Sharpay looked at herself in the mirror that was in the hospital room's bathroom. She was leaving to go home today and she couldn't be happier. The doctor's hadn't said it was alright for her to go home until she had spent a whole week in the hospital. She didn't think that she would ever be able to scrub the scent of hospital out of her hair or her skin.
Ryan, who had also let her know a peace of his mind about the situation when no one was around, was racked with guilt about what happened and apologized constantly, asking what he could do to make it better. Finally, fed up with his apologizes, Sharpay told him to go out on a date with Martha if he wanted to do something to make it better.
Gabby and the others, minus Odette of course, had all come by everyday, bringing balloons, real food, or just smiles. Sharpay no longer saw them as her brother's friends, but as hers also. It felt good to have friends for the first time in a long time. She joined in with the other girls when they would tease Martha about Ryan, or when they would just talk about anything. None of them brought up how she got there, or the situation with Zeke and Odette. She was grateful for that. She could act normal for once in a long time.
She hadn't been alone with Zeke since her family had come in to see her. She didn't regret telling him what she did, but she had told him that she loved him without telling him, and she wasn't sure how she was supposed to act around him now. He still had a girlfriend and she still didn't think that she deserved him.
But none of that was the problem she was facing at the moment. Her mother had brought her some of her old clothes to wear home. The bright, flashy clothes. And of course, it was her signature color, pink. This outfit was hot pink to be exact. Her mother was so happy that she was OK and Sharpay didn't have the heart to tell her that she didn't want to wear the outfit her mother picked out for her after the scare she put her parents threw, so she took the outfit with feigned enthusiasm. Accessories and all.
So as Sharpay stared at herself in the mirror, she saw the Sharpay that she had looked like months before. From her hair all the way down to her shoes, she radiated fashion and style. She hadn't realized how much she missed her clothes. She had become so used to wearing dark, bland colors, that she had forgotten the fun of mix and matching clothes and colors. She didn't think that she could go back to wearing oversized ugly t-shirts and baggy jeans.
"You look marvelous, darling," her mother told her as she walked out of the bathroom. "You should start wearing your old clothes instead of those ugly shirts."
Fully in agreement with her mother, Sharpay looked around and said, "Where's Ryan."
"He's with cook, making sure that your welcome home feast is perfect," her father told her.
"He doesn't even cook," Sharpay said.
"That's what Cook was complaining about when we left," her mother said with a laugh.
On the way home, Sharpay kept up with the conversation around her, but her mind was a million miles away. What was she going to say to Zeke when she saw him again? Sorry that I didn't realize that I loved you until you got a girlfriend? That would make it look like she only cared about him because he found someone else. And Sharpay knew that that wasn't true. She loved Zeke, but he loved Odette, no matter how mad he was at her at the moment, he still loved her. Not Sharpay.
Despite her melancholy thoughts, she was able to keep the smile on her face as she got home, waiting to greet her brother. When she opened the door, her smile left her face as her mouth dropped open when she saw with looked like hundreds of white and pink balloons over the floor and a huge banner hanging across the stair railing that said, 'Welcome Home Sharpay!' in pink letters.
"Surprise," voices yelled. Looking, she saw it was all of her brother's-all of her friends.
Speechless, she wasn't able to do anything but stare at them.
"I…I," she started to say, then burst into tears.
"What's wrong with her," she heard Chad ask, sounding harassed. "Is it the wrong pink?"
"Shut up," she heard his girlfriend say. "She's probably just overwhelmed."
Shaking her head, Sharpay said, "No, it's not that. It's just so sweet," she paused to sniff loudly. "Thank you. It's wonderful."
"We all thought that it was too much so we knew you would like it," her brother told her, giving her a hug.
Giving everyone a hug, she felt a moment's hesitation when she went to hug Zeke. Either not sensing her wariness, he pulled her into a very tight hug. "You look great," he whispered. "I've always loved pink on you."
Before she could answer, he pulled away from her and Gabby began to squeeze the breath out of her.
When Sharpay dropped to her bed, she was exhausted. But, thankfully, it wasn't from lack of sleep. After hugging everyone, they all had proceeded to have what Sharpay considered the best time of her life. She couldn't remember when she had laughed so much or had that much fun ever in her life.
It had only ended because the moment Ryan had saw her yawn, he had proceeded to kick everyone out, and push her up the stairs. The whole trip to her room, all he did was pester her with questions about how she was feeling, if she needed anything, she wasn't too tired was she? She had finally closed the door on him, mid-question.
Sighing, she was thinking about sleeping in her clothes when a knock sounded on her door. Hearing it open, she turned and started to say, "For goodness sake Ryan I'm fine-"
She stopped short when she saw that it wasn't her brother, but Zeke.
She stared silently at him as she watched him walk into her room and close the door. When he turned back to her, they stared at each other, neither saying anything.
Wanting to break the awkward silence, Sharpay said, "Did you forget something?"
Shaking his head, he leaned against the door and said, "No, I just needed to talk to you."
"Oh," she said quietly. When he still didn't say anything else, she prompted, "What about?"
Zeke was still quiet. When she was about to repeat her question, he finally said, "Sharpay, I still think that you should see someone about what happened."
Sharpay suppressed a sigh. She knew that it was going to come sooner or later. "I don't have my nightmares anymore," she told him.
Relief and something else Sharpay couldn't name crossed threw his eyes. "You could relapse, then what would you do?"
"I think that I could manage," she told him with a smile.
"It's not funny," he told her as he moved away from her door and started to pace in front of her bed. "What happens if they get worse? Or you go into depression or something like that? I think that you should find-"
"I'm seeing a therapist two times a week," she told him. "Now could you stop pacing, it's making me dizzy."
Stopping abruptly, he looked at her. "You are? Since when?" He didn't sound like he really believed her.
"On Monday, I went to the psych ward and got an appointment. When everyone thought that I was having tests done, I was talking to my therapist."
"Oh, well…good." Sharpay couldn't figure out why Zeke seemed so nervous and anxious. As long as she had known him, he hadn't ever shown a nervous bone in his body towards her. Not even when he had asked her out the very first time and she had stupidly turned him down.
"So you don't need to go to Julliard for summer classes since your better."
Sharpay was confused. "I thought you just said that I could relapse."
Zeke made a frustrated sound. "Even if you do, there are plenty of good therapists here, you don't need to go anywhere else for them."
"I know that," she told him. "What are you trying to tell me?"
"That you don't need to go to your grandmother's," he nearly yelled. After that, he seemed to deflate like a balloon.
Her grandmother's? What made him think that-?
Then she remembered that she had called her grandmother over the weekend to ask her if she could stay there for awhile. It had been right after Ryan had gotten angry with her and said those things. But how had he known that?
Seeing the question on her face, Zeke said, "When you're mother told her that you were in the hospital, she had mentioned that you had wanted to visit her over spring break. But I knew when Ryan told me that you were going to find someway to stay there. You were running like you tried to before during Christmas break. Had something happened before that I don't know about? Did Jeremy do something-?"
Furiously shaking her head, Sharpay said, "No, it's not that at all. The first time after the party that I spoke to him was when he tried to get me in his car. I wanted to leave for another reason back in December."
"Why," he asked her, sitting next to her on the bed. "Why do you want to leave so bad?"
What could she tell him? That she couldn't bear to see him with someone else? She doubted that he would take the well. "I changed," she told him. "I know that you saw it. Everyone did. Ryan even thought that I was pregnant. Gabby thought I was anorexic. I changed my clothes, my personality, everything."
"But why?"
Taking a deep breath, she said, "Because, you realized what such a evil bitch I was. I manipulated a teacher, just so I could get the part in the winter play, I tried to break up the school's cutest couple, and I even backstabbed my brother. And this was just in the course of five months. Just think about everything else I did. Not to mention the party. When I realized what kind of person I was and how not even my own brother wanted to be around me anymore, I kind of had a breakdown."
"What made you realize all of this?"
"Can we not talk about this right now," she asked defensively.
"No, we're going to talk about this now," he told her firmly.
"You," she practically yelled at him. Getting off the bed, she looked down at him. "Seeing you look at Odette the way you used to look at me. That's what made me realize what an evil person I was. Knowing that you thought the same things about me that everyone else did. That I had drove away the one person who had still cared about me after everything I did, other than Ryan, but he doesn't really count," she finished quietly.
Seeing the shocked look on his face, she decided that she might as well tell him the rest. "It's very eye opening when you realize that the person that you hadn't realized that you love finally found someone else while you were too busy chasing after his friend. And what would telling you solve? You would only think that I wanted you because you didn't want me anymore. So I just stayed away from you. You were happier with Odette than you ever were with me. So excuse me if I wanted to get away from everything."
"So it was all because of me?"
"Don't sound so pleased with yourself," she snapped at him.
"I'm not," he said with a smile. "Well, maybe I am, a little. It's nice to know that I caused the fall of Sharpay."
He moved off the bed and ducked when she threw a stuffed animal at him. "I didn't fall, so don't say that."
"Yes you did," he said. "In love with me." Abruptly, the smile left his face. "You still can't leave," he said.
"Why not," she shot back. First he thought it was funny, now he was ordering her around. She didn't like it much.
"Well, for one, your brother would miss you. And you just made friends with everyone and they would all be heartbroken if you left, and I need a Prom date."
Her head snapped towards him at the last thing he said. "Why don't you take Odette? She's your girlfriend."
"Not anymore," he said soberly. "After I found out everything she did, I couldn't be with her anymore. She was too jealous and I still wonder about what she would have done to you if you were asleep."
"So," she asked him, hurt. "I'm just a fall back date?"
"No," he said quickly. "I can't see myself going to prom with anyone but you honestly. And another reason I broke up with Odette was the it wasn't fair to her that I cared about someone else." When she just stared wide eyed at him, he continued. "At first I thought that I really cared about her. It was a change to have someone actually like me and not have to chase after her. But after awhile, I realized that I was always looking at you, just to see if you noticed how I kissed her or if you heard me laugh with her. But I knew she cared about me, she I couldn't break up with her. Then you kissed me in my car and things between me and her got worse. I called her your name once by accident and she was ready to kill both of us. And after what happened in the bathroom, I knew that I couldn't stay with her."
"So," she said cautiously, not wanting to believe it. "You still care about me?"
Walking to her, he kissed her deeply. Pulling after a few seconds, he said, "I love you. I'm sorry that I hurt Odette, but when I thought about who I would marry, all I kept seeing was pink everywhere. I also thought about daughters with blonde hair who love to max out my credit cards."
"I love you too," Sharpay said, blinking the tears away that burned her eyes. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down for a kiss, but stopped when someone knocked on the door.
When it opened, Ryan stuck his head in. "Just checking to make sure that everyone still had their clothes on." Looking at Zeke, he said, "It's about time. Just don't forget that my dad is downstairs."
ok i hoped yall liked it but i didnt really like the ending. but i knew in the time it would take me to think up a good ending, write it and put it up here, it would be after october 24th. but plz tell me what you think about the story and what's ur opinion on the relsie thing. i'm 1000000000 against it. i no they make more sense than him and martha or her and jason, but she didnt even like him in the 1st movie. ok i'm gonna calm down. plz let me no what u think