"Footsteps in the Darkness"


The lamenting stars among the endless voids of space bared down on a small ship, much smaller than a standard cruiser. It's paint faded along it's triangular shape from it's pointed nose where it's deep blue flowed into a deep, dark shade of red. The lone crew member would sit in his seat on the bridge; a hollow room, the only sounds other than the random sounds of the computer systems keeping the ship in line his steady breathing. The bridge narrowly sunk from it's entrance to an incline of stairs that led to the captain's seat, centered around many translucent screens...he had the massive room minimized so that a single animal could pilot it effortlessly without the need to leave his seat, the holographic screens before him were light sensitive making them react to touch. At this current moment an extra hologram sat before him a holographic game of chess, the white characters controlled by an unseen person somewhere among the deepening reaches of space. As the white figures began to move again a faint voice sounded from the ship's PA system...

"White Knight takes Rook Pawn...Enter next move."

The captain's fingers press four corresponding buttons, "Black Queen takes White Knight...game in check."

It was a bold move...one that didn't pay off, "Stalemate...Would you like another game?"

He of course accepts. All his training showed through his games, each movement carefully thought out, his traps insidious, and his strategy ever changing. He'd never found anyone that had been able to keep pace with him either in the game or in real life...his piloting skills were of the highest caliber, and his hand-to-hand skills were second to none. Very few knew how to reach him and even fewer knew his real name. He goes from game to game and the only result is a stalemate...his opponent seems just as contempt in continuing their game as he is...but it's late and this person who's log in name is "BlueEyz"...claimed they had a job to start in the early morning. With a fond farewell to what could possibly have been his only friend, the one in the captain's seat stretched his neck before shutting down the holographic panels before him. As he looks to the digital clock mounted on his communicator he notices that it is nearly 1am. He works his way down the ship's seemingly endless halls, there was a time when he'd have seen many faces by now...but the only company he was given was that of his own hollow footsteps. The black vulpine fits into the shadows like a piece to some sort of puzzle as he seems to vanish into the shadows. An empty shell...a discarded husk of what he once was, now condemned to roam the stars in search of the only thing that made him feel anything anymore...battle.

Aryn never really fit in with anyone else...he was vulpine but, not of your average breed; his jet black fur and mid length hair showed the care he took for it with a sleek shine, his build...though not of the massive verity...was impressive by most standards, his eyes however stood out the most, it was not usual for a fox to have two differently colored eyes, one of a common brown the other a very light blue. He had no place in society, he had tried to be normal once before but, people are often cruel and judgmental...and are always willing to believe the worst before the truth. Aryn made his way to his room and after a short shower shed his clothing and slid into his bed. As he slipped slowly to sleep he was where he belonged in his own mind. His business his own...his existence no more than a set of footsteps in the darkness...

AN: This is about my personal character...that is he is 'me'. I'm not sure when I'll begin the work on the full thing I just wanted this to be out there so that I wouldn't forget about it.

This is SkullFox thanking everyone that's supported my work...THANK YOU ALL!!