Shiz... I completely forgot about owning any stories.... Oops? Kind of busy you see..... Actually, I'm just a lazy person..... :( SO sorry everyone! I'm not good at the updating part! I'm not even sure I'm good at the writing part!!!!


Gaara.... was hyperventilating right now. He doesn't normally APPEAR scared, thank you very much.... except even the best of shinobi get scared..... I think.

The footsteps were steadily getting louder when suddenly, a loud, familiar noise disturbed the air.... It was the sound of something that just broke. Like an explosion... but at the same time different.

It..... was Sakura.


WITH SAKURA: (Back to 1 minute earlier!)

Sakura whimpered, speeding up slightly. Her leg muscles were getting strained and starting to hurt. She winced as she almost slipped.

"Fuck...." She whispered, her hand brushing the back of her leg to soothe the cramps starting.

"Sakura!" Naruto yelled. Kankurou, Temari and Naruto were trying really hard to catch up to her. They knew that in a normal retrieval mission, Sakura wouldn't run this fast. But.... this was Gaara. And Sakura would do anything for Gaara.... maybe even sacrifice her own soul for him. That much was clear..... but their relationship status, whether they're friends or lovers, was unknown.

Sakura glanced over her shoulder once before frowning and slowing down a bit. They caught up to her quietly. A few seconds passed and Sakura was starting to wonder whether they went the right direction. It seemed that the other three were thinking the same thing.

Just when they were all ready to turn, a faint hint of Gaara's chakra sparked, as if he was in danger. His chakra signal was anxious and..... scared from what Sakura could read.

Their faces brightened at the fact that they found him and they sped up. They reached a clearing.... with no Gaara. They frowned, forming a circle. They looked around them, confused slightly.

"Genjutsu? Kankurou guessed.

Sakura frowned, and walked backward. Kankurou, Temari and Naruto suddenly flickered out of sight in front of her eyes. Her eyes betrayed no sign of surprise, she nodded her head and walked back inside the illusion.

"Yup." She said dryly.

They nodded, "Kai." They murmured. Instantly, the tree in front of Temari disappeared. It was replaced by a house.... an old one.... but in a very good condition. Sakura gave a wry smile before pulling back her fist to punch the door. Screams were heard the moment it came out. It revealed women in maid dresses looking frightened. And in the middle of them was..... Sasuke. Sakura and Naruto stiffened. They stared at him in disbelief.

"I... I thought you were in Konoha!" Sakura yelled, taking a step back.

Sasuke chuckled. "Correct honey, I WAS." He gave a small smirk, "But I ran back.... and kidnapped your little Gaara-kun." He sneered.

For a moment, everyone thought Sakura was going to scream and punch him, but she burst out laughing. They stared at her in surprise, raising an eyebrow. Sasuke seemed.... kind of insulted that she didn't seem disturbed.

"! You reminded me of the dude who played Severus Snape in Harry Potter! Remember him?! When he -gasp- goes all 'I am the Half-Blood Prince'?! -gasp- GAWD! His face was-gasp- so like yours!" Sakura yelled in hysterics.

Sasuke twitched, "I think I liked it better when you told me I was acting like Draco Malfoy... at least he was actually NEAR my age!" He grumbled.

"Anyway," Sakura said, suddenly serious again. She picked herself up from the floor and met his eye. "Are we going to have to do this the hard way, or the easy way?" SHe said smirking, she cracked her knuckles, managing to look menacing and hot at the same time.

"Are you gay?" Kankurou blurted out, staring at Sasuke. Sakura and Sasuke twitched. SAkura punched the side of his head, "You RUINED my line, you idiot!"

Sasuke sighed, "This sucks. All I wanted to do was create some drama... but nooooo, instead of crying and begging me to give Gaara back, you're INSULTING me. Great! Just great! He's in that room. Punch it open.... but you're paying." Sasuke grumbled, pointing to the wall next to him.

He left with the maids/women following him. He was muttering under his breath about something that sounded like, "Even Tom Riddle would've been better than SNAPE..... I mean.... Tom does become Voldemort!"

Sakura turned, staring at the wall. She pulled her fist back and smashed it open, smiling in a sick kind of satisfaction. Gaara walked toward them, a sort of amused expression on his face. Sakura and Gaara met gazes and Sakura blushed. Gaara smirked.

"Took you long enough. Want to see what I did while trying to escape the room?" He asked casually. The 4 of them shrugged before nodding. They stared at the tower of items that leaded up to the window and blinked.

"What?!" Gaara asked, hurt slightly. They shook their heads, sighing slightly.

"I thought you were better than this." Sakura said, punctuating her sentence by kicking the tower with her foot, it toppled dangeruosly close to them, creating dust bunnies to fly out. The group coughed, covering their nose. The four glared at Sakura. Gaara took his hand long enough to stick his tongue out.

Sakura shook her head, stepping out of the hole left in the wall.

"Are you guys leaving or not?!" Sasuke yelled from upstairs. They blinked and shrugged, walking out of the empty gap where the door should be. Gaara smirked and turned to Sakura.

"Harry Potter, huh?

You know, I kind of LIKED this chapter.... all the HP 6 excitement got to my head. XD I watched it last week.

Again, sorry for the shortness.... It's either this, or nothing.... Sorry for the disappointment....
