Special thanks to mrs. darling, CiiCiinREX, gclaypool, Nuria Sato, Mairie-Hakuo, alldaylong, meow-mixed-weasel, and SaNcTuArYXXXXbLoSsOm for the story alerts/favorites.

This chapter is dedicated to Shadow Wolf, Nuria Sato, DreamerAtDawn and Mairie-Hakuo for reviewing.

Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto



(Fuck Drama)


Lyrical Lies.

So apparently I was "the talk of the town." The whole slapping deal seemed to spread pretty fast. I mean, after all I kind of ran like a mofo on steroids out the door. That probably looked pathetic though. First I slap a bitch, and then I run? That's messed up. Seriously, not one of your smartest moves Sakura.

Damn. I was probably going to be in big trouble for that shit too. Whatever, I'll deal with it when it's punishment time. But honestly, I wish I stayed so I could see his reaction. Haha, the bastard probably didn't see that coming.

Imagine, you're walking into a room filled with strangers and then out of nowhere, some really hot pink haired girl comes up to you and slaps you. Yep. Wasn't that every guy's fantasy?

If it was, you need to get your head checked. But anyway, I just couldn't handle it. I just wanted to be free of him. Like "I'm like a bird, I wanna fly away," free. He was that annoying. Sure I missed him, but to just come back to Konoha so nonchalantly, like he ran the town, wasn't going to fly with me.

So that whore better check himself.

Lunchtime came around and I walked to my usual lunch table. As I looked around the room, I saw people whispering and gossiping about the incident that occurred earlier on today. Nosey little fucks. They needed to learn how to mind their own business. Didn't their parents teach them any manners? I sighed as I sat down at my table.

"Sakura! Oh my god, what you did today…." Naruto proceeded to burst out laughing. Like a maniac might I add?

"I'm glad you found that amusing," I smirked back at him. I knew out of everyone he would find it hilarious.

"Of course I did! That bastard had it coming. I mean, if you didn't slap him I probably would have punched him, and you know how that would go."

"Obviously. You really don't need anymore detentions or suspensions now."

Naruto stuck out his tongue playfully. I laughed as I slapped him on the arm lightly. We continued to talk and eat and just enjoy ourselves. After all that tension (not sexual you pervs), all I needed was a good laugh. And this is why I keep Naruto around.

As we were finished eating, we gathered our garbage to throw away in the trashcans. As I turned around to get up, I found that someone was standing in the way. With an annoyed expression I looked up to the jerk ready to curse him off.

But obviously that never happened because lo and behold, the bastard himself was what stopped me.

Fuckin' bitch.

She just had to make my week even worse. First I had to move back to freakin' Konoha, the land where nothing ever fuckin' happens. Then I had to get the smaller room because freakin' Itachi is a bum and refuses to move out. I mean, you graduated college already so move on with your life. And third, right when I was ready to accept my life officially sucked, pinky had to slap me in front of the class. If that weren't awkward enough, I wouldn't know what to tell you.

Now on top of all that, everyone is making up stupid rumors about it.

No, I did not cheat on Haruno because she wasn't even my girlfiend. No, I didn't get her sister pregnant 'cause fyi, the last time I checked she didn't even have any siblings. And no, I did not comment on her slightly large forehead. Fuckin' idiots.

Now I remember why I never liked the color pink in the first place. She was just as annoying as she was when we were younger, if not, even more than before. Now I'm sitting in the classroom with a red handprint imprinted onto my cheek. Not to mention that it fuckin' stings! That bitch is going to get it.

Ugh. I hate my life. This is why people think I'm emo.

I found the two eating lunch at the cafeteria. I was fuckin' livid. Did she really think she could just slap me and expect me not to do anything? So I walked up to them right when they were getting up from the table.

"Oh, Sasu-chan, I was wondering when you were going to show up." She had an innocent smile on her face.

I rolled my eyes at this. What a two-faced little bitch. No one messed with an Uchiha. "Still have a crush on me, Haruno?"

It was my turn to smirk as her face fell into a scowl. I raised an eyebrow in amusement. From what I remember, Sakura would never talk back to me. After all she had a thing for me. But now, she actually grew a backbone. Not that she grew anywhere else. Talk about late bloomer.

"Oh, fuck you," she grimaced. Bringing up her past feelings for me obviously bothered her. I smirked at this.

"Hey Teme!"

I nodded my head at the dobe. At least some things didn't change around here. It was kind of comforting that Nartuo acted like I never left. It wasn't like it was my choice to just up and move anyway. Sakura could blame my parents for that. God, girls were so dramatic. This was why I was able to tolerate Naruto more than pinky over here.

"So after three years you just pop out of nowhere. Now that you're back in Konoha, shits gonna blow up now."

I just stared at him. What else was I supposed to say? That sounds fuckin' fantastic? I wasn't known for talking. I had nothing to say anyway.

With a childish pout, Sakura turned to Naruto and complained, "You're not even gonna ask this asshole why he didn't keep in contact? Why he didn't even tell us he was back?"

Naruto shrugged at her, "He'll tell us when he wants to. Besides, you already slapped him. There's no need to harass him even more."

Sakura sighed and glared at me. I smirked at this, more amused at her reactions than with how calm Naruto was for treating the situation.

She glowered at me as she said, "Just because Naruto is chill with you being here doesn't mean I am. So you better watch your back when Naruto isn't here."


"Ugh, you jerk!" She stomped her foot on the ground like a whiny little child. I rolled my eyes again. Even though we were in high school, she still acted like she was a little brat. She was still so fuckin' annoying.

"So you and Sakura-chan, eh?" Nartuo wiggled his eyebrows at me. A stupid smile was on his face. I sighed as I sat down on the couch next to him.

"Come on! You can't tell me you didn't feel all that sexual tension. You guys totally just want to jump each other."

I scoffed at this, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Naruto nodded to himself, "She wants the 'D', dude, she wants the 'D.'"

I rolled me eyes at his idiocy, "You're an idiot." I shoved a pillow in his face so he could stop saying stupid stuff like this. Sakura ain't my type. There were too many qualities about her I didn't like. And she obviously resented me. Sure she use to have a thing for me, but you could clearly tell that she was disgusted with me now.

The whole time we were walking to Naruto's house she would try and keep Naruto to herself and would glare at me when Naruto talked to me. Talk about childish. I wanted a mature woman, not a little bratty girl.

Naruto sighed, "But I totally ship you guys!"

I gave Naruto a weird look and sat farther away from him.

"Ship who?" Sakura asked as she came from the kitchen holding a bowl of chips in her hands. She set it down on the coffee table and proceeded to plop down next to Naruto, obviously ignoring my presence.

"What? I don't ship anyone."

Sakura rolled her eyes and gave Naruto an 'all-knowing' look, "Yeah, tell that to your tumblr, Naruto."

"Well you try getting thousands of followers on tumblr." Naruto gave a triumphant look.

I gave them an annoyed look. But I couldn't blame Sakura for wanting to ignore me. It was pretty messed up for not keeping in contact. But she should know I never really was talkative. I never was into social media either and even though I had a cell phone, I never checked it often. I got missed calls and texts all the time and I never reply in time because when I do check my phone, it was way too late to.

So basically, keeping in contact with me was hard for anyone.

But that was too much to explain right now so I just kept my mouth shut and watched whatever was on the TV. She wouldn't listen to my explanation anyway.

"Well now that the three musketeers are reunited, we can actually have fun in this sucky town."

Sakura had a fake offended look on her face. "And you didn't have fun when it was just me and you?"

Naruto laughed nervously, "I never said that. When did I even imply that I never had fun with you Sakura? You're my best friend!"

She raised an eyebrow in suspicion, "Well, I guess boys will be boys. You've suffered under my female wrath for three years, I guess you can get a break."

Naruto sighed in relief. "Thank you for relieving me of my sufferings, oh gracious one."

They both laughed. And I was left on the side of the couch just watching. One thing that definitely changed was their friendship. Anyone could tell that these two were close. It seemed Sakura wasn't as mean to him as she was three years ago. And even though Naruto was still a goofball, he somehow matured.

One thing I actually hated about myself was how introverted I was. I hadn't really changed at all compared to them. I was still withdrawn, quiet, and unsocial.

I mean, sure I grew taller. I was leaner, had a little more muscle and a more defined face. But other than looks, what else?

My thoughts were interrupted by the dobe himself. But I was grateful for it 'cause I hated sulking.

Naruto then turned to me and tried to include me into their conversation. "Why the blank face Teme? I know you missed us!"


"Aw, see that Sakura? He did miss us! You can't be mad at him anymore."

Although Naruto said it in a very chipper voice, it seemed the atmosphere changed.

Sakura sighed, "I was serious about what I said before. Just because you're cool with him, doesn't mean I am. I'm leaving, so I'll see you tomorrow Naruto."

Naruto got up to stop her, but stopped himself. The front door shut and Naruto plopped back down onto his seat.

"She'll come around, don't worry. You know how girls are, sensitive and all that shit."

I nodded in reply. Why would I let pinky bother me? I never let anyone get to me. Fuck drama.

Close: Chapter 2 Completed

I had a sudden urge to update.

Review, please.
