To The Fans
What the Teen Titans want to say to you.
Which chapter are you on? (The answer is in bold)
First Chapter: Raven
Second Chapter: Starfire
Third Chapter: Beast Boy
Fourth Chapter: Robin
Fifth Chapter: Cyborg
Sixth Chapter: Closing Statement from All
First Chapter: Raven
Raven writes:
Imagine turning on your TV right now. What do you see? The news? Whatever is on that channel you were viewing last night? Cartoons? Adult swim?
I know one thing you don't see anymore. The Teen Titans.
They were going for 8 seasons, and you all only got 5? What's up with that? Maybe its supervisor idiocy at Cartoon Network. They said the reason they cancelled it was that it didn't have enough fans…
But don't forget the thousands of letters being sent in by people nationwide… in the United States, Canada, and the U.K. all have letters piled up somewhere by fans wanting the Teen Titans back on the air.
And to be honest… I'm far from satisfied with Cartoon Network's actions. They cancelled me? Why? Was I too gothic for the kids? Or was it that it was centered towards kids? Did they want less superhero shows on your network? Did they want someone to fill our slot?
And the thing that brings me even more injustice in that the newest issues of the Teen Titans, TTG, which by far are the most descriptive and realistic account of what really happened in the gaps between episodes… were cancelled. Why are we getting cancelled?
It's just not right.
That's the end of the rant about our cancellation, and the beginning of a new one. Pairings.
I know people, in response to what I say, are going to be telling me "Oh no, you'll start pairing wars, Raven! That's OOC! You'd know better than that! I take life too seriously! That's a reference to the 'Quest' episode! I'm talking too much! Blah!". Well, news flash, I want to rant about pairings, so I will. And one in particular that when I usually see or hear about, I want to throw up.
Robin and me... Yuck. Look, I know I'm dark and mysterious, but you don't have to place me with every male member of the Teen Titans, okay? I'm just not like that. Terra may be that much of a slut, but not me. Oh, and look, I was 'OOC' right there using the word 'slut'. Seriously, why is it that every time I act even 1 percent different compared to before, it's called OOC? I mean, seriously, OOC Raven would be like this…
"Oh no, I'm so emo! Cut cut, oh my I'm bleeding. Robin come save me from myself! Terra scarred me for good this time, even though that has no relevance to this story! Aaaah, I'm bleeding so badly! Oh, look, a donut!"
That's an OOC me. Me smiling for once is not OOC. Me seeking comfort in Beast Boy, no matter how much it hurts me to say it, IS NOT OOC. Go look at the ending for the 'Spellbound' episode for proof of that. Beast Boy is a good friend of mine. A very annoying, lame joke making, friend of mine, but he's still a friend. And for people to make me out as always hating him is OOC. People making me emo in their fics, like mentioned above, is OOC. People making me weak and defenseless is OOC. Me actually having emotions for once is NOT OOC. If I'm such an empath, why would me feeling emotion be OOC?
Next rant… Terra and Beast Boy. I'm not so sure that they're eligible as a couple anymore. I mean, she betrayed us. All of us. Oops, forgot to speak in third person. She betrayed 'The Teen Titans', including him. Why would they still be together? Plus, Terra is like an ex-girlfriend to Beast Boy. Maybe still a friend too if she would ever come back, but he's hurt by her. I am too. And so were the other Titans. I'm not saying they weren't near-perfect for each other. They were, I mean…
… I don't know what I mean, but that couple can't be real anymore. And believe me, if you're going to write a fanfic about Terra coming back to be with Beast Boy… make sure that Beast Boy tries to stay VERY FAR away from her as long as possible. That would be IN CHARACTER for him. Trust me.
And also, here's to anyone creating fanfiction that thinks I hate Beast Boy. The truth is, you're mistaking me getting annoyed and sarcastic towards his lame jokes and immaturity with me actually hating him. I don't hate him. I'm not too fond of him, but I don't hate him. The ONE time I actually hated him was when he was a 'mature' jerk in 'Beast Within'… or 'The Beast Within'. Whatever title it had… but, that's the only time I actually hated him, and that was for about 2 hours... in Teen Titans dimension time, not episode time. - (That sounded so weird.)
To sum that whole paragraph up… I hate some things ABOUT him… as in, his immaturity and constant bad humor, but I don't hate him. So, when writing a fanfiction, have me getting annoyed… or have me being sarcastic to one of his immature moments. Don't have me at his throat or beating him up.
Oh, and I only slap him when he's trying to be charming or trying to get fan girls. That's it. So don't make me slap him every 5 minutes, unless he's trying to get fan girls, or being 'Prince Charming', okay?
Also… I can't believe that I'm trying to get my message to the whole community through some fan-fiction submission that will probably only get about 300 readers, if I'm lucky. And most of those people don't even write fiction. Maybe I'm wrong, and I hope I am, because I'm tired of seeing 'OOC Emo Raven' or 'OOC Abusive Friend Raven' or 'OOC Foul-mouthed Goth Raven' or 'OOC Hate Everyone Raven' or 'OOC Made-for-Hollywood-and-not-Realism Raven' everywhere I go. Can't SOMEONE produce a fic where I'm actually in-character? ANYONE?
Oh, and just so this is clear, I'm not a cartoon character.
… Not anymore.
Spooky, huh?
A/N: Wtf? D:
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