attended. For all the misfortune the world had heaped on him as a child and young adult, it had returned tenfold the amount of love and respect in his later years. He was a hero, as were his friends.

"Good times, now, anyone else hungry?" With that Naruto stood and walked away with Hinata on his arm. Hinata looked over her shoulder with an apologetic expression at the lack of verbal words before turning back and heading to get ramen at Naruto's favorite place, some things truly never changed.

Q: Will Sakura's children get to join her, even temporarily on her cloud?

A:"Actually, yes they can. My children and grandchildren are allowed to visit me twice every living world time year. It should not have been so, but like Ayame and my parents before me, I gave up something precious to gain something precious." With that answer Sakura drifts to that day, the day she gave up twenty years of her life to be given a gift.

Having just turned thirty-nine Sakura was in amazing shape, she hated knowing that every year brought her closer to her death and the loss of her family, but what could she do? She had been speaking with Ayame, and she was supremely discouraged. She had thought that she would be able to watch her family after her death, but she could see them after death. How could she live with that?

Ayame soothed her as best she could, explaining that she knew what it was like. Ayame had given some of her life to prolong Sakura's, and in doing so had chosen not to give some of her life to be able to allow her children and grandchildren to visit her on her cloud. With her mind in chaos Sakura walked home from her shift at the hospital.

It didn't take long, she had decided what to do when she arrived home, and it was going to kill her. Once home, alone since everyone was out, Sakura called Ayame and did what she must. With a heart full of agony, Sakura made her deal. In one year, Sakura would die on her birthday, and in doing so, would gain something more precious to her than life.

As the years of life were drained from her body, Sakura cried in silent sobs. Five years of her life were given so that every fourty years someone would be born with her chakra control and abilities in the medical field, she was determined that Konoha's people would always have a good doctor or two to care for them.

Five years were given so that her parents, children and grandchildren could visit her, and for another five years of her life, Sakura made it so that her friends and mentors could visit too. Not only would she see Shizune, Kakashi and Tsunade again, but when the visiting week came, Naruto would also be able to see his dearly missed mentor. Even Asuma, Asumanai and Kurenai would be able to visit them.

And that was all she had to give for herself, but she had more to give for another who gave so much to her. And with those five years to see her friends and mentors, Sakura gave them longer lives too; they would live to see the village prosper, even if she had to watch from a cloud.

Then Sakura gave her thanks to Ayame by sacrificing another five years of her life so that Ayame's parents, children and grandchildren could visit her twice a living world time year. With that, Sakura knew she would die in just one year, but she didn't care, she had gained lifetimes with her children and grandchildren, even at twice a year, it was better than never seeing them again after their deaths. But she had the make the best of her last living year with them, because she was going to get very sick and die at noon on her fourtieth birthday.

"So there you have it friends." Standing from her seat in her cloud, Sakura turned, her Kimono trailing behind her, as she moved to stand by Sasuke and together look at a cloud wall, today was the week of visitation for the first time of their year, she had more important thing to do.

Q: What are Naruto's children like?

A:"WHAT ARE MY CHILDREN LIKE?!?! They are the best ninja ever, other than me, EVER! Believe it!" Again Naruto is lost in another world of memories as Hinata twitched and put a finger in her ear to stop the ringing.

Koemi bounced on her feet with long blond hair swaying and pearl eyes wide, watching excitedly the battle of her youngest sibling, it was exam time and everyone was excited. Already a Jounin, Koemi stood with her two Chuunin siblings watching their sister Etsuyo as she waited to battle next. Little Etsuyo was the clone of her mother, same hair, eyes and personality.

Beside Koemi, the two middle children, both boys, were Hodaka and Iwao. Both were like Naruto, although Hokaka had Hinata's hair. Of course that's what made the teachers of the school so horrified, three of the four children were like their father, and of course that left the whole village to cringe when they walked by. There would have been no peace; thankfully Hinata and Etsuyo were the ones that could keep the others calm.

With both being shy, anything that upset them made the rest of the family overly protective. And when they were overly protective, their hyperactive ways calmed to tense waiting or threats. They were loud most of the time, but often Etsuyo flinched at things, and that caused the others to lower their voices. Like Naruto was with his Hinata, the three older children were the same to Etsuyo. And the teachers, horrified that they were getting another of Naruto's children, found themselves extremely grateful that they instead they got a lovely girl like her mother.

Q: What are Ino's children like?

A:"My children are amazing of course! And so very beautiful too! Although some of them can be quite lazy, like their father." Ino's bright smile shone out over the room, typical Ino.

Humming could be heard in the small fragrant shop, a tall blonde stood behind a counter teaching a younger version of herelf how to arrang flowers in a vase. Kaori was the second child, and just like her mother in every way. Asuma, the oldest child, had Ino's blonde hair and style but had Shikamaru's eyes and he sat on a bench with a village girl, deteremined to flirt with the girl until he got a date or went blue in face.

Then there was Morio their third child, second son, who was the opposite of Kaori and was the copy of his father. He sat on a bench across the room from his brother and stared out the window at the clouds. The twins walked into the shop, the blonde pony tail haired girl parted from her twin and walked to Morio with a roll of her blue eyes and sat next to him on the bench, gazing at the clouds in a typically bored manner.

And of course the brown haired girl, with her hair up in a pinapple-like style carried bags on her arms, walking with a cheerful laugh as she noticed her eldest brother flirting. After stowing her bags under the counter the brown eyed girl grabbed her own vase and began arranging flowers with her older sister and mother.

"Kikuye, you did bring Kiyono back didn't you? If I have to drag her from that meadow, I will ban everyone from going there, including you father! I can't do everything alone!" At Ino's outburst Kikuye smiled with the all too familiar cheerfulness of her mother and pointed to where Kiyono and Morio sat.

With that taken care of Ino's gaze surveyed the room, she saw her two sons and three daughters, all enjoing the bright day before the bell above the door jingled. Shikamaru walked in, and was quickly tackled by his wife and showered with her kisses, he had been away for a month, and Ino had missed him very much. When she had talked with the group the night she told them she was pregnant, she hadn't lied. She would never cheat on Shikamaru, she truly loved him.

"Troublesome, such a drag. C'mon kids, lets go to the meadow." With his bored look Shikamaru walked off with his arm around his wife, their children following behind with excited steps, except Morio and Kiyono who moved like their father in a lazy meander.

Q: How did Sasuke feel when his girls got married?

A:"I felt fine, they would be taken care of, and if they didn't then I'd just kill the men who were stupid enough to hurt my babies." Sitting with arms folded, Sakura giggling beside him, Sasuke stared blank faced.

Three days, each day equally as beautiful and perfectly done as the wedding of their mother and father, were days that the Uchiha daughters married, one marrying an Uchiha boy and the other two taking different clan names. Mikoto's wedding was the first of the three Uchiha daughter weddings and it was the first of the three that made Sasuke show a new side.

Mikoto, beautiful in her light blue Kimono, walked to stand by Tatsu. He had grown tall and strong, and everyone was very proud of him. Sakura felt like the mother to the groom as much as she felt like the mother of the bride. Of course she had felt the same way when Kanae and Fusao had married. But then, that day had been like giving their children away also, and once she thought about it, Sakura had to admit that Sasuke had acted the same way with Kanae as he did with his own daughters.

Sakura had sat with Sasuke, watching with misted eyes to her daughters and Kanae marry. Sasuke sat resolute and blank faced for all to see, until his loved ones became wives. When their daughters belonged to others, Sasukes eyes had shut and his jaw had stiffened. He felt the loss of giving up his baby girls, but he did not show any emotion until the weddings were over.

After each wedding, the last being one month before Sakura's death, had been a time Sasuke showed emotion to her. As the sun set and they returned home, Sakura walked with Sasuke's arm about her waist. When they got home, Sasuke pulled her to their garden and sat in their place, leaning against their tree beside the pond. With her looking at the pond, pretending not to notice Sasuke's emotions, which were manifesting themselves in silent tears that landed on her head and shoulders.

He was going to miss their girls, but Sakura knew that they would see them again; it wasn't like they were moving to other villages. And anytime Sasuke came to see her at the hospital, which was just about every day for lunch if he wasn't out on missions, he would see their daughters because they were all doctors.

"Hey! No one said you could share that! I'm fine." Sasuke glared at the author. With a roll of her eyes Lady-of-Laughter simply nodded to Sakura who sat laughing.

"I wouldn't hurt me, remember I control the story, you want me to do something drastic? I will take drastic measures if I must!" Lady-of-Laughter raises an eyebrow, just waiting, until Sasuke looks away in defeat. "Yup, that's what I thought!"

A: Did Sasuke feel pride when his sons joined him in the Police Force?

Q: "Of course I did! My sons, Uchiha sons that are of Uchiha blood! The clan boys and my sons are making the best Police Force, even better than I ever remember it being before. They are Uchiha, like I am! The Best!" Sasuke ranted on, showing his anger at anyone presuming to think he wouldn't be proud, although why he felt the reason to continually point out the obvious of the bloodline of the clan children was downright ridiculous.

The days had been long and hard, full of planning and arguing. Finally with the help of Naruto, the elders, Sakura and the Uchiha clan males, the Police Force had been restarted. It was touch, especially with so few in the early days, but as each child grew older, married and had their own children who grew older, the force would soon be as populated and strong as it had been before.

When the first day came to start the roster, everyone had gathered for a party. As they sat there, awaiting a surprise, Sasuke stood at the head of the long table, looking at his group and surveyed those under his command. He would never say it, but his chest and head truly were swelling with pride. As was being waited for Sakura, Kanae and Mikoto walked in with boxes. In those boxes were the first Police Force shirts that would be worn. Knowing the wear and tear clothes could take during a battle, there were multiple dozens of shirts. The group at first was small, being only Sasuke and the older children of the clan, but it was going to work.

There were enough ANBU and regular ninja walking around during the day to not have to worry over much at first, which meant that only two would have to work during each day. There was a much reduced number during nights, although ANBU were still around, meaning that four would be posted each night. Once there were more Uchiha's to be put on the roster, there would be more during the days and nights. For now they would make due with what they had.

"See, just fine! I am proud, why wouldn't I be? It's what I fought for my whole life." Sasuke was disgruntled, not that it mattered overmuch, Sakura was just about falling over from laughing so hard, and she still found his facial expressions hilarious.