Hello peoples! I know Im not strictly speaking supposed to do this but hey, rules are made to be broken right?

Also sorry to make you think theres a new chap.!

I have been giving some thought (when I actually have thoughts) to expanding this into a multi-series of one-shots featuring our favourites couples and of course Rodney-cause he just couldnt be left out.

Some would be humour, some the ramblings of my vaguely demented mind, some maybe a tad angsty.

What is the general thought?

Good, like shiny things and Canada (I am OBSESSED with Canada-it just seems like an awesome place! I will not rest until I have visited it. Any Canadians-yay! Youre Canadian!!)?

Or, heaven forbid, bad like you know...war. And cream of chicken soup.

May I have a smidgeon of your time to hear your valued thoughts??

Let me know through a PM or review, whatever does it for you.

I would be uber grateful.

Muchas gracias and ciao, amigos!

Doll, :D