Title: Misunderstanding
Author: HearMeCalling
Rating: T
Characters: 10th Doctor/Romana II
Spoilers: None
Summary: "No, she hadn't been listening. She had been too busy contemplating his latest regeneration's irritating habits." 10/Romana II
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. Why do you ask?
Notes: FANFIC:100 fic. Prompt: Listen


"That's the problem with humans, they always leave too soon."

Romana nodded mutely and sipped on her coffee. She didn't quite know when he had developed this obsession with recounting tales of previous companions, but it was all becoming rather annoying. He certainly didn't have that habit when she first met him – she only found out about Leela, after all, when she returned to Gallifrey.

Now, if you asked her, she could tell you exactly how Rose Tyler's father died. Recount the Doctor and Donna's trip to the Ood Sphere, right down to the fact there was snow. Real snow, not stuff the TARDIS had created. How Martha Jones defeated the Master with just words. It bored her. Quite a lot, truth be told. Yes, humans, his favourite species, could achieve quite a lot when they put their minds to it, but she didn't need reminding every single waking moment.


"Are you listening, Romana?"

No, she hadn't been listening. She had been too busy contemplating his latest regeneration's irritating habits. All skin and bones he was, too. And his hair was quite ridiculous if she was going to be picky. Which she really, really couldn't be, being part of a nearly-extinct species and all. It wasn't as if he decided to maintain any control over his regeneration to sort out details like that, either.


She swallowed the rest of her drink, ignoring the fact it was now stone cold. She glanced over at the Doctor. He was wearing that look again; the one where it looked like you'd just gone and kicked K9 for no reason or something. She sighed; he seemed to have picked up some human irrationality since… well, since home had been destroyed. No point in laying the blame now, there was only the two of them left.

"What is it?" She sighed.

"I was just saying… how good it is to have you back… and…"

Good grief, she hated it when he was emotional like this. It was awful when he'd first found her, trapped on some backwater planet, but helping out the locals all the same. He'd gawped at her like she was some kind of ghost, before becoming incredibly excitable and demanding answers to questions such as 'how did you survive?', 'why didn't you regenerate?' and "why didn't I know you were alive before now?" It had taken her seventeen hours to calm him down enough to get him back to his TARDIS.

"…and I should rather like to kiss you."

What? Maybe she should listen to more than just half of what he was saying. Although saying that, listening to only half of what he was saying sometimes did make more sense. He did tend to talk rather a lot about nothing in particular.


"That's if you don't mind… of course… I know you were always far more traditional than I am…"

"If I don't mind what?"

"Me kissing you." Romana nearly laughed at his look of utter disappointment, mixed with confusion.

"Is this another Earth habit you've developed?"

They were both blushing furiously as the Doctor nodded, quite embarrassed.

"Well. I suppose so," she stated. "But you'll have to show me how."

He grinned as he approached her. He'd been hoping to do this for a long while.
