Hello fellow invaders,
My name is Invader Wam. I am a full access invader. My F.I.R unit, Piper, is a full intelligence robot. I seek to distroy Heg-Hogeya. I am was supposed to sail to the stinky planet
tommarow, but the tallest said to help some other invaders, Invader Char and Invader Zim distroy Earth. Zim! Oh no! NO NO NO! I mean The Ladies are fine but Zim! NO! I hope that he dose-
n't take MY ideas. Well, this is when my adventure begins...
(Tweet, Tweet)
"Well here we are, Piper. We need to find those invaders." I said to Piper.
"Yes, But you most maintain your temper."
"I DON'T HAVE A TEMPER! I mean, Piper scan for invader blood."
"Yes, Master." Piper answered. He turned red and poked an antenna out of his head. He was quiet, (Except for the beeping of couse),Then the antenna disappeared.
"Quick, what did you pick-up?" I asked.
"Invader blood is north-west. We must catch them."
"Catch them? Are we going to kill them or something?"
"No, Sir. It is a matter of how fast they are going."
Huff. " They are going 120 mph. Seriously, Master, I thought you more intellegent then that."
"Sir! The invaders!" Piper said. "They're gettng away!"
"Zim! Was that an Irken Ship?!"
"Of couse not!" Zim said to Char.
"Turn back, Please."
"The Pretty lady talked!" Gir Blurrted out.
"No, Char.We have not the time..."
"Pretty Please!"
"No No!"
"Pretty Please with sugar and a cherry on top!
"Fine." He said, giving up. He turned the ship around slowly and waited for Invader Wam to catch up.
Invader Wam landed and got ot of the ship. Piper came out too. Gir went straight over and started sniffing Piper. Invader Zim and Char came out as well, for then and there they met for the first time...