Me: Hehehe...

Takumi: What's so funny?

Me: (bursts out crying)

Takumi: O.O

Me: This is no laughing matter!!!! I lied to the readers!!!!

Takumi: um... okay....

Me: No you don't get it! I said that chapter twelve will be the last when when really this is the last chapter!!

Takumi: Wait! If this is the last chapter then that means that I-

Me: (tackles Takumi, effectively cutting her off.) (to reader) Okay since I'm too lazy to write two more chapters I'm ending this story in one final go! So this will be a long one!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, all OCs belong to me.

Chapter 11: Final actions are thoughtless, final words are endless.

'This is wrong...' I thought the next day as Konan and Usotsuke chatted with me. 'This is all wrong,' Konan's anger at me had distracted me entirely from my identity problem.

'When will you embrace that fact that you are Hinaren?'

"Never" I whispered under by breath.

"Did you say something Takumi-chan?" Konan tilled her head to the side, staring curiously at me. I quickly shook my head, flashing her a small smile.

"No, I didn't." She didn't look connived but decided it wasn't worth digging into.

"Ame is a nice place once you get past the political feuds." Konan concluded, she was telling me about the hidden village Amegakure.

"It dose sound nice," I said, hoping that she wouldn't catch on that I didn't remember anything she said. "I'd like to go there someday."

"Sounds like a lot of rain." Usotsuke fake blanched squeezing her eyes shut and sticking her tongue out. "I hate rain, it's too depressing."

I laughed along with Konan as Uso-chan ranted about the rain.

'You are Hinaren,'

"Excuse me," I said hastily and ran out of my room, leaving in my trail a very confused and worried Konan and Uso-chan.

'Stop fighting it'

"Never." I whispered, dodging around corner after corner I sneaked into the living room, checking it first for any lingering Akatsuki members, when I saw none I creeped out and with light steps I flew up the ladder leading to the surface. Without my super natural speed and endurance it took much longer than it should. Seconds passed as hours as I accented the ladder, stopping every few minutes to catch my breath which was something quite new to me.

It found it very annoying after a while, stopping and going, stopping and going. Now I was definitely ashamed to tell the others that I had lost my powers.

At last after what felt like a endless climb I retched the surface of the ground. As I pulled myself out of the hole that hid the ladder I walked over the the edge of the steep, smooth cliff that within its earthly bowls held the Akatsuki base. Sitting down and handing my legs over the edge I stared at the ocean. The sun was just starting it's descent down in the sky, but it was still a few hours until sunset.

'You are Hinaren'

"Stop telling me that." I said out loud, I didn't fear being over heard, the guys didn't leave the base unless they're leaving for a mission and what with the threat of Yoruai leader had canceled all missions until he was caught.

"Yoruai..." I said even though I never wanted to see head or tail of him ever again I couldn't help but think about everything he told me. What if I really was Hinaren, and that I do love him.

'You love him very much'

"Do I?"

'More than anything else in the world, no... he is your world.'

"My entire world..." It sounded almost romantic, to love someone so much that nothing else matters to you but him. Is he really that special someone to me?

'He is, nothing matters more to you than him and nothing in this world is a fullfilling to him as you are'

"I'm fulfilling to him?" I was seeing the truth those words, a warm happy sensation filled me, making me feel as if I was light as air. It was a very pleasing feeling.

'That feeling is your love for him.'

"It feels great..." I murmured as the peaceful, floaty sensation send pleasurable shivers up and down my body. "It's almost the same as the feeling I get when I'm alone with Deidara." A light blush graced my face as I remember the moment, the two of us sitting on my balcony and... and... I-I couldn't remember anything past that. I-I knew something happened, there was this... I... I knew that I felt something when I was alone with. Wh-what was I talking about again?" I frowned slightly, wondering how I could completely forget about something so fast.

'You were thinking about your happiness from Yoruai's love'

The smothering warm sensation tickled my insides, sending my nerves into pure delight, a light fuzz in my head but I didn't care, I was too caught up in the warm feeling that felt oh so wonderful!

'Yes Hinaren, forget everything and embrace who you really are'

"Yes!" I practically shouted in delight. "Yes! That sounds grand so grand!"

"What sounds so grand, un"

A powerful jolt jumped inside of me as the warm fuzzy feeling left me and the soft buzz in my head disappeared as well. Slightly dazed I turned around to see Deidara standing behind me, his mouth slightly curled from worry, his eyes watched me with a probing curiosity.

"I... don't know..." I said truthfully, when the buzz in my head leave someone of my memory must have gone with it. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Not long," His eyes softened but it was mixed with uncertainty, for a while he just stared at me, his eyes never leaving mine. Finally he took a deep breath and sat down beside me on the cliff's edge. "Takumi..." He said to me directly, his voice filled with as much uncertainty as his eyes.

For some reason it took me a moment to register that he was saying my name. "Y-yes," I said quickly.

"I want to tell you something..." He stopped, and turned away from me. I saw him bite nervously in his lower lip, chewing on it thoughtfully.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, placing my hand on his, I made me feel very sad to see a friend in such pain.

'He is not your friend'

Quickly I pulled my hand back, blushing, how forward such a gesture seemed now!

'Don't trust him'

Nervously I eyed Deidara out of the corner of my eye, my gut instinct was sending out warning signals but something, not just Deidara didn't feel right. Isn't Deidara a trusted friend of mine?

'No, it's all lies.'

Yes, that has to be it, Deidara is not my friend.

'He is your enemy'


'You must kill him'

Yes, I needed to kill Deidara, I needed to kill him.

My hand twitched in my lap, itching to retch out and strangle Deidara from around the neck. It was the plan until another hand grabbed it, stroking it tenderly. I looked nervously at Deidara, he had such a kind expression on his face. When our eyes meet of felt a spark of heat rise up inside of me. With held breath I stared into Deidara's pure blue eyes that held such warmth and kindness.

"Deidara..." I said slowly, the heat burst from inside of me, sending my senses into pure bliss, I felt this irresistible urge to retch out and stroke his perfect face. From the back of my mind I could hear distant words calling out to me but I couldn't make them out. The burning warmth from with in me smothered the words.

Deidara's grip tightened around my hand and time slowed down. He swung his other arm around my waist and pulled me close against him, his warm body pressed delightfully against mine. Then as his hand left mind and circled around the back of my head he pulled my face to his as he tenderly kissed me. The taste of his lips on mine was intoxicating.

"He love you Takumi" He whispered into my ear as he pulled away from the kiss. "I love you."

Love, yes I loved Deidara too, how else could I explain this feeling inside of me?

"I lo-" I started to say when another voice in my head interrupted me.

'Foolish girl, you should have just listened to me.'

I felt a tug from around my waist and then suddenly I was looking down at myself. Shock and confusion took over me as I stared down at my own body and Deidara holding it. I looked down at myself and gasped. I was still my but I was transparent and white.

"Deidara, I'm sorry," I heard my body, my real body say. "But I don't think I can return your love."

"What?" Shock was apparent of Deidara's face, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. "W-why?" He jumped up, pulling up my body with it.

"What the heck is going on!" I yell at my body, neither Deidara or my body heard me. "Hey! Listen to me! Hey!" I cried out, desperately grabbed my body, or tried to but my hands when right through.

"What's going on!?" I cried, tiring again and again to grab my body and knock some sense into it. "Think, think! If I'm not controlling my body then who is?

Unfortunately I didn't get much longer to think.

A huge tremor racked the earth, causing Deidara and my body to lose footing and fall onto the ground, just inches away from the edge. The tremor didn't last long but right after it came frighting explosion, from down below.

"We're under attack!" I heard Deidara yell above the noise as dust particles and rocks flew up into the air.

"Go help the others!" I heard my body pleading with Deidara, "I'll be fine, I am the ultimate being after all."

"No!" I screamed, "No! Deidara don't go!" I screamed, trying to stop him but he just fazed right through me, not noticing a thing.

Deidara pulled out a clay bird from his pocket and jumped off over the side of the cliff, enlarging the bird as he did so.

"That was easier than I thought." My body said, looking straight at me, smiling wickedly.

"You can see me!?" I lunged at my body but like with Deidara I just fell right through them. "Who are you?"

"You should know already," My body smiled sickly sweet. "It was only a matter of time, ever since you regained your... proper memories, you have been growing stronger and stronger until you could break free,"

"What are talking about!?" I didn't like this one bit. "What's with all this me crap."

"You see, there is still a part of your programing still apart of you that prevents you from being who you really are."

"Hinaren... you're Hinaren."

Hinaren laughed "No, you are. You are Hinaren but that programing still with you is preventing you from becoming who you really are."

"So that voice in my head... the one that told me to kill Deidara... was you?" Things were starting to piece together in my head, but there was still this huge chunk in the center that was still missing.

"How many times must I tell you," Another explosion from below, the sounds of fighting, metal on metal, could be heard clearly. "You are Hinaren, you must forget your programing, it is confusing you." Hinaren walked over to me and stared me hard in the eye. "Give in, be who you were meant to be." She opened her arms, waiting to be embraced. "Come on... you know it's right."

It did feel right, it felt so right that it hurt, a part of me wanted desperately to be who I was, to be Hinaren but another part of me stayed where it was. There was something wrong with this whole thing and that other part of me wanted to find out what.

I cringed as another explosion went off below. Chunks of earth broke of from the cliff side, Hinaren and I scooted to the side, not be be caught in the crumbling rocks, not that it would affect me much considering I practically a ghost right now! Well at lest it's nice to know that I'm still my usual sarcastic self... sarcastic self.

A high pitched scream broke out amongst the explosions, disturbing my train of thought. Scanning the tumbling rocks I saw two figure jumping from rock to rock, using them as foot stools to climb higher and higher. I recognized one as Usotsuke and the other... Yourai.

Yoruai retched the top first, smiling victoriously at my body, possessed by Hinaren.

"I'm so glad that we get to meet again my dear Hinaren." He purred,

"Get back here you dastard!" Usotsuke screamed, she was running out of rocks and was still ten feet below the edge.

"Sorry, child," Yoruai smiled at her, " I have what I want now and I don't need you anymore so just save myself the effort and die."

"Never!" Usotsuke screeched, with one final leap she grasped the very edge of the cliff, holding on by the tips of her fingers.

"Uso!" I called in vain, she couldn't hear me and I couldn't grab her. Uso didn't need my help, swinging her legs to the side then using the momentum she swung herself over the edge and slid into a fighting stance.

"I'm going to kill you," She hissed at him, Yoruai just continued to smile as he looked from her to my body.

"That doesn't sound very nice now dose it Hinaren."

"No it doesn't." Hinaren smiled and moved closer to Yoruai.

"Takumi!" Uso gasped, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm not Takumi," Hinaren said as she wrapped my body's arms lovingly around Yoruai. "I am Hinaren."

"No!" I screamed as my hands fazed through her, I wanted to pulled my body away from Yoruai, I wanted my body back! "Give me back my body!"

"You dastard!" Usotsuke lungs forward, aiming for Yoruai, "You've corrupted her mind, I wont let you get away with this!"

Hinaren in my body jumped away and next to me as the two started their fight. Usotsuke and Yoruai evenly matched.

"Come now," Hinaren whispered from beside me. "Accept who you are and be loved."

"No," I said, I said it over and over in my head, maybe I'll start believing it.

"Forget your programing and be who you are,"

"Just shut up! If you're so hung up over people being "who they are" then go write a self help book!" I snapped irritably, Hinaren was at a loss for words, I see it from her expression. Sarcasm was my stress defense.


"What are you thinking!" Hinaren yelled quickly, she lost her cool and I could see panic in her eyes. It was all clear to me now, that missing piece of the puzzle was just found.

"I am me, and you are you Hinaren." I smile graced my lips as Hinaren cringed,

"No! You are Hinaren! And so am I! Your programing-"

"I agree that you are Hinaren but I am not, the program your talking about is me, Takumi. If I give that up then I will be gone forever, I would cease to exist."

"No you wont," Hinaren's voice was high and panicky. "You're wrong!"

"Shut up!" I didn't know why in heck was about to do what I was about to do but it made sense, sorta. I was a ghost so I could posses people right? I maybe I could take my body back that way, though it probably won't be easy. When is anything in life easy?

Well it was not or nothing, I jumped my spirit body into my real body, taken over by Hinaren. A acute painful burning sensation over came me as I fought Hinaren's consciousness.

"I can see our differences now," I said slowly, "You're just like him, cold and wicked, well I'm not like you! I care about the people around me, family or not. I know that every life has value, you don't see it like that, you only see a world with you and him, nobody else matters."

Hinaren resisted, she tried to push me back out but while I didn't have my powers anymore I did have my willpower and that alone was more than enough. Slowly as my will took over, the burning sensation left me as Hinaren's consciousness vanished.

I am Takumi, and no one else.


My victory was cut short, I turned to face Usotsuke's and Yoruai's battle in my newly obtained body. Both of them were covered in cuts, Yoruai must have gotten the advantage somehow for he was still standing with ease while Usotsuke on the other hand was leaning on her right leg, blood spurting from her left.

"I'm so happy that I get to kill you, Usotsuke-chan." Yoruai pulled a knife from his pants pocket as he strided over to her.

"No!" I called out, placing myself between her and Yoruai.

"Hinaren!" He gasped. "What's going on with you!"

"I'm not Hinaren," I said darkly, "I am Takumi! Hinaren is gone."

"You witch!" Yoruai growled, "I'll kill you... I'll kill you!" Clutching his knife he lunged forward and stabbed me through the heart.

Usotsuke couldn't believe it, it wasn't real, it couldn't be real. Takumi was not stabbed, she was not bleeding and Yoruai... Yoruai.

"Twice..." Yoruai breathed, "Twice she was taken from me, why couldn't you just give in to her," He pulled the knife from Takumi's chest, blood spurting out as he did so.

There was no way that guy could have hit her, she was too fast, too strong... so why? Why was she hurt.

"" Takumi slurred, blood trailing down from the corner of her mouth as she fell forward, hitting the ground with a terrible 'thump'

"NOO! Takumi!" With the last of her strength, Usotsuke lunged over Takumi and landed on Yoruai, she stole the knief from his hand and returned the favor for what he did to Takumi, over and over again.

A group of voices coming from below told her that the Akatsuki had defected the clone Yoruai had made after the fourth explosion, she was the only to get past it and chase Yoruai.

Crawling off of Yoruai's dead body and crawled over next to Takumi. Lifting the girls head into her arms she called Takumi's name over and over.

"Takumi, wake up, please wake up." Usotsuke felt the tears sting at her eyes, she didn't try to stop them.

"Uso..." Takumi siad weakly as another trickle of blood ran out of her mouth. "I... I lost... my powers... he took... them."

"Takumi." Usotsuke cried, she wanted to know how but now wasn't the time. "Takumi stay with me ya hear," Dread filled her as Takumi's eyes started to glaze over, her skin losing its warmth. Usotsuke could hear the Akatsuki climbing up the cliff side, she prayed that they would make it in time to save her.

"Uso..." Takumi looked up, a weak smile on her lips. "Please... tell... Deidara... that... that... I love him."

"No.... no.. Takumi!" Usotsuke was in denial, even as the girl in her arms closed her eyes, her chest not moving and her skin icy cold, Usotsuke held onto the hope that Takumi could still survive.

"Takumi!" Deidara's voice called out, he and the others had made up the cliff, they looked from the deathly pale Takumi to Yoruai's dead body. Deidara ran over and grabbed Takumi's wrist checking for a pulse.

"No... no Takumi..." Konan cried from the back of the group.

"It's too late." Kakuzu told Deidara, who was still trying to find a pulse. Kakuzu had seem too many dead bodies to not know what one looks like. "She's dead."

Life in the Akatsuki went on as before, going on missions and collecting biiju. Nothing new. After a while they had gotten over Takumi's death, it was painful at first, especial for Deidara, they were all found of Takumi but they couldn't live in the past. They had to move on.

Usotsuke vanished after Takumi's death but not before visiting her grave one last time on the that hill, the hill which Usotsuke first meet Takumi. She knew that it would have made Takumi very happy to be buried next to her friend Yua.

Usotsuke promised Takumi that she will visit every year because Takumi was her dear friend.

Me: The end.

Takumi: I still can't believe that you killed me.

Me:Arient you supposed to be dead?

Takumi: (pouts)

Me: Well the readers are defiantly going to kill me.

Takumi: They should....

Me: So that's why I have something for them! (pulls out a life size blow up of Tally) There! Now they can take their anger out on this!

Takumi: I still don't that that's going to cut it...

Me: Well if the reviewers have a problem with it then they could just write fanfiction... about a fanfiction... you know what (to readers) if you do like this ending or whatever then just write a fanfiction about it, I'm giving you permission, also if you want, you could draw a picture or somthin' just be sure to tell me about it, I'll even post the link for it only my profile.

Takumi: You are very lazy.

Me: Whatever.... Well to help make things up I'll be writing another story soon thats very much like this one, it will be called "Black Bird" So keep an eye out for it.

Bye, bye people! It was fun and I enjoyed the reviews, that reminds me... Please review!!!