
A/N: I haven't written a continuation, but maybe someday, if people seem interested in reading more.


"You again!" Kimihiro complained, as he watched Shizuka of the Doumeki clan scale the thick mat of ivy clinging to the side of the house. "Don't you have anything better to do than to come here? If you fall off and break your back, I won't be held responsible!"

Shizuka failed to respond, partly because he was concentrating on not falling off and breaking his back, but mostly because he took this as Kimihiro's unique way of greeting him. Every time he visited, Kimihiro would angrily spout some variation on the same theme, but, as Shizuka noted, never so loudly that he might get caught "breaking and entering" the Watanuki home. And thus far, Kimihiro had never failed to be waiting on the balcony when Shizuka arrived, though he glared down irritably while Shizuka tied his horse to the gatepost, as if having to be there was the most tedious thing in the world.

Once he'd reached the top, it was simple for Shizuka to vault himself over the railing and into the balcony itself. Kimihiro didn't help, but then again, he never did – instead, he stood back, arms wrapped awkwardly around himself, supremely unsure. Shizuka gazed at him, and felt his chest swell with affection. In the center of the balcony there was a small round table with a makeshift tablecloth draped over it; it was laden with far too much food for just one person.

"Nice presentation," commented Shizuka, studying the polished silverware with some interest.

"Shut up! It just happened to be that way today, alright? All I did was move it outside!"

As Shizuka unslung his knapsack from his back, Kimihiro glanced over curiously.

"Don't tell me…" he said, in a disbelieving tone of voice, "you actually brought something for dinner?"

From deep within the recesses of his bag, Shizuka produced a tall bottle of wine and two goblets. The mere sight of these made Kimihiro sputter and blush brilliantly red.

"You are such an alcoholic! I can't believe you brought the entire bottle. And did you even consider whether that wine goes with this meal? I bet you didn't, because you don't know anything about stuff like that!"

Unconcerned, Shizuka popped the cork on the bottle, and sat down, gazing blankly at Kimihiro until he shut up and sat down to eat, too. It was a nice night, and he intended to have a pleasant dinner, come hell or high water.\


Afterwards, he kissed Kimihiro on the balcony, under the stars – well, Kimihiro would have said he only let Shizuka kiss him because he was feeling generous, but the result was the same.

"Don't get used to this," Kimihiro mumbled, trying to look annoyed, but failing. It was cute, so Shizuka kissed him again, and again, until he was too breathless to protest. Shizuka was not given to speeches, so this was how he said goodbye. It had the added bonus of letting him climb down in peace, because by the time Kimihiro had regained the ability to talk he was already saddling up and about to leave.

Ever mindful of the volume of his voice, Kimihiro dangled himself halfway off the balcony and hissed down, "You didn't even say 'goodnight'!"

Shizuka looked up, raising a hand as though about to wave; then touched two fingers to his lips ironically, as if to say, Sure I did. It was impossible to misunderstand, but he tapped the horse's sides with his heels and was riding off before the shouting started, a tiny smile on his face.