A/N: Okay people, I was at a 50's car show and is song was playing and for some odd, unknown reason I thought of a vampire-less Twilight. So, in this both Bella and Edward are HUMAN.
P.S: this is a 50's song called Tell Laura so, I swapped Laura for Bella and changed
Tommy to Edward, and Please review, this is my first song fic and I want to know if
I should continuing making song fics or if I need to delete this right away and never
Attempt a song-fic again. Oh, and instead of mother I put father.
Bella and Edward were lovers,
He wanted to give her everything,
Flowers, presents, and most of all, a wedding ring.
He saw a sign for a stock car race,
A thousand dollars prize it read,
He couldn't get Bella on the phone, so to her father Edward said…
Tell Bella I love her,
Tell Bella I need her,
Tell Bella I may be late,
I've something to do and it can't wait.
"Alright then Edward, I'll tell her your message," said Charlie from the other end.
Edward hung up the phone. He paused for a moment, imagining that he'd won the race,
He saw himself proposing to Bella, and then he saw Bella, beautiful as ever in a wedding Gown, kissing him tenderly as the ceremonial music played. She was his destiny, the race would be risky, but it was the only way he could get the money to make his life complete.
Hesitantly, he snapped out of his fantasy and grabbed the keys to his Volvo, what he didn't know was that it would be the last time.
He drove his car down to the racing ground,
He was the youngest driver there,
And the crowd roared as they started the race,
'round the track they drove at a deadly pace,
No one knows what happened that day,
How his car overturned in flames,
But as they pulled him from the twisted wreck, with his dying breath, they heard him say,
Tell Bella I love her,
Tell Bella I need her,
Tell Bella not to cry my love for her,
Will never die.
The crowd drew away as the ambulance pulled in, Edward's father, Carlisle rushed out to the horrifying surprise that his son lay dying before him. As they hooked Edward up to an IV and heart monitor, his heart stopped.
"Transmitting shock now!" Carlisle said, trying to jump-start Edward's heart back up. They tried again and again, and again, but to no avail, Edward was dead. Carlisle, holding back tears, slowly pulled out his cell phone. "Alice," he choked as she picked up on the other end. "Call Bella, there is something she needs to know,"
The viewing service had ended hours ago, only one remained in the small chapel. Bella sat in the pew closest to the figure in the open casket, he looked so amazing, even in death. Heavy sobs racked Bella's body, Edward had died so suddenly, all for her. She'd never again kiss his perfect lips, never again tousle his wavy auburn hair, never again her his velvet smooth voice. And worst of all, she didn't even get to say goodbye. When she heard a bystander tell her what his final words were, she broke down, she had fallen into the abyss of sadness and grief, never to escape it again, for the only person who could rescue her was now gone.
And in the chapel where Bella prayed,
For her Edward who had passed away,
It was just for Bella that he lived and died,
Alone in the chapel she could hear him cry,
Tell Bella I love her,
Tell Bella I need her,
Tell Bella not to cry, my love for her,
Will never die.
As Bella sobbed, she heard a velvet voice that could only belong to one person. Her head shot up, before her stood her deceased love.
"Bella, love, please don't cry," he pleaded.
"But Edward you're gone! I can't live without you! I died the moment your heart stopped!" Bella sobbed.
"Tell Bella I love her," Edward began, singing softly, Bella stopped crying, "Tell Bella I need her, Tell Bella not to cry, my love for her, Will never die," when he finished the song, he looked deeply into her deep brown eyes.
"I will always be with you my love, In your heart, and I will watch over you until they day you join me in the heavens above, until then, my Bella, I will wait for you in the wings, guarding you every step of the way. I must leave now, but I will never really be gone."
Bella watched as he faded, she felt her heart accelerate slightly, and then return to normal, she'd never love another, but Edward would always be with her.
A/N: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE review. I'm thinking about doing a another twilight fic, with two O/C's as main characters and a lot of Edward and Jasper!