Disclaimer: I do not own Pirates Of The Caribbean, Barbossa, (or Shawn), or any of it's affiliations.

Shawn: "Hello readers, Shawn here. Rain and I have decided to continue with our interviews. Your probably wondering why I'm doing the intro and not Rain. Well the answer is simple: she's not here yet and I need to get things started. Today we will be interviewing another pirate you should be familiar with...Captain Hector Barbossa! So, Captain-"

Barbossa: interrupting "Argh! Enough with yer yamerin', get on with the interview already! I've got better things to be doin'!"

Shawn: "Whoa! Calm down Captain. The interview will begin when Rain gets. . ." looks off stage "Ah, here she is now."

Rain: "Hey, Shawn I was looking over our-" Pauses in mid step like a deer in head-lights, staring wide eyed at the Pirate Lord seated opisate Shawn "I-i-is t-that H-Hector B-B-Bar-Barbossa?"

Barbossa: "Ye be alright lass?"

Rain: faints

Shawn: "Rain!" leaps from seat and tends to Rain

looking to camera

"Uhh-uhh...We are experiencing technical difficulties and will return shortly."

One Moment Please...

Shawn: Helps the barely conscience Rain to her feet "Well this one's going great already." realizes camera is back on "Oh...And we're back with our interview of... well I've already said it once and I'm afraid to say it again for fear that Rain will pass out again.

Barbossa: "Well now that settles that. Can get on with it already? I've scheduled a plundering in an hour and I won't be late.

Rain: Groans, rubbing head "Shawn, I had the weirdest dream. That Barbossa was he-" Stops, staring wide eyed at Barbossa.

Barbossa: "Argh, hello miss."

Rain: Looks at Shawn, then at Barbossa, then back to Shawn, and then finally back at Barbossa "B-b-ut OHMIGOSH" Squeals loudly "You are the sexiest...most awsomest most greatest pirate EVER to sail on the open sea!!" Looks at Barbossa wide eyed

Barbossa: Impatiently, "Well are we going to get on with the interview, or just sit around and tell me how great I am? Because I already be knowing how great I am, so if it be the latter, I'll be off." Stands up and begins to leave

Shawn: Franticly "Uh, Hector! Can I call you Hector!? Rain's just a little over excited to see you. If you'll just have a seat, we'll begin the interview.

Barbossa: Sits back down "Very well, lad. Let's have it then."

Shawn: So, Captain, One thing I've always wondered is: how many villages, cities and towns have you attacked in your pirating career?"

Rain: "Come on now, Shawn, do you think that he COUNTS?" turns to Barbossa " I have a better question." leans forward, serious look on face "How big is it?"

Shawn: Palm + forehead

Barbossa: "Well no, i don't keep count. But it has been quite a few. And as fer yer question, lass. You'll just have to find out fer yerself." smiles widely

Shawn: "Wait a minute, stop both of you. You can save that for AFTER the show. But as for now we have an interview to do. Rain, can I trust you to ask SERIOUS questions?"

Rain: Gives Shawn a 'you-must-be-kidding-it's-Barbossa' look. ... pauses for a moment "So about me finding out-" smiles charmingly at Barbossa, scooting seat closer to him

Shawn: Sighs in frustration "I can't work like this." storms off...comes back and grabs coffee mug then begins to storm off again

Rain: Blinks after him "I got his jar of dirt, he'll be back" taps top of Jar of Dirt affectionately "So, back to my uhm, 'research', Captain Barbossa. Bats eyelashes

Shawn: Comes back after hearing her snatches jar "MY DIRT!" reluctantly sits back down "Captain Barbossa, how do you inspire such fierce loyalty in your crew?"

Rain: O.O sidles a little farther away from Shawn "He's rather protective over his jar of dirt." whispers to Barbossa

Barbossa: Chuckles at Rain's comment "I've noticed. But as per yer question lad. Ye always have to let 'em know who's boss. Any new recruits have to scared to death ye. But once they be accustomed to ye, then ye can slowly start to become friends. This be very tricky cuz if ya try to make someone yer friend too soon, they may start a mutiny. Yer only captain so long as ye have control."

Rain: Grins widely "Control, eh? Does that mean your in control in bed as well as being Captain?" bats eye lashes at him

Shawn: "Aw, God." Palm + forehead

Barbossa: "If ye'll recall I have a plunderin' soon, so I'll be off. One thing before I go though...Lass, ye seem REAL eager to have me in bed, and I can't be sayin' no to such an invitation." stands and grabs Rain's hand "Shall we, then?"

Rain: Turns wide eyed, mouth agape to Shawn "I-I'll be back later." turns to the grinning Captain and sidles closer to him "Or maybe just 'I'll be back'" Giggles

Barbossa: "Aye lass, I'd be settlin' for the later one."

Shawn: sighs in frustration while watching the two leave "Well I guess that does it for this one. Seeing as how I now have no co-host or interviewee anymore, I have no choice but to call it to a close. Thank you for reading and please tell us what you think! We'd love to hear what you think! See you next time!"

Well thanks for reading! I'm not sure if this is allowed on , but I figure it's worth a shot.