"Ugh, I swear that she-cat is so annoying!"

"I could have handled myself, thank you very much!"

"Why doesn't anyone ever leave me alone!?"

Ugh! I get so sick and tired of that stupid furball!…huh? Oh, who is the "stupid furball" I'm talking about? Well, it's none other than that stupid apprentice, Breezepaw!

Yeah, if any Breezepaw fans are here, you should probably leave now. Yeah, I know you think he's the oh-so-hot apprentice, but believe me he's not.

As I padded across ThunderClan camp, where I live, I ran into my brother Jaypaw, who was carrying a mouthful of Feverfew.

"Mrrow oof!" We both cried. Yes, as you know, Jaypaw is the blind cat. But, you should also know that he can hear AND scent. Anyway, it was my daydreaming that ended up making us crash into each other.

"Gah, Hollypaw!" He mewed, staring at me with his sightless blue eyes. "Watch where you're going, please!"

"Sorry, Jaypaw," I mewed apologetically. "I just had something one my mind and wasn't watching where I was going.

Jaypaw narrowed his eyes at me. I then remembered that his nosy brother of mine could read minds, so I cleared any thoughts of the "furball" and stared back at him. "You really shouldn't be so nosy, Jaypaw."

"You need to stop thinking about Breezepaw and watch your OWN paws!" He retorted.

"Excuse me? That is a load of mouse dung!" I hissed, feeling my fur burn with embarrassment. "Why would I be thinking about Breezepaw, mousebrain?"

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when heard Leafpool call his name, "Jaypaw!"

He gave me a look, then bounded off to the medicine cat's den. I sighed in relief. Finally.

Not wanting to be bothered by anymore unwanted guests, I padded off through the thorn tunnel, A.K.A the camp entrance, and off into the surrounding forest.

My stomach growling reminded me of how hungry I was, "Darn, I should've gotten some fresh-kill while I had the chance!"

I sniffed, and many smells filled my nostrils. Vole, and a thrush.

My ears perked up to listen and see which available prey was closer. The vole sounded closer.

I slipped down into my hunters crouch, slowly creeping up on the unsuspecting vole. When it was clear the vole didn't notice my presence, I leapt from my hiding place and brought the vole down with a single blow.

Though it was a small catch, I picked up the vole triumphantly in my teeth and headed back to camp.

I froze, though, when I heard some distant mewing. Curious, I followed the noise and stopped when I realized they were coming from over the WindClan border.

Breezepaw was hunting with Heatherpaw. For some reason unknown to me, I felt jealousy prickle in every strand of fur on my body.

I don't know why…was it because I was jealous of Heatherpaw? That certainly couldn't be it! I hated Breezepaw!

But, I was curious, so I slipped in behind a tree and stared out at them with my green eyes.

"That was a nice catch, Breezepaw," Heatherpaw mewed adoringly, eyeing the huge rabbit Breezepaw had just caught.

"Whatever," Breezepaw mewed, not even remotely interested in what Heatherpaw thought.

Heatherpaw's ears flattened, a dejected look appearing on her face. For some reason, this cheered me. Why would I be happy about that?

When Breezepaw began padding off and Heatherpaw followed a fox length behind, I knew it was safe to come out.

As I padded back to camp with my vole, I couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Why did I feel like that Breezepaw rejected another cat? I couldn't be…"

"Because you love him."

At first, I thought it was a voice inside my head that said it. But when I turned, I saw it was only Jaypaw.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"I was out collecting herbs," Jaypaw told me. "Hollypaw, you know how dangerous it is to fall in love with cats from other clans!"

"Shut up, Jaypaw!" I hissed.

"You remember what happened with Lionpaw!" Jaypaw continued, ignoring me. "It is forbidden and it will bring nothing but misery.

At that moment, I wanted to rake my claws across Jaypaw's muzzle, but I knew better than that. I walked passed him. And, as a passed, he whispered, "You love him."