A/N: I was listening to "Little Moments" by Brad Paisley...and I kept thinking of Jacob and Renesmee, so I decided to write this little piece of fiction.
It was originally intended to be a one-shot...but it works better in chapters...) Read it and Review it...please and thank you!!

P.S. I don't own Twilight or Renesmee or Jacob (if I did...Jacob would've ended up with ME!!...lol)

Well, I'll never forget the first time that I heard

That pretty mouth say that dirty word

And I can't even remember now

What she backed my truck into

But she covered her mouth and her face got red

And she just looked so darn cute

That I couldn't even act like I was mad.

Yeah, I live for little moments like that.

"Now put it in reverse" I told her.

"Jacob, shut up!" she said looking at me with frustration in her eyes.

"Nessie, I'm trying to help you here!" I told her holding back my laughter.

"Now put the truck in reverse and ease your foot on the gas," I said ignoring the way she rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay, here I go," She said putting the truck in reverse. Her foot hovered over the pedal, and she looked at me, hesitating. I nodded and she proceeded to place her foot on the pedal. But being the peculiar girl she was, she underestimated her own strength and put a little too much force behind her foot, making the truck dash backwards.

"SHIT!" I heard her say after her foot had slammed on the brake. She brought her hands to her mouth and turned to face me; her eyes were wide in anticipation. I had a fit of laughter.

"JAKE! Stop laughing!! I just backed your truck into your stupid mailbox!" she said shaking me frantically. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment and her red lips were pursed into a pout. Had it been anyone else I probably would have been furious. She had expected me to be, but her reaction was so endearing, that the only thing I could do was laugh, and keep laughing.

"Jake, this is serious! Stop laughing!" she said punching me in the arm.

"Ow…haha…that hurt Renesmee!,hahaha…I'm sorry…but your face was priceless, and you cursed!" I said trying hard to stop my laughter and catch my breath at the same time.

"Well seeing as I just took out your mailbox, it seemed appropriate!" she told me, and I could not contain my self and began laughing hysterically once again. Her hands had a death grip on the steering wheel, and her forehead was pressed against it.

"Ness, it's no big deal. I can fix it. Just be sure you really barely touch the gas pedal next time. You're pretty strong." I said, putting my arm on her shoulder to calm her down.

"UGH, driving sucks!" she said, reaching for the door handle and opening it.

"YOU drive now!" She told me getting out of the truck and slamming it. I kept laughing but got out of the truck and met her outside. She was leaning against the side of it with her arms still crossed and her mouth still forming a perfect pout.

"Ness, I don't really have to drive…we didn't go anywhere…well…okay we're a few hundred feet from my diseased mailbox…OW!" She had proceeded to punch me in the arm again putting a lot more force behind her fist than she had the first time.

"That hurt, girl! AND it was the same spot as before. It's definitely gonna leave a mark" I said rubbing my arm. She looked up, still pouting, and brought her hand to my face, showing me various times when she had bruised me or left a mark on my skin, insinuating that it didn't matter because I healed supernaturally fast.

"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when you hit me!" I said chuckling. She pressed her hand against my cheek again.

Maybe you should stop laughing at me then.

"Maybe you should stop being so funny..." I said chuckling.

We stood in silence for a while, and I stared at her. Renesmee was now a six year old in the body of a sixteen year old. The images of the last six years flew in my mind as I looked at her, and it was the little moments like this one that stuck out the most. After a few minutes of not saying anything, her pout slowly turned into a smile, breaking through my thoughts and bringing me back to the present.

"Let's park this thing and fix the mailbox before Billy comes home."

We can blame it on Paul.

"YOU can blame it on Paul. If I blame it on Paul, Rachel will kill me."

She laughed hysterically now, and put a picture of Rachel, chasing me around with the broom with every intention of killing me, in my head.

"That was not funny!"

Yes it was.

"You wouldn't think so if you were me." I said, winicing at the memory of my sister's angry face.

"Thanks for trying to teach me how to drive today, Jake." She said smiling.

"Your wish is my command, my fair Nessie" I teased, although there was probably more truth to that than any non-freaky person could imagine. She smiled and made her way to the passenger seat.

After we had parked the truck, we made our way to the mailbox which lay unconscious on the ground.

"Jeez, Ness, you really took it out, I think this was premeditated…" I said, picking it up and pointing at the dents that scarred the mailbox now.

"I'll buy you guys a new one."

"No, I want to keep it as a reminder," I snorted.

"Reminder of what?" she asked.

"Of why I'm never going to let you drive me anywhere." Her tiny fist met my large arm for the third time that day.

"OUCH! Pick a new place on my body to use as a punching bag…please!"

She looked at me with mischievous eyes, giggled and brought her hand to my cheek.

Tag, you're it!

She said in my head and began running at full speed toward the beach.

"Oh, no you don't!" I said, dropping the mailbox to the ground and making a new dent on it.

"Crap…oh well" I said before I ran into the woods so I could phase and run after Renesmee.