The Forgotten Realms: The Vision

Part 1

At the far side of Artisans, many miles away from the Artisan Temple, a Bulb Spider was gently eating fresh herbs from the plains, blinking at its surroundings. Suddenly, a squeal of distress filled the air from a distance as the Bulb Spider turned and quickly scurried to the other side of the hill to where the squealing was issuing from.

Another Bulb Spider, a baby, was frantically trying to drive away a Death Hound that came across the defenseless creature. It was the hound that attacked Spyro and the others on their first two days in the Artisan Temple and was now on the far side of the Artisan realm, advancing at a baby Bulb Spider to kill for food. He snarled when the baby Bulb Spider tried to defend itself by lashing its small, lethal fangs at the Hound.

Suddenly, the adult Bulb Spider came to its young's aid, dangerously baring and lashing its large fangs and legs at the Death Hound. The Death Hound quickly backed away as he tried to fend off both Bulb Spiders at the same time. Knowing that he can't take on two spiders at once, the Hound drew back and ran a few feet away from the Bulb Spiders until he was out of their reach as he stopped and turned his head, glaring at them. The Bulb Spiders were still shrieking and groaning aggressively at the carnivore's presence, making the Death Hound snarl at them with fustration.

"Lucky for you, I got other things to do." The Death Hound growled. He turned around and faced the hillside; his eyes glinting sinisterly. "I have places to go, old friend dragons to visit..."