Dodgers: Ok, thisth wasth gonna be sthory all about me, but, the writer changed her mind!

Me: Dodgers, yes, but, you can at least be thankful it even has you in it. Yes, guys, this is a Marvin & Lilly Episode! I loss count of the number, so, I'll go count real quick-- 9. 5 of mine & 3 from yours truly, NBCF, the author if Lilly & her series. (Ok, maybe, I don't know all of what "Yours truly" means.)

Anyway, this one will have at least two parts. Hope you all like it a lot!

Marvin & Lilly in...

I See Claws



Duck Dodgers' ship zoomed through space as he walked down the halls of his ship. He made it to the bridge.

"G-Good morning, Captain Dodgers." his loyal Cadet said.

"Morning, Cadet. Sthay, what're we doing today?"

"W-Wie-We're going to go to the moon & search for moon rocks!"

"Moon rocksth? Cool."

"I know, I'm going to look for a big one!"

"You mean the really big onesth that tasthte like rocksth?"

"Y-Yes, of course they taste like rocks. Because they are rocks." Cadet used a flat voice at his second sentence.

"Oh, ok. Well, then, let'sth proceed!"

"Ay-ay, Captain!" The ship made a turn for the moon & zoomed off.

Cadet & Dodgers were both picking up rocks, while wearing space suits. Dodgers picked up a big shiny rock.

"Hey, Cadet, what kinda rock isth thisth?" he asked, curiously.

"Th-That's an Emerald."

"An Emerald………. I'm RICH!"


"I'm keeping thisth one &--" Dodgers turned around & saw something behind a rock behind him. He walked to it & dup out what looked like a belt, with a lot of dirt on it. A lot.

"Eew… Hey, Cadet, any idea where thisth dirty belt came from?" he said.

"N-Nope. But-- Ooh… let's bring that with us."

"Why? It'sth filthy!"

"Yeah, but, it's--"

"Eh, whatever! Just take it!" Dodgers tossed to him. He got it.

"Ok, let's go."

"Stho, what isth it?" Dodgers asked Cadet, who was wiping it with a rag.

"It's a belt that enables strong power to the wearer…" Cadet replied.


"I'll be right back." Cadet walked down the halls. Dodgers looked at the belt, still very dirty.

"Hmm…" he said. He walked to it & put it on.

"Hmm… come on! Do sthomething!" Puzzled, he took it back off.

"Eh, thisth thing's a piece of junk!" he said. He walked over to the trash bin & threw it in.

X-2 walked down the halls of his ship & looked around. Then, he walked into the control room of the ship. He sat in his rather large chair & picked up a magazine. He flipped threw it.

"I'm bored…" he said. He flopped back up & looked out the window. He sat his chin on one of his hands, letting his elbow hold it up. He sighed, looking blankly out the window.

"Sure wish something interesting would happen…" Then, he beamed. "Hey! I'll go see if I can get the queen a new couch! Then, maybe, she'll promote me!" He zoomed out of the room & down the halls.

X-2 was rummaging through a bunch of garbage & junk at the dump.

"Hey, cool! A trash can!" he said, pulling out an old waste basket. He kept on rummaging until he pulled out… the same belt that Dodgers had thrown out!

"What on Mars is this?" he asked himself. He put in in his bag. "May as well keep it. It might be useful for my new pants." He continued to dig.

Later, in his room, X-2 pulled out his bag & dumped everything out. Revealed to be just that waste basket, belt & a few pony tails. He eyed the belt & picked it up. He looked at the buckle, which was so covered in dirt, he couldn't even see if there was anything on it.

"Hmm…" he took it into the bathroom & turned on the sink. He put a little soap it & let it soak for a while. He walked out of the room & closed the door behind him. Revealed in the sink while the belt was soaking was a bright green glow around it.

"…and I found this belt & this waste basket & these ponies…" X-2 explained in front of his queen.

"Commander, where did you get this stuff?" the queen asked, curious.

"Oh, I got it at the dump…" He suddenly regretted what he had just said. Then, he blushed.

"The dump? Why were you at the dump?"

"Uh… looking for a couch?"

"Really?" the queen's voice was flat.

"Um… yes? Anyway, I'm gonna go see what this stuff can do besides what it's made to do!"

"Whatever…" X-2 scurried back to the control room.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Cadet screamed.

"I threw it out. It wouldn't turn me into a sthuper hero!"

"Did you press the button?" Cadet's voice was flat.

"What button?"

"Guess that answers my question."

"What'sth the answer?"

"Never mind. We have to find it before some one bad finds it!"

"Like who?"

The ship landed on Mars, in front of the Martian Palace. Cadet & Dodgers got out just in time to see X-2, walking out with the rash bags he took out almost everyday.

"Let'sth stalk him!" Dodgers said.

"Wait! Look!" Cadet pointed as Dodgers, too, noticed that X-2 was wearing the belt that Dodgers had thrown out. "He's wearing the belt!"

"Well! Maybe, he doesthn't know how to usthe it…"

"Maybe…" Dodgers zoomed up to about here inches from X-2's face.

"Alright, Martian! Hand it over!"

"Hand what over?" X-2 asked, confused.

"You know what! My belt!"

"Oh, you mean the belt that I found buried in a pile of junk at the dump? The one you apparently threw out?"

"Yeah, that be-- HEY!"

"Sorry, Dodgers. You didn't want it, so, now, it's mine."

"Oh yeah? Well, too bad for you that I'm not gonna tell you about the fact that it makesth you powerful when you pressth that button, no sthir!"

"What button?"

"Uh… nothing…" X-2 looked down & noticed the buckle, which had a "J" on it. He raised one brow, curious.

"Oh no ya' don't!" Dodgers yelled before he did anything. He tackled him & they ended up in a literal pile of dust, ducks & Martians, just pounding away at anything they could reach.

"Give it!"

"No, it's mine!"

"Isth not!"

"Is, too!" They stopped & both spun around until they both stopped. X-2 sat down while Dodgers was upside down. He stood up & picked up a rock. He threw it at him, but, he dodgers, ducking & the rock hit the buckle on his belt. Dodgers heard a big bang, but, didn't dare to look up.

"ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAR!" X-2 roared like a mountain lion. Then, he stopped to look at himself. "Huh?" His gloves were now green & more of a square shape. What he couldn't see was the orange mask on his face. That was about all that changed, except, what he would soon figure out, the powers it gave also & some claws--BIG ones. He stopped until he noticed Dodgers, charging at him with a Laser Saber. He quickly, without a warning, let out his huge, shiny claws & spun around.

"WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA!" he shouted, still not knowing how these powers worked. Dodgers ended up in the dust pile & came out almost in pieces. X-2 stopped, dizzy. Then, he giggled, noticing Dodgers was almost bald from all that slicing, but, also lucky he was still alive.

"What?" Dodgers asked, completely unaware that he had no feathers. Then, X-2 & Cadet burst into laughter.

"WHAT?" Dodgers yelled.

"BALDY!" X-2 yelled, still laughing.

"WHAT?" Dodgers looked down & noticed he was right. He pulled his arms over his bottom in embarrassment, as Cadet & X-2 continued laughing. X-2 calmed first.

"Now, then, what was that, anyway?" he asked.

"Well, you destroyed my feathers…" Dodgers began.

"No, I mean, how?" His claws came back out. X-2 gasped. "Hey! I have claws! BIG ones!" He gave Dodgers a smug grin. "I'll make cheese slices out of you!" he shouted.

"AAHH!" Dodgers ran off, with X-2 right behind him. Cadet sighed, blankly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Dodgers was still screaming & running in circles even though he had already changed back into his uniform.


"CAPTAIN!" Cadet yelled, sick & tired of his constant screaming.

"WHAT?" Dodgers quickly turned around & yelled.

"W-Why are you still screaming?" Cadet asked, confused, "We're back in the ship, remember?"

"Oh…" Dodgers looked back behind him, "And thosthe nachosth actually helped with my being hungry all the time!"


"And you know what elsthe?" Dodgers pulled out a bag of potato chips, while saying, "And thesthe helped, too!"

"I'm not surprised…"

"Good, causthe, I'm gonna use thesthe nachos to defeat that little Martian runt!"

"And how?" Cadet's voice was, once again, blank.

"By throwing them at him!" Cadet stared with a blank look in his eyes.

Dodgers had apparently succeeded in trying to "defeat" X-2 with potato chips. After a few hours, he & X-2 had forts up & were throwing them at each other. Cadet was, once again, watching blankly.

"ME!" Dodgers yelled. Cadet sat there, with, now, a confused look on his face. He had no idea what they were fighting about.

"ME!"X-2 yelled back, right after Dodgers.







"GUYS!" Cadet yelled.

"WHAT?" Dodgers & X-2 both shouted, both holding a potato.

"W-What are you fighting about?"

"I dunno…" Dodgers said, shrugging.

"TERRITORY!" X-2 yelled & threw another potato. BOOM! There went a huge booming noise from, of course, the ship.

"So obviously…" X-2 sighed.

"HEY! That'sth my thing!" Dodgers yelled, & continued throwing potatoes at him. X-2 ducked & ran into the ship.

"CARAMELLDANSEN!" a voice screamed from the guest room, or, now, the bedroom of X-2's best friend. He opened the door to no other than Lilly & her other friend, the internet.


"WHAT?" Lilly didn't bother to open up her eyes & stop strumming like wild fire at her invisible guitar.




"WHAT?" she still didn't move, other than her strumming & singing & dancing.

"THE MUSIC IS TOO…." X-2 glared at the video, walked over to it & pulled the plug out of the wall only a little bit harshly.

"AND THAT'S WHY I--Hey, where'd the music go?"

"I told you once, twice & a thir-- twice & a half & you didn't listen, the--"

"Well, gee, what is it?"

"I was getting to that." the lamp then fell over & splattered into tiny fragments. "I will fix that."


"The music was too loud. Ok, now, back to FIXING THIS-- lamp?"

"And again, why are you dressed like a cat?"

"I'm not dressed like a cat, I--"

"Then, what's that?" Lilly pointed to his claws & skirt.

"Uh… it's a new belt--"

"THAT'STH STHILL MINE!" Dodgers interrupted.

"WHO ASKED YOU, DODGERS?" X-2 interrogated.

"Uh, me, that's who!"

"Well, now, I'm TELLING you to stop!"

"Make me, shorty!"

"Ok, then, I will!" He grabbed Dodgers & kicked him out of the ship & jumped out for more room to fight. Then, he jumped into the air, spinning like a top, only vertically. Green fire exploded from all corners of the bundle of cat/Martian until he came crashing down towards Dodgers, spinning, then, doing two kicks & finally, making one big kick with green fire at the heel of his foot & finally hitting Dodgers. A bright white light flashed & the next thing Dodgers knew, he was upside down, against a brick wall with black dust al around him, as if it has exploded only that one spot, but, hadn't broke the bricks, & he was half-bald of his feathers. Then, the bricks cracked & the bricks collapsed onto the ground, burying Dodgers in bricks. X-2 shot a small fire ball at the top of the building & in no time, & from no where neither Lilly, nor Dodgers' Cadet could figure out, a little flower fluttered down & landed on top of the bricks. Dodgers stuck his head, half beaten, half bald, out of the bricks with a look of both anger & half his black eye was closed.

"HA! How's that for SHORTY, SHORTY?" X-2 yelled in more pride than ever. He had just defeated Dodgers at his own game in less than two minutes. Lucky for Dodgers, this time, it wasn't about blowing up the Earth.

"Oh, why you little--" Dodgers began, & was replied to with a good soc on his arm. "OWE! I'M GONNA--" BANG, again. "WILL YOU JUST--" BANG! "OK, OK, I GET IT!"

"Good." was X-2's reply. Then, he happily skipped back into the ship, just taking off the belt before going in, transforming back to his normal self with a red, fiery flash around him.

"OOH! When I get my handsth on that belt, I'll give him a tasthe of his own medicine!" Dodgers was irritated not only with the baldness of his feathers, this time.

"C-Come on, Captain, haven't you ever considered that you have defeate-defeate- beat him more than… eh, eh, 2,656, 222 times?"

"Yeah, whatever. But, I have & thisth time, it'll be 2,656,223 timesth."


"Hey! You know, that was like stho 10 of the fraction of what I could do with that thing?"

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Lilly's voice was echoing through-out the ship.

"Oh, it was nothing." X-2 replied, walking down the hall with her.

"It was so awesome, that, I had to spend 2 hours brushing the dust off my shirt & pants! Dodgers could only do like a 10th fraction of that!"

"Well, so true! Like I said when I met you, Dodgers' I.Q. is no higher than that of a garden snail!"

"You know,--" Then, the wall suddenly cracked to pieces & in came Dodgers & Cadet, up to impress him once again.

"You know, sthnailsth are much sthmarter than people give them credit for." Dodgers said.

"Yes, Dodgers, that may as well be true, but, regardless, no matter how smart a snail-- or, anything is, your I.Q. must be at least the fraction of a rock's I.Q."

"It isth not!" Dodgers paused to pull out a rock. He pat it as if it were his baby kid. "Isthn't that right, Rocky?" he asked in a baby-talk voice that just simply disgusted X-2 in a way that made him want to kick Dodgers for miles as so he flying threw the air at 100 miles per hour for days & at probably at least 500 feet in the air.

"Dodgers, we both know that rocks cannot talk." he said.

"Can stho! Watch!" He lifted the rock & made it move. "Hi! I'm Rocky the talking rock! And I know that potato chipsth are Duck Dodgersth favorite salty sthnacksth!" he said in a puppet show-like voice that just annoyed X-2 even more. "HA! Stho there!"

"Uh.. Dodgers, we both know that it was you, talking! I can here your lisp & recognize it for miles!" Lilly protested.

"Oh, yeah? What'sth a… listhp?"

"Thisth." Lilly said in Dodgers' voice.

"Yeah, right! Really? What isth it?"

"This. 'Oh, hi, I'm Duck Dodgersth! I like potato chipsth & pie & al thingsth greesthy! I like my Rocky, Wocky! And if I could, I'm throw pie in that little Martian runt'sth face!' That 'TH' noise you make at the end--or in the middle-- of the words with 'S' sounds in them." Lilly's explanation was nonsense to some one of Dodgers' statue. He simply yawned & stared blankly at Lilly & X-2.

"Well? Are ya' gonna tell me or not?" he asked, as if she had not just explained anything to him. It was like talking to a wall when you were talking to Dodgers sometimes--almost all the time.

"I just did!" Lilly then laughed, remembering how funny it was when Dodgers & X-2 were together at any place, taking just earlier as an example.

"Dodgers! Why are you even here? Get out of my ship!" X-2 yelled.

"Why don't you make, short--" X-2 smirked at Dodgers as he ceased finishing his sarcastic question. "I'll just leave, now." he added. Then, with that, he walked off. Cadet glared after him, noticing that he had not said a word the whole trip to Mars, on Mars & probably not back to Earth.

"W-Wie-Wait for me, Captain!" he shouted after his Commanding Officer, who was running, totally ignoring his Cadet, only in fear of feeling claws in his feathers again.

"HA! No-one's gonna stop me in this thing! I'm gonna put my new powers to the test!" X-2 said, proudly.

"Uh… Marv, is that such a good idea?" Lilly asked, worried about who X-2 was going to challenge.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'll start with an easy, yet, challenging foe that even Dodgers had defeated several times."

"Oh, ok…" Lilly was a little unsure, but, she also thought it very fun & awesome to watch him kick bad buy's butts again. So, she followed.

"Right behind you!" she said.

To Be Continued…

Me: You'll have to just guess who he's fighting until the next chapter is up! Tee hee! Yay! Cliff hanger!

Dodgers: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, back to me...

Me: Bye-Bye for now!