a/n; i'm BAAAACK! slightly earlier than planned, but i had a day off school, and i thought, what the hell. i might as well start this. :D

i missed you guys, even though it's only been like a week since i last updated, i still miss you. :D

this is the only chapter that will be like this, and you can all use your imagination for what they're doing. writing to someone in an enchanted diary? passing notes with a new friend? whatever.


introduction - no POV

Name? Victoire

FULL name, please. Victoire Lilian Weasley

Thank you. What year are you in? Fifth.

What are your parents' names? Bill and Fleur Weasley.

What are you scared of? You're going to use this against me, aren't you?

WHAT are you scared of? Fine. Lots of things.

Specifically? Deep water - like lakes and oceans - the dark, snakes, small spaces, lipstick.

Lipstick? Traumatic memories.

Ah. What are your weaknesses? Er...what do you mean?

Like, clumsiness, bad hygiene, ect. Oh. Well, I am sort of a klutz. I tend to trip, crash into things, and fall off things. I'm amazed my nose isn't broken from all the faceplants I take. I also sleepwalk.

I see. How tall are you? Five foot four inches.

Who's your best friend? Teddy Lupin. He's awesome.

How tall is HE? ...Six four.

Well. Must be awkward hugging HIM. Slightly.

So, what do you want to be when you grow up? Hmm...probably a Healer. Or a Muggle tv star. That'd be fun.

What's your favourite color? Oooh, I LOVE green. And gold rocks, too.

Okay. Well, you can go now, if you like. THANK YOU. Peace out.


Hi. What's your name? Louis.

Not again. FULL NAME. Oh, sorry. Louis Harrison Weasley.

Are you by any chance related to Victoire Weasley? Yeah, she's my triplet.

Er... Oh, Dominique is the other one.

Ah. What year are you in? Fifth.

What are you scared of? Only a few things.

Such as? Oh, the usual. Death, sharp things within reach of my sister, spiders.

Sharp things within reach of which sister? Victoire, of course.

... Trust me, you don't want to know.

Okay...what are your weaknesses? Like clumsiness, sleepwalking, ect. Well, I'm not clumsy, and I don't sleepwalk. But I do have a habit of randomly bursting into song during class, and I never learned to fly a broom.

Hmm. How tall are you? Five foot six inches.

Who's your best friend? I don't really have one. I hang out alone, mostly. But I get along with everyone nicely.

I see. What do you want to be when you grow up? Hmm...tough question. I think I'll see when I get there.

What's your favourite color? Red and black.

Alright. Well, it's been nice talking to you. Bye. See you.


What's your name? Dominique Gavrielle Weasley. What's it to you?

Nothing. Gosh. What year are you in? Fifth.

Cool. What are you scared of? Why do you want to know?

Just tell me. FINE. Spiders, snakes, insects of any kind, fire, heights, physical contact.

I see. What are your weaknesses? I'm very anti-social. I don't like people touching me. I don't talk to people unless they say something first. I can't fly a broom. I don't get along with my sister at all.

Hm. What do you want to be when you grow up? Photographer.

What's your favourite color? Light blue and silver.

Okay. Bye. Goodbye.

a/n; okay, that kinda sucked. but it gave an insight on how they are :D the next chapter should be up soon. LOVE YOU GUYS! :D

oh, and i'm abandoning the 'review replies', i'll just reply to each of them seperately. :D

Next time...

I heard Dad yelling from downstairs.

I sighed, and threw things into my trunk.

I was going back to Hogwarts for my fifth year, and I honestly couldn't wait to get away from my annoying sister and perfect mother.