
Finally, my twilight fan fic is up! A lot of people won't agree with the storyline I have chosen, but I prefer to think of Bella as the young vampire with her soul mate Edward, not as a married mother…I hope you enjoy, I sure did!! Hehe. Oh ye, its Bella's POV… sorry about the obvious twilight clichés. (Lion and the lamb, piano music etc. if it fits it fits you know?) EXB

The music that flowed from the piano filled the room with sweet melody. I liked to think of my song as telling a story, inspired by a certain god-like man I had the amazing good luck to love. My left hand, playing the deeper notes, told about the lion, in a velvety, heart-stopping tune that made me want to cry when I heard it. My left hand played the light story of the lamb with clumsy, yet amorous harmony. Although, at first, the two didn't meet, they seemed perfectly matched, without the other, they were incomplete. This was Edward's favorite. And I had no doubts he knew who it was about.

As I drew my piece to a close, I let the two notes linger in the air. I sighed, and as I did I was reminded of the sharp burn in my throat. The thirst was not, as I had first imagined, unmanageable. It was more of an inconvenience.

Fluidly, I rose from the piano stool and stretched my legs, even if I didn't need to. I had the cottage to myself, as Edward was away on a "boys' weekend" for Emmet's 20th stag party. Edward had been reluctant to leave me so close to Christmas (yes, I did still want to hold on to some part of my human life) but Emmet warned him that if he didn't cooperate, he and Jasper would have to drag him by his toes all the way to Vegas. Still adamant that I not be left, Edward had to be convinced by Alice that I would be fine.

I did miss him, terribly so, but I was also glad of time alone. I managed to write a few more piano pieces, catch up on my reading and even go into Seattle, something Edward would never allow. I loved him to death (that didn't do my feelings for him justice) but he was so…over protective. I had been a vampire for little over a year, which Edward was not happy about. He blamed himself for my premature turning, just because he might have accidentally bitten me on our honeymoon.

The opening of the front door caused me to jump. I kicked myself. As I vampire I should be able to tell when someone was coming five minutes before they knocked on the door, but being me I was easily distracted.

Alice glided into my living room holding an envelope in her perfectly manicured hand. She sat down gently on our sofa and grinned broadly at me, her teeth dazzlingly white. Her eyes moved up and down my body as she scrutinized my outfit. Her face fell.

"Bella! No, no, no, no, NO! Even as a flawless vampire you still have no fashion style whatsoever!" she exclaimed, with true horror in her voice. I smiled at her teasingly.

"I do have a style. I call it 'indifference'" I replied, failing to hide my amusement.

Alice frowned at my t-shirt and jeans combo once again before returning her gaze to my face.

"Anyway, we've had this argument before and it gets us nowhere! So, I was thinking…with the boys being out of town, Carlisle and Esme visiting friends in Alaska with Rosalie…that it was time for a…" Alice cut off, as she watched terrified realization spread across my face.

"No Alice…not another one…" I groaned. I knew where she was going with this, "Last time you took me on a 'sister bonding session' you dragged me around the whole of Portland! We must have been in every kind of shop imaginable…" I shuddered at the memory. The cosplay shop…Ann Summers…Victoria's Secret…so inappropriate for so many reasons!

Alice carried on staring at me with her topaz eyes. Although I was slightly stronger than her, her will power was the most resistant in the world, bar no one. I could try and put up a fight, but Alice always saw my next move.

Her eyes went blank for a moment as she saw my resignation. I sighed heavily.

"I'll go get my jacket…" I said.

"Bella, vampire's don't need jackets." Alice replied impatiently. "Now hurry up, the best shops close at five!"

"It's only eleven o' clock. And have you see the weather outside? If anyone sees us in t-shirts in the snow, they're going to have us quarantined!"

Alice growled at me quietly.

"Just be quick, ok?" I just laughed at her, my new voice ringing through the small room. Within seconds we were in Alice's yellow Porsche, pulling swiftly out of the Cullen's driveway.