HELLO READERS! I cannot believe this is the last chapter, it makes me so sad. Anyway I just wanted to thank every single one of you who reviewed, you are amazing! Also thank you so much for all of the alerts. Each one of those emails thrilled me and inspired me to write more and more each day.


Me: Edward would you like to do the honors.

Edward: I thought I was dead?

Me: Maybe I think you're just too sexy to kill…You may survive.

Edward: I still love Bella.

Me: Say that one more time I really will make you non-existent!

Edward: Okay to save my own neck, literally, I'll just say bellaklutz2010 does not own Twilight.

Me: Good sexy vampire!


"Edward," I begged. "Please come back to me my love. Please I beg of you."

"Bella allow me to attend to him," Carlisle said moving me to the side. I took my place on the other side of Edward and held his hand tightly. "He is still maintaining a pulse though I fear it to be weak."

"Carlisle do something," I begged. "If his body still draws breath he cannot be so far gone."

"Esme love, please retrieve my doctors bag from my study," Carlisle directed. "Jasper assists me in moving Edward to the table; we shall have to perform surgery immediately." Jasper and Esme did as Carlisle asked while I stayed closely by my loves side.

Carlisle worked intently and quickly while I tried not to become faint from the sight of so much blood. Hours later Edward was breathing normally and had a secure pulse but still would not wake.

"Bella," Esme said coming behind me. "Sweetheart you should find some time to rest. I assure you if Edward awakes I shall retrieve you immediately."

"I cannot leave him," I said weakly. "If I never sleep again I do not care. I love this man and I shall not leave his side for even a moment until he draws breath once more."

"Very well dearest," she said kissing me on the cheek. "I shall let you to stay with him. Please do not allow yourself anymore heartache Bella. What occurred could never be considered your fault."

"The fault is all mine Esme," I retorted. "If I had not been selfish then none of this would have occurred."

"Bella how you can say such," Esme asked. "If you had not found such courage this situation would have been much worse."

"What could be worse," I asked. "Jacob is dead, my family is furious, and now because of me Edward may die!"

"Look at me," Esme said taking my face in her hands. "Edward loves you Isabella. If you would have married Jacob, Edward would have killed him regardless. As for Edward's actions, he did it because he loves you. He would die a thousand times before you felt an ounce of pain."

"How could he love someone who causes him this," I said gesturing towards him. "I have been adding to his pain since the day we met. I cannot deserve him and I certainly never shall."

"Who is to say who we love," Esme asked. "You cannot determine who you shall give your heart too. Edward loves you because of all the wonderful qualities you posses. And you love him for the same reasons."

"My only prayer is that he would open his eyes," I said. "I have always thought whenever I gazed into his eyes I had all I could ever need. When he arrived into my life every wish was answered and every dream came true."

"He will awake Bella," Esme assured. "Just maintain that faith you posses so deeply. You shall see that prayer is the answer to all." As Esme left me alone in the room with Edward I did as she instructed, I prayed.

I prayed until I had no strength to function. I awoke the next morning groggy and fatigued. I had never known such exhaustion in my life. Edward's hand continued to lay limp in my own as I continued to hold his securely.

"Good morning my love," I whispered. "I realize that I have already asked so much of you but I must ask you one more favor." I grasped his hand tighter and leaned over so my mouth spoke directly into his ear. "Wake my love. Look at me once more and acknowledge that you shall not leave me. Awake once more and I swear upon my own life that I shall never cause you such pain again." I then sat patiently awaiting his words. When they did not come I found myself crying over him in despair. Without him life held no meaning. What could be left of me if he found no part within my life?

"Bella," I heard him moan. "Bella where are you? Bella please return to me." I could not believe it. Edward was merely sleeping, and talking quite profusely.

"Edward," I whispered in his ear again. "I am here by your side. All you must do is open your eyes and you shall find me." I squeezed his hand once more, only this time he responded. He held my hand tightly before opening his eyes and starring at me intently.

"Bella," he said. "Could it really be you? Do my eyes deceive me or are you truly standing before me?"

"I am here," I said with tears flowing down my cheeks. "I am here and I shall never hurt you again. Edward…" But he would not allow me to speak the last sentence. He attacked my lips with even more intensity than the previous night.

"I love you," he stated. "Forever."

"And I love you," I said.

"I shall never allow you to leave my side again," he said. "I do not care if you say you only cause pain towards me. If pain is what I must endure to be with you than I shall take it without complaint or thought."

"Edward," Carlisle said as he entered the room with Esme. "You have awoken, it is a miracle!"

"I had to return to my angel," Edward said gripping me tightly. "She is the reason I take breathe every breath."

"You were right Esme," I said. "Prayer is the answer to everything." Esme and I exchanged smiles as I cried tears of joy and relief. Edward kissed every one of them away and pulled me into his chest where he simply held me.

"Bella," Alice said entering the room. "Edward! You are awake; oh I knew you would come back! Jasper he is awake!" As Jasper entered the room I could see the relief light up his face. I could tell that thought of losing Edward killed him as well.

"Edward," Jasper said. "I am so sorry for all that has occurred. I blame myself entirely."

"Jasper I find you are as silly as Bella," Edward laughed.

"What ever do you mean," I asked curiously.

"Bella just because I am not conscious does not mean I cannot hear you," Edward said. "Neither of you are at fault in this situation. It was of my own free will that I took the bullet."

"Let us not discuss blame any further," Carlisle said. "Alice was their not something you wished to discuss with Bella and Edward."

"Oh yes," she said looking happy once more. "Bella mother has been arrested."

"What," I asked incredulously. "On what charge has she been fined upon?"

"Fraud and Embezzlement," Jasper answered. "Shortly after the authorities arrived last night to take Rosalie into custody they arrested your mother as well."

"Apparently mother was keeping more secrets than she has allowed to be known," Alice laughed. "She too was having an affair with Jacob. He had been hording us for money since even before father died. She believed if he married you he would inherit his father's wealth and still be her beau."

"I find that more than slightly disturbing," Edward said shuddering.

"You see Bella," Carlisle said. "Justice shall be done to everyone. Your mother shall rot in prison until her demise and never harm either of you again."

"But Ally," I said. "This means you have no way to survive. You have no fortune to live on"

"Actually," Jasper said. "I intend to marry Alice as soon as possible and support her with style."

"Jasper your intentions are marvelous but you have no wealth to live upon either," I said.

"Well," Jasper began

"We have even more gracious news," Alice said giddily. "Edward your grandfather is turning what is rightfully yours over to you and Jasper. He has decided to retire and turn the company back over to you two."

"Then you shall not need to leave," I said throwing my arms around Edward. "You shall truly never have to leave my side again."

"Bella," Edward said looking deeply into my eyes. "When I am well once more will you do the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes," I said. "I believe you will find that we have no disruptions this time." He and I laughed for a moment before his face turned serious once more.

"I almost forgot," he said. "I have wanted to return this to you for quite some time." He pulled out my engagement ring out of his pocket and placed it on my third finger once more where it would forever stay. He kissed me deeply and whispered how much he loved me once more.

Seven Years Later

"Mama tell me again," Elizabeth begged. "Tell me how you and Daddy fell in love!"

It had been seven years since Edward and I had been pronounced husband and wife. Soon after our marriage I received the news that I was pregnant, nine months later we were blessed without our beautiful daughter whom we named Elizabeth Esme Masen. Alice and Jasper married soon after Edward and me and also had a daughter whom they named Abigail Marie Masen. We all together lived in Carlisle and Esme's home as one combined family.

"Aunt Bella," Abby said. "How did Mommy and Daddy meet? Didn't Uncle Edward introduce Mommy to Daddy?"

"Yes, Mama," Lizzie chimed in. "Didn't Daddy?"

"All right you two," I said. "I will tell you the story. Once upon a time their lived a young woman named Bella. Bella lived a horrible life with an evil mother who never cared for her. Her only companion was her younger sister and her best friend Alice. One day when she found the courage to finally run away she bumped into a man named Edward."

"Edward loved Bella more than words could ever express," Edward said taking over the story. "Along with his brother Jasper they both fell in love with two of the most amazing women within the world."

"The two families fought hard to be with the ones they loved," I continued. "But no matter how hard they tried they could never find a way."

"Until fate stepped in and gave to two couples the greatest gift," Edward said.

"What did fate bring Daddy," Lizzie asked.

"Fate brought love and fortune to the couples," Alice cut in.

"And with that, fate brought two other precious gifts," Jasper added.

"What did they bring Daddy," Abby asked with her big blue eyes.

"It brought you into our lives dear children," Esme said.

"That is how this family came to be," Carlisle added. "The end."

"Daddy," Lizzie asked with her emerald eyes shining bright. "Will you marry me?"Edward and I both began to chuckle while Lizzie pouted. "Why are you laughing? I would be a good wife."

"Sweetheart," Edward said placing our daughter upon his knee. "Your mother is my wife and I love her tremendously."

"Will I ever find someone to marry me," she asked.

"Of course," I said tickling her. "One day you will find a man to love you just like Daddy loves me."

"When Mama," Lizzie asked sleepily.

"When the time sees fit, now sleep dearest," I said placing a kiss upon her head. "I love you."

"I love you too," she said before drifting off into a deep sleep along with Abby. I had never dreamed I could be so lucky within my life. Not only did I have the man of my dreams but I also created the family of my dreams with him.

"What is it you are thinking of my love," Edward asked as I watched my daughter sleep.

"Just how quickly time passes," I said. "I cannot believe our daughter is almost seven years of age."

"Nor can I," Edward said. "It seems to me just yesterday that you and I were just beginning to fall in love now our daughter is asking when such will happen for her. But do you know something my love?"

"What," I asked.

"I still love you just as much as the moment I first laid my eyes upon you," He said. "In fact if it may be possible I believe I love you even more."

"And I love you," I said. Edward just smiled as he leaned in and kissed me passionately. Some people believe wealth lies within money, but for me, I believe wealth lies within love.

Wow, it's really over. I can't believe it. Thank you so much again to all of you that reviewed and alerted me. Also thank you to all of you that read this story. That means a lot. Oh and I can't believe you guys actually thought I would kill Edward, I said earlier that I never would. Thanks again guys!