*This is the final chapter, hope you enjoy!*

A few weeks had passed and Kyo was back to being himself and being an utter bastard to Yuki. He still felt for him and those feelings were never going to change but him being the leader in their shaky relationship was not what Kyo wanted or needed. Yuki had refused to acknowledge the kisses and obviously wanted things forgotten…at least that's what Kyo understood by the way Yuki treated him.

He treated him as if he was an insect on the wipers of a car, something to be pushed to the side and worthless. This was normal but Kyo had thought that after all that had happened that Yuki would try to accept him. Yuki however felt that Kyo was playing games with him and couldn't stand it, though his breaking point was nearing and he was sure that today was going to be the day that he initiated something, though he had been saying that to himself for the past week.

You know how when you put something off but say to yourself your going to do something and are given the opportunity to do it everyday but you just don't because your afraid of what might or might not happen if you do, but eventually you either forget about it or do it but you have to reach your breaking point first? Well Yuki is experiencing the same thing. This is his breaking point.

He flinched as he walked past the bathroom where they had shared the second kiss. Their last kiss, it wasn't his idea to even kiss at all so he doesn't understand why he can't shake the feeling that he's missing out on something, missing someone. Kyo's been around but not really, not in the sense that he was before. He's still an utter ass who doesn't understand that he can't and never will beat Yuki…unless he lets him.

Not that he ever would. That would be absurd. He wandered into his room and turned the switch on glancing at himself in the mirror he saw the tell tale signs of restless nights. He's never slept well and has always been plagued with nightmares but ever since he threw Kyo out the window he just could not sleep. His hair usually bright and clean looked gross and unattended, under his eyes well…they bruised or at least looked bruised.

Kyo he hadn't left his mind for more than a few moments each day and during those moments he was usually eating. He wondered how Kyo felt. 'Doesn't he want me…he wanted me before I threw him out the window.' These thoughts plagued him. Maybe he ruined everything with that little stunt. 'I can be a bitch at times.' Yuki desperately wanted Kyo to approach him, ask him about it. Do anything even if it meant kissing the cat again.

The thought of kissing the cat again sent a wave through his body. 'I'll do it today. No more waiting for him to make the first move.' He took off his cloths and wrapped a towel around himself deciding to take a shower and hating carrying his cloths back to his room. Yuki left them on the floor not wanting to be bothered with cleaning. He washed himself up and made sure that he rubbed some ointment under his eyes so they looked less puffy.

When he finished he stared at himself. It was a major improvement. "Yuki! It's time for dinner!" This was called out by Kyo making Yuki clench his fist. "That's it!" he yelled and took off in the direction he had heard Kyo's voice.

When he reached the kitchen he asked as nicely as he possibly could where Kyo had run off to. Tohru answered him with a shake in her tone and added at the last second before he slammed the door, "Don't hurt him Yuki-kun" He nodded stiffly and walked out only slamming the door hard enough to make the noise.

He climbed on the roof and stood facing Kyo waiting. When he turned to look at him Yuki walked up to him grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him so he was a quarter of an inch from his face. "Do you want me?" He asked his eye's piercing Kyo's as the orange headed teens breath came out shakily. "I-I what?" Yuki let out a sigh and shook his head. "You heard me, but because your mind is so tiny I shall repeat. Do you want me?"

Kyo growled but grasped Yuki's shoulders. "Do you want me?" he asked back. Yuki stared at him for a moment and glanced down at Kyo's lips. "Yes" he growled out as he pulled Kyo to him letting their mouths connect and mesh into each others. The battle of dominance just beginning, Yuki unbundled his hand from Kyo's shirt and tightened it around his waist pulling him closer.

The shook a little and felt themselves falling so Yuki gracefully balanced them both. When this happened they had broken apart, not because they wanted to but because they need to so they wouldn't get hurt. "I'll meet you in your room." Was all Yuki said. Then he jumped off the roof and made Kyo's room his desination. "Dammit!" Kyo yelled and ran after the Silver haired teen suddenly being stopped by Tohru in the kitchen.

"What happed? Did Yuki and you get into another fight?" Kyo knew that Tohru meant well but for god sake she was getting in the way of him making out with a certain Rat. "Yeah, yeah we're peachy ok, but if you don't get out of the way I and you won't be. Now don't come in my room or interrupt because I and Yuki are getting to know each other better and that is better done in private."

Tohru moved and watched as Kyo raced his way up the stairs. "Well I'm just glad they're getting along better." She imagined them apologizing to each other a sunset as background… "Wow, ok no, that would be way too weird." She shook her head and went back to making setting places, making sure she saved some food for Yuki and Kyo incase they got hungry later on.

Kyo reached his door and retched it open to get and eyeful of Yuki relaxing on his bed and reading a magazine of his. "Nice collection you have here." Yuki commented as if this was an everyday occurrence. Kyo stalked forward very much so like a cat would and tossed grabbed the magazine throwing it across the room. "Well now that wasn't very nice" Yuki commented half hazardly.

Kyo growled and climbed on top of him. "I want you." He said before pushing Yuki down and roughly kissing him. "You know," Yuki said while Kyo continued to kiss him "I've dreamed of you doing this." Kyo pulled away and smirked. "Really, well how sweet, my dear old rat is dreaming of me molesting him." Yuki rolled his eyes and pulled Kyo back into the kiss. Teeth clashed and noses bashed against each other, tongues twisted and slide against one another leisurely at times but rough more often.

After a while they both laid back next to each other Kyo's arm wrapped around Yuki's neck with Yuki resting his head on his shoulder. "You know what, I could get used to this" Kyo mumbled planting a kiss on Yuki's forehead. Yuki snuggled into him. "hm yeah…" The door opened slowly and neither of them noticed until a flash went off. "Dammit Shigure!" They both yelled jumping up and chasing the Dog down listening to him laugh and sing the whole time "Kyo and Yuki sitting in a bed K.I.S.S.I.N.G, First comes Sex then comes love, next comes a laugh with a big fat hug."

T.H.E. E.N.D.

*This is the first story that I've ever actually finished, be proud all of you be proud! Comment, I'd love to know if you liked the ending and thank you to all of you who followed me through the story, if you've noticed that my way of writing things have changed don't fret, I still have the same raunchy sense of humor only now I'm old enough to know how to use it. Love and hugs from me and kisses to all those who read this, XOXOXOXO*