Chapter 21
August 25, 1885 (from Sleepy Eye)
Dear Diary
My brother was married today. I've never been happier in my life. Really, I haven't.
I'm not just saying that either, I mean it. After seven years, it will be good to get out on my own for once. It will be an exciting time and I'm looking forward to it.
I don't know where to begin. What a surprise it was when Mannie showed up at the door with Laura in the rig. He said they were on their way to Sleepy Eye to tell Laura's parents that the engagement was back on. Charles and Caroline Ingalls were in town to celebrate the anniversary of their oldest daughter, Mary Ingalls Kendall and her husband Adam, the teachers here at the Blind School. I felt very comfortable being around the two of them as they are teachers as well. Adam Kendall is a handsome fellow and his wife, Mary is beautiful.
I have never seen a couple more in love than my brother and his new wife and I'm happy for them. They haven't taken their eyes off each other all evening except when Charles asked to dance with his daughter to Houston's harmonica melodies. Everyone was just having so much fun that we had all forgotten about the time, so we are leaving for Walnut Grove first thing in the morning.
Houston will go down to the post office in the morning to wire Radnor about Laura's bag. Hopefully, it should arrive safely in the next day or so.
Charles happened to see Harve in town when he and Hester Sue went looking for the Reverend Hardwick. He hadn't gone to St. Louis yet, he had put off the trip because he had some last minute things to take care of. I was embarrassed and felt like a fool, until Charles promised not to say anything. I'll write my brother later and explain that our relationship just didn't work out. It will be good to stand tall, out on my own, not in my brother's constant presence, although I do fear that sometimes I will miss him.
Everyone is in their rooms now. Laura and Mannie were the first ones upstairs, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls.
Tomorrow should be an exciting day and one that I look forward to.
I close out this wonderful day with hopes of a bright future and look forward to writing on a fresh new page tomorrow. Goodnight for now.
Almanzo looked at Laura sitting next to him at the long table. He put his arm around her and she leaned her head on his shoulder.
"Listen Beth," he said, looking into her eyes. "I'm so sorry about…"
She picked her head up and placed her finger on his lips. She looked into his blue eyes and smiled.
"Don't Manly," she whispered, "don't spoil it. I'm too happy right now." She took her finger away from his lips. "This is how it was meant to be. Reverend Alden says that there is a reason for everything."
He smiled back staring into her big brown eyes. "For a short time there, I thought that we..."
But her kiss silenced anything he was about to say.
They broke apart, unable to concentrate on anything or anyone except themselves, although they were in a room full of people.
"Hey Almanzo," Charles Ingalls interrupted, "Do you think you could tear yourself away from my daughter for a few minutes so I can dance with the bride?"
"Sure, Charles, if I can have the pleasure of dancin' with your wife?"
"I don't see why not, son," he said, as he pulled Laura up and danced to Houston's harmonica rendition of "Little Brown Jug."
The Regulator on the wall chimed nine o'clock, which brought everyone back to reality.
"Well," Adam said, "It's a little too late to head for Walnut Grove and we've got the extra rooms and extra beds."
He clapped Almanzo on the back. "We've got one specially set up for the newlyweds, just in case." He felt Almanzo tense up and laughed. "Don't worry, it's a double bed. We do have them for guests you know."
Almanzo looked at Laura as he closed the door. He had waited a long time for this night and now the two of them stood there staring at each other, not one of them moving a muscle.
Laura smiled as she reached up to caress her newly married husband's cheek. "We'd better get some sleep if we have to get going first thing in the morning. We've still got a farm to run, you know."
Manly laughed and nodded his head. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. "Just you and me together, Beth," he whispered into her ear, "forever."
He kissed her lightly at first, then, encouraged by his new wife, pressed harder.
"Beth," he breathed as they came up for air. "My Beth."
Almanzo pulled the shirt over his head, exposing his bare chest. It suddenly seemed very warm and he was feeling a little lightheaded. He kissed her again and they tumbled onto the bed, Almanzo fumbling with the buttons on her beautiful grey suit.
"Here," she said, as she slid the jacket off, then pulled off the skirt while Manly struggled with his own trousers. With a little smile, Laura helped him pull them off and they both stared at one another. She reached up behind her pulling out the pins that held her hair in place. Her reddish-brown hair tumbled loosely over her shoulders.
Almanzo watched, dumbstruck, a little smile on his face. His eyes took everything in, not missing a beat. He wanted her so much he couldn't concentrate on anything else, but what he saw in front of him.
"Oh Beth," he whispered, shaking his head, blue eyes staring into her brown ones. "You're beautiful."
"So are you, Manly," she said.
Almanzo smiled and drew closer, taking his wife in his arms. "I've waited for this a long time," he breathed in her ear, kissing her hard. He rolled her over and found himself on top of her, kissing her neck, her shoulders and finally her face. He shivered as she pulled him closer, their desires and feelings for each other meshed into one.
Almanzo woke up first, trying to remember exactly where he was. He looked around the small room and his gaze finally settled on a slumbering Laura next to him. The Blind School, he thought as he smiled and reached out to touch her hair. He let his hand move down to touch her eyebrows, then the tips of her eyelashes. He touched her cheek with his hand finally coming to rest on her lips, which he traced with his fingertip. He didn't think that it was possible to love one person so much as he loved Beth. For the first time, he realized how foolish he had been and how lucky he was to have such a brilliant and beautiful woman by his side. She was absolutely amazing, even last night she took charge of their lovemaking.
He knew as he had known since they had first met that they'd end up together for the rest of their lives. No matter how many times he'd try and talk himself out of their relationship or tried to forget her, he couldn't. There was always that special connection between the two of them, a spark he'd never felt before or since. He knew he could never feel that way about anyone again.
He smiled as he turned to watch her sleeping, her chest rising and falling with each breath. He reached out to touch her arm to make sure she was really there, that this wasn't a dream. He had waited a long time for this night and he wasn't disappointed, in fact, he had wanted to thank Charles for making him wait so long.
Laura stirred next to him and he pulled back, but his loving gaze never left her eyes.
"Manly?" she asked, reaching out for him.
"I'm right here, Beth," he whispered, as he took her hand in his. "Go back to sleep. We have a few hours left until dawn."
She nodded. "I love you, Manly," she breathed and snuggled closer to him.
"And I love you, sweetheart. I love you now and I will always love you. Just you and me together, always forever, as long as we both shall live."
Laura smiled as he curled up beside her. "This is just the beginnin', Beth. We have our whole lives ahead of us and they'll be long years together. I want to be by your side through all of them."
The only sound he heard was her soft breathing beside him and he knew she was asleep again. He sighed and shook his head, then he closed his eyes and he waited for sleep to take him into the morning light where he'd wake up beside his Beth. It was all that mattered to him, nothing else.