This is it, the Final Chapter of season two. I'm actually mixed emotions right now. While I'm really happy to get this done at the same time I'm sad because this story is done and I have to put it aside and can't reply back to any of your reviews anymore until –yeah.

So I'm really deeply thankful for everyone that did review everything and maybe new people to come. It's really very kind of you all! Toya, Mooncry, Blue-candle, and Majesty Vampire Thank you!


The Joker13: (whew just made the cut): I'm sorry for making you cry! Thanks for being with me till the end. I wish you the best of luck on SheL! I will be sure to Review!

Alchemy Goddess Kitsune: A new reviewer! Thanks for loving it so! Please stay for the final sequel. Thank you for your review!

Tashio: I'm a sucker for them too but I knew this was to come. Please don't be mad and a personal thanks for sticking with my story till the end.

Tavana: Yes, it was my second last chapter and this is the final of this chapter. I'm going to go cry now! Thanks much Tavana.


"You made the right decision Misa." Rem told her and Misa stared down at the floor. Did she really?


CH 20: A New Beginning - Prolog? Happy Face!

Did she really? A question that continued to haunt her as she greeted her fans with a smile as she passed by on those runways once more. People cried out her name and Misa searched the crowds for someone special but realized that he would not be there. None of them would be.

The King of Shinigami's…As she was leaving he made sure to tell her one last twisted joke.

"I rewrote history. Have fun putting it back together again." Misa was confused with his word that was until Rem informed what he meant.

"Nobody will remember you. You had never met Light and thus you were never the second Kira in the eyes of that world." Misa gritted her teeth. That bastard! So not only did she loose L but also Matt, Mello, Near, the task force, and everyone else she made contact with. No one knew her as anything but a model.

"He deceived me!" Misa remembered shouting to Rem as they headed back to the gates of the real world.

"It's okay, you can still fix this. Find them and help them remember you Misa. He might have rewritten their minds but it is all done by magic. Magic can always be broken. You can make them remember. I have faith in you." Rem told her and Misa couldn't believe the whole thing but yet she would try. Her job however made it impossible for her to get anywhere. She could not escape it seemed and she could not find L or the others as she planned for the moment but once she was free of these guards on her tail she would go back to L's apartment.

He would remember her. The ring on her finger was still living proof he cared. Besides It was not like she was completely imprisoned… She was alive and her blood numbers were restored back to normal. Misa knew this because it seemed as if even though the King was a bastard he did permit her with one farewell gift. She still had her Shinigami eyes.

"Misa I love you." Lawliet's voice echoed throughout her mind and Misa sending shivers up her spine.

"I know…I will find you Lawliet!" Misa cried out, not caring if people stared at her oddly. A smile graced her lip; she got her body back a victory – but what bittersweet ending this was as the person she had loved no longer trailed behind her to give her a teasing comment to lighten the mood. No matter, she would find her happiness. Misa tugged her long blonde hair behind her ear and laughed because she knew it was true. After all L Misa demanded it.


The End


I KNOW I KNOW! You want to kill me but relax calm down! There is a final sequel. Yes and it will have a good – GOOD ending! Happiness and sparkles! Misa and L will meet in that chapter. Misa has grown from this storyline and will use this strength in the next sequel.

So please let me write my last series for these two stories and then you can really decide if you want to kill me or not.

Thank you so MUCH for staying with me this long. I really couldn't have finished this without so much support. Thank you again always!

I will have chapter one of my new story up by today. It's written and good to go! So if you don't hate me look for that Story! I just have to come up with a title.

Like a collected series – A Change of Pace –Sad face. A Bittersweet -Happy-sad face and finally "A New Beginning "with super lovely happiness.

Oi vei, you all are going to kill me – I know it. Blue candle hugs me! Ha-ha!

I really wish I could show you guys how much I thank you for all your reviews - I guess the only way to do it is by making this new story a real treat. That much I can promise you. Jaa ne,
