(Oh yes, the over due updating has happened :D )

1. One Morning



It was the most perfect morning that I had ever encountered. The flock was safe, we hadn't been attacked all day, we were all together, oh yeah, and did I mention safe? I was taking the final watch of the night- Well er, morning now. I should do this more often. I thought as I watched the sunrise. It was one of the most beautiful things I had even seen. The sky was sprayed with light shades of pink, orange, yellow, and blue. It made me wonder why the sky couldn't always look like this. Oh yeah, because the sun only rises once a day. Bummer.

"Morning," Fang said wrapping his arms around me. I jumped a little and spun around to face him. Where the hell did he come from? He had just been asleep, way over there, like almost on the other side of camp. He was always so silent, almost like he was a ghost. Or a ninja. A ghostly ninja. Ha, ha, ha...Shut up, I was tired.

I regained my composure tousled my hair. "Morning," I sighed turning to the sunrise again.

He smirked at me with a cocked eyebrow, probably because of my jump that happened only moments ago only moment ago. "Scare you?" He asked. I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled, pulling me onto his lap. I shifted my weight in his arms, trying to find a comfortable situation for both of us. His skin was warm, taking the night chill away from me. "You're cold," He murmured, rubbing my right arm briskly.

I shrugged. "And you're warm. Isn't it strange how we are both so observant?" Sarcasm. If you have learned anything from me, (Which I sort of hope you haven't, you'd probably end up in trouble) it would be how to be sarcastic. I am the Queen of Sarcasm. Fang smiled at this, taking my breath away. He always seemed to do that with his infrequent smiles that usually caught me off guard. I really hoped it wasn't just me who's breath was caught in her throat every time he flashed his whites...Then again, I'd prefer the affect to be over me rather then Iggy.

But Max, what is this? You and Fang, all snuggled up next to each other? Is this what I think it is? Why yes reader, yes it is indeed...Unless you have some strange idea that we're back in Antartica and trying to protect each other from the cold. No, no, no, we were not going back there everagain. Way too cold. What was really going on was much better, and well, it was us. The two of us. Together. You know, two halves create one whole? Well, sort of like that, I mean, we were a couple now (I refused to use the words b--friend and g---friend. I completely hated labels, they just made things sort of awkward in my opinion). We were closer then ever now, and it wasn't a bad thing. The world wasn't crashing down, we weren't weird around the flock, it was pretty good. I didn't understand how before I thought that he would make things a whole lot more complicated. Me and my paranoia, go figure.

I smiled and leaned my head against his hollow shoulder; Fang rested his head on mine. Now, I know very well that nothing is perfect, but well...This was pretty damn close to it. Between the colorful sky that splashed and clashed many quite well, to the body that I leaned against, I wanted time to stop right here. We were all safe, unharmed, and right now was just too romantic- And no, I am not becoming one of those mushes who sits there and reads her romance novels and fantasize over the hot fictional guy in the book. I had my own fairy tale.

Ooh, Max, how cliche. Maybe I am becoming a mush.

I abruptly turned to face Fang. He blinked as I did so, his dark eyes looking slightly confused. After peaking over his shoulder to look at the others I finally said, "Let's go do something."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Like what? The flock will be up soon."

I traced my slender finger up his arm strong arm. Though his muscles didn't stick out like a football player's they were definitely there. And he was most likely stronger then a football player. "We don't have to go very far..." I murmured.

Now Fang looked interested and curious. Score. He gave me a look that repeated his earlier question: 'Like what?'. Score number two.

I shifted myself out of his lap and stood up. "C'mon," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling on it, my feeble attempt to get him on his feet.


I rolled my eyes, but there was a smile on my face. "Just follow me. Its not like I'm going to get you eaten or something."

As he stood up he continued to carry the look of confusion, and that was just amusing enough to get me running. I jumped over Iggy's sleeping body, then Angel's, and I was running through the trees. My feet crushed the leaves beneath me, making it obvious to which direction I was running in. I heard Fang behind me and smiled, speeding up. I wasn't running away like I used to, I was running away to keep him interested. What was my motive? Well, if he could catch me, then maybe, just maybe, he'd get what he wanted.

Time passed by quickly. For all I knew, I minute could have been ten. I wasn't tired yet, but I needed to find a place to stop. A place for him, a place that we would still remember in a few years. Some place perfect, some place special, some place beautiful, like him. I didn't know exactly what I was looking for besides that. It just had to be perfect. I saw a little clearing and knew that it was right. I burst through the bushes glanced around quickly. The trees surrounded it quite well, and the grass reached to about my knees. Because it was fall there were multicolored leaves scattered across it. I was right, it was great, but hey, when was I ever wrong? When I realized I didn't hear footsteps in the rustling leaves I looked around and he wasn't there. I frowned. Where-?

Before I could even finish asking myself where he was tackled- Oh, I'm sorry,glomped(Nudge claims that to be the proper term). We fell into the long grass together and laughed. Eventually the laughter subsided and we were just staring into each others eyes. His midnight eyes. They weren't unreadable anymore; they were warm and stared back at me softly. My breath caught in my throat. I wanted him. I wanted him so bad.

We just stared at one another for minutes on end. I took in every detail about him that I could, so that I may remember it later. His not-long-but-not-short hair hung down from his head, framing his olive toned face where a subtle smile lay. The smile was ever greater in his eyes. And before I knew it, we were kissing, I mean serious lip-lock. No words were spoken, nothing to make this romantic or charming, we just did it. It was just from staring at each other that we knew what to do.

I locked my fingers in his hair and rolled him over so that I was on top of him. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, to get in closer, and I liked it. This...This was very good. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss and parted my lips slightly, enough for a gateway for him to get in. His tongue licked my lips and I moaned out of pleasure lightly. It was moments like these that I cherished. We only got be this close every once and a while, which was sort of suckish. Because I knew that we both enjoyed this. We enjoyed each others presence, it was like we were made for each other. And who knew? Maybe we were, the School did some crazy stuff to us.

But too bad this didn't last much longer.

"Max? Fang!Where are you guys?" I heard Gasman holler. Aw, already? Can't you just sleep just a little bit longer?

Nope! Angel's cheery thoughts entered my head. I sighed. Of course not.

It seemed as though Fang might have done the same thing, because he too let out a small sigh and sat back. "I'm not too surprised," He murmured, standing up and ruffling his black hair. "It's a shame they couldn't have stayed put and quiet a few minutes longer."

I sighed again, "Yeah well what are you going to do?" I asked, outstretching my hand to him.

Fang took my hand and pulled me up to him, then into his arms so that I was facing him. "This," He lowered his face to mine, and kissed my lips again.

"Max, Fang, if we catch you doing anything then it will scar us for the rest of our lives," Iggy called mockingly, a grin in his voice. Crap, they were closer. Fang rolled his eyes and scowled in the direction that Iggy's voice came, making me chuckle. I kept his hand in mine, our fingers entwined, and we followed the sound of crunching leaves.

We didn't have to travel too far, they were about half way the distance between the camp and our little clearing.

"We're right here," I snapped at Iggy, turning him around and pushing him back towards the camp.

"And what where you two children doing?" Iggy asked, a smirk in his voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing," I answered simply. Iggy slipped out of my grip on his shoulder and turned around to face me, almost as if he could see me. His aim with his glazed over eyes was getting much better, he was staring just above my eyes, probably at my eyebrows.

Iggy cocked one of his eyebrows, and the smirk grew. "Of course you were doing nothing!" He cried, raising his hands up in the air as a sign of defeat, then chuckled and continued walking. He sighed and shook his head. "Nothing," He scoffed. "Yeah, nothing but each other."

My jaw dropped open and I narrowed my eyes at him. Fang scowled and gave Iggy's shoulder a hard smack.

"Hitting a blind man is unfair play," Iggy scolded as we walked into the clearing, wagging one of his finger's in Fang's direction. Fang just rolled is eyes in response.

"You pervert!" I huffed, "Even if we were doing anything, you would have no idea, because as you said: You're blind." Jeez, once you think they've gotten maybe a little more mature they go and pull that card on you.

Iggy shook his head. "Nuh-uh. I'd be able to hear you." Iggy grinned at this and I grumbled, crossing my arms and sitting down near the others cross-legged. Fang leaned against a tree and just shook his head and Iggy's bluntness.

Angel blinked with a small frown. "Um...What would Iggy be able to hear...?" Angel asked slowly.

Gazzy shook his head. "Ange, you really don't want to know," He told her.

I frowned. "Um, Gazzy, what do you think the answer is? And if you have the correct one, how the heck did you learn about that?" The Gasman turned bright red, then looked at the ground.

Nudge turned her sort of disgusted gaze away from the Gasman to me. "...So where are we headed now Max?"

I pursed my lips together and thought for a moment. Fang glanced at me with a cocked eyebrow, so I knew I wasn't going to get any help on this one. As I sighed at the thought, suddenly something popped into my head. "Detroit, Michigan." I said at the same time the Voice thought those very words to me.

The Gasman frowned, probably at the thought of heading to such a grungy town. "Why?" He asked, his nose wrinkling in distaste.

I chuckled at his obvious displeasure and ruffled his short blond hair. "There's someone we need to meet up with," I told him, standing up and snapping my wings out from my back. I shook them out a bit.

Fang pushed himself off the chair and opened up his wings. He motioned to the sky. "Up and away guys."