Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters or House, David Shore does.
Warning: I haven't seen S5 yet, so if something I've assumed is no longer valid, well, it's not my problem. And if you have a problem with girlsecks, you shouldn't be reading my fics. Thanks.

It was Christmas and most of the hospital was gathered around a few blackjack tables that had been set up, waiting their turn. Cuddy, jumping at any opportunity to be hated even more, had decided to deal, while House and his new and old diagnostics teams sat around her.

House motioned for Cuddy to give him another card, then shut his eyes and groaned when he saw the cards he'd been dealt.
"You idiot, House! You had two face cards. Of course you were going to bust." Cuddy rolled her eyes.

"I've electrocuted myself on purpose. I don't think taking a card even comes close to the risk I took then. Anyway, the lovebirds are waiting for you," he replied, indicating Chase and Cameron, who didn't look too bored, seeing as they were busy making out. Cuddy cleared her throat.
"Erm, stay," Chase said perfunctorily, ignoring the fact that he had a three and a five.
"Me too," Cameron muttered as she turned back to Chase.
Everyone held back sniggers. "You, Foreman?" Cuddy asked. Foreman gulped down his fifth eggnog and yelled, "Hit me!" only to be disappointed with a total of twenty-two.
Taub and Kutner both stayed with respective totals of seventeen and twenty.
"Thirteen?" Cuddy asked. She'd specifically been avoiding looking that end of the table throughout the round, but now she had to. Remy held her gaze, then dropped her eyes to Cuddy's extremely low neckline, and back up again. "Hit me, baby. One more time," she said softly. Cuddy flipped a card out, coming closer to Remy than she necessarily needed to, holding her gaze the entire time.

"Twenty-one!" Remy called out happily. Without thinking, she leant over the table and pulled Cuddy close in a smoldering kiss. With one hand, she undid the back of Cuddy's dress, the other sliding up—

—House woke up with a sigh. Of course it was a dream.

Crappy ending, lalala.