Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. All recognizable characters belong to George Lucas.


Truth or Lie


Obi-Wan's cold voice echoed off the walls of the small circular room. His piercing green-blue eyes narrowed at the elder man before him. He followed the man's every move, though suspended in mid-air by the binds that held him prisoner.

This was the man that betrayed the Jedi Order. The man that had betrayed Qui-Gon. The dislike grew in Obi-Wan as he watched his enemy enter the room.

"Oh, no my friend." Dooku said, "This is a mistake, a terrible mistake. They've gone too far, this is madness!"

Obi-Wan almost smiled with a dark sarcasm, "I thought you were the leader here, Dooku."

The former Jedi Master looked up at him, "This had nothing to do with me, and I assure you." He started to walk as he talked, watching the floor pass under his boots, "I will have a petition immediately to have you set free."

"Well I hope it doesn't take to long." Obi-Wan said with dark humor, knowing Dooku would never set him free, "I've got work to do."

Dooku continued to walk around him as if he didn't hear him speak. His eyes wandering almost aimlessly along the designs embedded into the wall.

"May I ask why, a Jedi Knight is all the way out here, on Geonosis?"

"I have been tracking a Bounty Hunter here named Jango Fett. Do you know him?"

There was a slight pause before Dooku answered. Obi-Wan knew that he was surprised that he had revealed a Bounty Hunter hiding here. But Dooku hid his surprise well.

"There are no Bounty Hunters here that I am aware of, the Geonosians don't trust them." He said smoothly, turning to Obi-Wan in the center of the room.

Obi-Wan compressed his lips in silent frustration, "Well who can blame them? But he is here, I can assure you."

Count Dooku faced Obi-Wan's slowly rotating form; his face was plastered with an unreadable emotion. Though he was rotating the other way, Obi-Wan could swear to the Force he saw regret in Dooku's eyes.

"It's a great pity our paths have never crossed before, Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you."

There was a tense emotional pause.

"I wish he were...still alive...I could use his help right now." Dooku said gravely, his eyes seemed distant as he looked down at the floor.

"Qui-Gon Jinn would never join you." Obi-Wan's voice was rigid, cold and unforgiving. He was infuriated by the fact that Dooku would even speak of his Master in such a way.

Their eyes met. Obi-Wan bored his ferocious green eyes into Dooku's gentle ones.

"Don't be so sure, my young Jedi. That he was once my apprentice as you were once his. He knew all about the corruption in the senate. He would have never gone along with it if he knew the truth, as I have."

Obi-Wan glared down at him, "The truth?"

"The truth." Dooku confirmed Obi-Wan. He paused again, his every footstep thudding against the floor, "What if I told you that the Republic was under control of the Dark Lord of the Sith?"

"No, that's not possible. The Jedi would be aware of it." Obi-Wan shot at him immediately. It was a lie. A lie coming from a treacherous master. He couldn't believe it, but why did it feel like the truth?

"The Dark Side of the Force has clouded their vision, my friend. Hundreds of Senators are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called Darth Sidious."

"I don't believe you." Obi-Wan's voice was incredulous, but wavered a bit. For some reason, he felt uncertain. But he narrowed his eyes, feeling the slight rage build up at each lie Dooku spat out of his treacherous mouth. He wanted for Dooku to be wrong; he wanted to hate his Master's former Master.

Dooku once again looked down almost sadly, "the Viceroy of the Trade Federation was once in league with this 'Darth Sidious.' He came to me for help. He told me everything. The Jedi Council would not believe him. I tried many times to warn them, but they wouldn't listen to me. Once they sensed the Dark Lord's presence, it will be too late." Duku's expression was grave and serious.

He looked up at Obi-Wan, a hopeful but reserved expression played on his face. Obi-Wan didn't know what to make of what Dooku was saying. His mind was reeling with everything that had been revealed.

Did the former Jedi speak the truth? Or was he spiting out more lies?

"You must join me, Obi-Wan, and together, we will destroy the Sith!"

He opened his mouth instantly, wanting to tell him that he would never join him. But something kept his voice from escaping from his throat. He closed his mouth slowly, staring at Dooku as he rotated around.

The Force was practically screaming at him, telling him that the enemy spoke the truth. No matter how much Obi-Wan wanted to despise the elder man for everything he had done, he could not deny the truth that the Force spoke.

Count Dooku was telling the truth. All the lies were pushed behind them now.

"And what do you plan to do about it Dooku?" he asked, still with a distrusting tone.

"I plan to do whatever possible to destroy the Sith. With your help, you and I could restore peace back into the Republic, and put an end to the corruption of the senate. I can not do this alone, Obi-Wan. I need your help."

Obi-Wan only stared at him, his eyes wavering from a furious green to an aqua.

His jaw clenched together, almost refusing to let any words out. He absolutely hated the idea of teaming up with this betrayer. Never in his life did he ever think that he would ever actually face Dooku.

Before, Obi-Wan thought that he would have taken out his anger and hatred on him. But now that he was actually held prisoner by Count Dooku, and that he was revealing this terrible truth, Obi-Wan was confused as to how to feel.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and bringing all his focus to his center. He released all feelings of hate, uncertainty, and sorrow. Renewing himself with a calming sensation supported by the Force.

When he opened his eyes, they turned a bright luscious blue. He found himself staring right into the brown serious eyes of Dooku.

"Obi-Wan, will you help me?"

He waited a moment, making sure that this is what he truly wanted to do.

"Yes. I will, Dooku."

His former enemy had a smile twitch on the corner of his face.

"But under certain circumstances."

Dooku inclined his head, "Of course my friend, go on."

"First I shall need to be released."

He looked at Obi-Wan almost suspiciously. He was making sure that he was no lying just to get out of the hold and escape.

"Yes, yes." With a flick of his wrist he used the Force and the cuffs around Obi-Wan's wrists and ankles. The blue electric field powered down.

Obi-Wan fell to the floor, and fell on his feet, balancing steadily on his toes. He stood in front of Count Dooku, still glaring as him.

"What else shall you need Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan's cold blue eyes rested on his deep brown. His stare was severe.

"I shall need reassurances. I need to know that you won't betray your word. I don't want to be…betrayed by you."

Dooku said nothing in his defense, and only nodded his head curtly once. Obi-Wan raised and eyebrow at his reaction.

"I suggest we make a Force Pact."

Dooku's eyebrows lifted in mild surprise. No one had formed a Force bond since the beginning of the new Jedi Order. But Obi-Wan was confident that they could form one.

He continued,"Neither of us will back down on our word, and we will form an alliance to bring down the Sith together. We will not keep any secrets from each other that will further our success in the mission. The circumstances may be dire and I need to know you will help me fight, and not leave me for dead."

"Yes, ofcourse my friend. I will subject to a Force Pact. I told you, I am prepared to do whatever necessary to destroy him."

Obi-Wan still stared at him with a heated stare, "Then let us form a Force Pact."

They both sat at the same time, without taking their eyes from one another. At the same time blue and brown eyes snapped closed. The both stretched out their minds and found each other easily. When they did, they ran through the agreements in their minds, and through the Force, they connected and made a temporary Force-bond between them. It had not been as difficult as Obi-Wan thought it would be.

Both of their eyes flew open at the same moment. It was done. Neither of them would break their pact, for it was protected by the Force itself.

Obi-Wan was able to relax somewhat, but he still did not trust Dooku entirety yet.

"So, my friend. What is our next move?" Dooku stood, and started to walk to the door.

"Who is the Sith Lord?" Obi-Wan asked seriously.

The pair stopped at the door, looking into each others eyes with a seriousness that hung over both of their heads. Dooku's face automatically turned solemn, and avoided Obi-Wan's gaze.

"He is my Master."

Obi-Wan was taken back by his response. He tensed up, and hand one hand fell to his lightsaber in precaution. His master?

"He was a senator when he allied himself with the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. He was the one who commanded the Viceroy to attack the Naboo. It was he who trained Darth Maul, who killed Qui-Gon. He was the one who manipulated Queen Amidala to move for a new Chancellor."

Dooku paused, and looked at him strait in the eye. Obi-Wan stayed silent, listening gravely.

"I am sorry to say, that Darth Sidious was elected Chancellor by the Senate."

Obi-Wan's jaw nearly dropped. His heart plummeted to the floor. The air escaped from his lungs. His mind was wiped clear of any other thought.

"Impossible." he barely whispered.

Dooku nodded grimly.

"Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord."

Obi-Wan did not know how to react to the new news. He wanted to block it out, he never wanted to believe it. He wanted to break the bond with Dooku and scream him he was lying. But He knew it was true. It had to be, Dooku could not lie to him while under the Force Pact.

How could the Jedi be so blind? How could no one sense that the Dark Side of the Force was so powerful? That the Darkness had now taken over the Senate itself?

Obi-Wan stood before Count Dooku, gaping in absolute horror.

Dooku's eyes passed over his shocked face, and turned to the door. The door slid up with a distinct hiss. He walked in the outside, and Obi-Wan numbly followed him.

Obi-Wan's mind was racing. How could this happen? Should he inform the Council of what has been happening right under their noses? Or should he wait until he and Dooku destroyed the Sith? How could Dooku and he even destroy the Sith?

And where was Anakin in this plan? Wasn't he prophesied to destroy the Sith?

Was Anakin the 'Chosen One'?

How was this to end?

Note:Sorry about the errors before, I was a little rushed while I was writing it. But now its fixed! Thanks for the reviews :)