Reid, The Genius
A CM fanfic
It was a Monday morning in the BAU bullpen and Dr. Spencer Reid was sitting at his desk, showing pictures of his new found pride and joy to the members of the team who hadn't been lucky enough to see him in person the Friday before.
"Look at this one. See he's sticking his head out for the camera." Reid said in a proud, fatherly voice with a smile on his face, while pointing at a picture in his hand.
"He's so cute, Spence!" Jennifer 'J.J.' Jareau said, from her spot behind Reid, admiring his new found treasure.
Just then Derek Morgan walked in and having not been at the office since the Thursday before due to his annual trip home for his mother's birthday he had no idea what was going on. "Got a new friend, Reid?" he asked.
"Yes, actually." The younger agent replied with a smile. "I found him in the parking lot last Friday."
Morgan's amused look turned to confusion. "The parking lot?" He said skeptically.
"Yeah, wanna see a picture?"
Morgan moved closer to Reid's desk, passing Emily Prentiss and Penelope Garcia to get a front row seat as Reid turned the picture in his hand to face Morgan and set it down on the edge of his desk followed by several more.
Morgan's eyebrows shot up to his hairline as he suppressed a laugh looking at the pictures. "That's your new best friend?!" He asked, pointing to a picture of a black and orange turtle with a brown shell, which oddly enough to him seemed to be smiling.
"Yeah." Reid said, looking at the pictures again, confused at Morgan's obvious surprise and disbelief. "His name is Bob."
"Isn't he cute?!" Emily asked Morgan to which he just looked at her as if she had grown a second head.
"Uhh...yeah, cute." He finally managed to stammer out.
"Yeah, but he's a little claustrophobic." Reid said, looking somewhat sad.
This time Morgan couldn't help himself and let out a huge laugh while asking "How can a turtle be claustrophobic?! And even if it was how would you know that?!"
"Why couldn't a turtle be claustrophobic?" Reid asked, while gathering his pictures, hurt at Morgan's disbelief.
"Reid, man, they live in a shell." Morgan stated.
"Really, Morgan? Wow, you're a genius!" Reid replied sarcastically. "If his tank is too small, he gets claustrophobic and tries to break out." He said explaining his turtle's condition.
"How the hell can a turtle break out of a tank?" Morgan asked.
"I don't know." Reid said. "But he did, and I found him in the bathroom. See, I have a picture!" Reid then thrust a picture he had dug out of his pile into Morgan's face. It was of the same turtle that was in the others, but this time he was sitting in what looked to be a bathtub.
"Ok, Reid. If you say so." Morgan finally said deciding not to argue anymore. Reid's the genius, not him so he figured if turtles could be claustrophobic and break out of tanks, making a run for the bathroom Reid would know about it.
OK, so I thought of this last night after my turtle, Spotmarine, somehow managed to get out of his tank and ended up on the floor, under the kitchen table! And that was after my dad and I were talking about whether or not there could be a claustrophobic turtle. D