A/N: Really, I don't mean for this story to keep growing. And I'm going to be honest, I started this chapter over a year ago and am just now finishing it. Actually I wrote more than half of it just now.

Disclaimer: I don't own.

"Need a look out today?" Emmett asked wiggling his eyebrows. Smug bastard has asked us that everyday since Rosalie had told him of the incident with the vice principal. Though the first comments had been much worst.

Edward and I had taken our time in driving home that day. Nessie had come with us and was entirely oblivious to anything that was going on as she was having a text conversation with Jacob, trying to convince him to take her to visit Forks this weekend. That was a perk to moving within the state, Forks was only a car ride away, the way we drove at least. Edward, on the other hand, was tense. I could tell he wasn't looking forward to going home and facing our fully informed "siblings". Hopefully they would hold off till Nessie was out of the room. Hopefully was the key word there. It was at that point I wished I had Siobhan's ability to will things to happen as opposed to my shield. But wishing only got me so far, so I mentally prepared myself for what was to come.

As we pulled into the garage Edward gripped the steering wheel tighter, tight enough that I was sure he left marks. Nessie, on the other hand, hopped out of the car as soon as we stopped.

"I'm going to go pack and call Grandpa to tell him I'm coming to visit," she called almost skipping into the house. She had an amazing relationship with Charlie, I was glad because it lessened the shock of her rapidly changing physique and our moving away.

I turned to look at Edward. His right hand had migrated off the steering wheel and now was pinching the bridge of his nose. I could only image what he was hearing. My own hypersensitive ears were already picking up Emmett and Jasper's laughter.

"How long do you think we can stay in the car?" I asked.

"Not much longer, and even if we go hunting or for a run or something we will still have to face them. I fear time will only make their comments more creative," he sighed.

"So better to get it over with. Like pulling off a Band-Aid." I sincerely wished I could be doing anything else at this moment.

"Does pulling a Band-Aid off fast really make it hurt less?" He asked as we slowly exited the car.

I cast back into my dim accident filled human memories for one dealing with a Band-Aid. There had to be plenty, but it was something so mundane that I was having trouble finding one. "I'm not sure. I think I tried it once slow and once fast. The pain, I think, was about the same, the fast might have hurt a little more because it was all at once," I paused thinking hard, trying to remember. "Does that even make sense?"

"A little, but that's hardly encouraging love," he said taking my hand in his. I felt the amazing shock that seemed to always happen when we touched, the same shock that had lead to the very thing that we were preparing to be mercilessly ridiculed about.

Inspiration suddenly struck me when we found our waiting admirers. "Before you say anything please let Nessie leave first." That would at least hold them off for a little. I didn't particularly want her to know about what happened (though there was very little privacy around here anyway).

"Fine by me," Emmett commented as he relaxed back into the tan sofa that complimented the warm browns of the living room. Rose perched herself on him while Jasper and Alice took up the other half of the sofa. I turned to Edward, giving a pained smile. I lowered my shield to whisper I just didn't want her to hear before she has to to him before quickly bring it back up. I liked my privacy but sometimes this wordless communication thing had its benefits. Edward merely nodded and took a seat on one of the recliners in the room. He hesitated a fraction of a second before pulling me down on top of him.

We all listened to the sounds of Nessie rushing through packing and her chirping on the phone to Charlie. I was beginning to dread the coming conversation more than I did in the car. As this dread heightened I shot a glance at Jasper who was smirking.

"Stop it!" I shrieked. I didn't need him playing with my emotions at a time like this. I wanted to get through this with as little outside interference as possible.

We heard and smelled Jacob coming minutes before he got here. I jumped up to get the door as soon as I heard his car engine die. I managed to get to the door before Nessie was even down the stairs and opened it to revel my friend.

"Hey Jake," I smiled. If I tried hard enough I could manage a longer conversation with him, invite him in for food and then…Emmett would probably just confront us in front of Nessie and Jacob. That was worse than just in front of Nessie.

"Hey, we should be gone the whole weekend," he was looking around me to Nessie. We still weren't really sure how to handle this sometimes. I knew I could trust Jacob with my life and with Nessie's life and heart. I knew that they wouldn't do anything until she was ready but that didn't mean I still didn't feel weird about the whole thing. Who can honestly say they had a thing for their daughter's boyfriend? And that it wasn't weird to have it?

"Sure, that sounds great," I turned to Nessie and kissed her on the forehead as she handed her bag to Jacob. "Be good and say hi to Grandpa for me k?"

"Sure," she paused looking into the living room at the statues of her family. "Do I want to know what's going to happen when I leave?"

"Not at all."

"Good to know. See you Sunday night!" She then grabbed Jacob's arm and proceeded to drag him out of the house.

I slowly turned and headed for my doom. I sat back down on Edward's lap and turned to Emmett, waiting for him to say something, anything, about the wonderfully embarrassing moments of earlier today.

Finally I noticed the slightest movement of Emmett's fingers and knew, I just knew that he was going to talk. Edward's hand sneaking its way on to my knee and gripping it also told me we were in for a fun talk.

"Look, I know I harped on you about getting a girl and to stop being so repressed but really Edward, you couldn't at least wait till after school to jump your wife? At least Rose and I have the decency to go to the car in the parking lot when we want to have sex at school."

It was almost too much to take when Alice then piped in with "that wasn't their first time almost getting caught at school." There was absolutely no way I was going to stick to our deal now. "Oh, and you're still going to let me dress you Bella, I made sure that you didn't get caught then. And now for that matter. You still owe me." Stupid psychic sister.

"Really? Man you guys make up for lost time. I'm kind of impressed now. I mean, Rose and I never got caught but I feel like you guys are managing to have more sex at school than we ever dared-ow Rose don't hit me!" He glared at her.

"You know, there are some things I never purposely thought about unless I was a hundred miles away from Edward for a reason: I didn't want him to know about them. Thanks for sharing one of those things darling."

"Hey, just because we've had a healthy and active sex life doesn't mean its something to be ashamed of. Beside, I hope we've helped educate our dear brother with some of our moves." I mentally vomited a little at the thought of learning from a literal mental picture of the two of them together. Hearing it sometimes was bad enough. I knew what happened, but that didn't mean I had to see it or have sharp mental images of it. Edward's hand tightened its grip on my knee and I knew he was getting a much more vivid image than my imagination could conjure up.

"I think we're done," he managed to say through gritted teeth.

"Aw come on, we've only just started. I mean, I heard there were a few items of clothing that were shredded. I'm rather impressed that you both came back with all your outer clothes in tact." Emmett clearly didn't know when to stop.

"We're going to our room now." I jumped up and ran as fast as I could there.

So about a second later Edward and I were locked in our room and safely away from the curious minds of our family.

"That could have been worse," I finally said.

"If we had stayed it would have been, and you weren't even getting the unsaid half of the conversation."

I moved to embrace him. "I'm sorry, I should have moved my shield to include you."

"Don't worry about it," he said kissing my hair, "I have a better way of getting back at them."

"Oh," I inquired looking up into his eyes.

"Yeah, let's have really loud sex." If he had suggested we do that in front of them I don't think I could have been more surprised at that moment.

"Are…are you sure? I mean, its not that I don't want to, I still do, God I still do," I was running my hands up and down his chest, really I needed to learn some more control in this aspect of my life. "I just, well, usually you don't want them knowing."

"After some of the images that Emmett was sending me I want to make them remember you screaming my name," he growled and the sound sent shivers down my spine.

With my usual speed I had his shirt and jeans off. "K," was all I said before attacking his mouth. He managed to get me out of my shirt and jeans just as fast, without even breaking the kiss. I was left in my panties, my bra having been damaged at school. His hands began teasing my nipples and I mewled into his mouth as his tongue began its usual battle with mine. My fingers threaded into his hair and I ran my nails over his scalp. That elicited a rather deep moan that grumbled in his chest.

His mouth moved from mine, and I whimpered at the loss till he moved to my neck. He nipped and sucked and kissed me there and, had I still been human, I was sure there would be a rather large hickey there come morning.

I could feel his hard length pressing into me and I decided we both had too many clothes on. I yanked his boxers off and then my panties quickly followed. I also, in the back of my lust-clouded mind, remembered we were supposed to be having loud sex. I needed to be more vocal. His head had moved down from my neck to my breast in the mean time. "Oh Edward," I moaned, "right there, yes, suck on my nipple! Yes!"

He looked up at me, biting slightly as he did so. I moaned loudly before softly adding, "you said you wanted to have loud sex, I'm just making sure they get a good picture." I whimpered as he stopped using his mouth to play with my nipple, instead moving both his hands to tease me while his mouth came to reclaim mine. Before he kissed me he whispered "then we better make it a good show," and he kissed me hard.

Somehow he pushed me back to the bed and I was on my back looking up at him. "I need you now Edward!" I moaned. He thrust into me, hard, causing me to gasp.

"Do you think you're over doing this a little," he breathed into my ear.

"Nope," I answered rolling my hips.

"Damn you, woman," he growled before beginning his rapid pace. This was not going to be gentle, this was going to he hard and I loved it.

"Harder Edward! Faster! FUCK ME HARDER!" I screamed for emphasis as he pounded into me. I could feel my peak rising and could tell from his ragged breathing (funny how we still lost our breath, even now) signaling his release. A particularly hard thrust sent me over the edge while I screamed his name loud enough that I could swear it echoed. Seconds later I heard him scream my name as he came and felt an immense sense of pride at that. He collapsed on top of me and we maneuvered until I was laying on his chest.

"Was that loud enough?" I asked, enjoying the afterglow.

"Mmm, I say so. But we might need to do that a few more times."

"Such is a sacrifice I must make."

"No Emmett," I kindly responded, "we won't be needing any look outs today. There's a new open space in the forest to attest to the control we'll exercise today."

A/N 2: Thank you to the 259 people who added this story to their favorites, the 79 that put it on their alerts, the 10 that added it to C2s and the 79 reviewers. You guys rock! Now for the shameless plug: reviews are great and I've never broken 100 on a story before. Let's make this one the first one!