Okay, this is my first attempt at a dragon ball z fic so please be kind with reviews

Okay, this is my first attempt at a dragon ball z fic so please be kind with reviews. As you guessed this is a Pan and Vegeta pairing so if you do not approve of the pairing, are squeamish, or easily offended then I ask that you please hit the back button now. This has been rated M for a reason. For everyone else, enjoy!

Pan stood beneath the scalding heat of the shower, letting the heat ease the ache in her muscles. She sighed unhappily as every nerve in her body screamed. Tonight had been bad. She had never once thought that the blows would never stop coming until tonight. What had set her father off so badly that he would beat her this badly? Was it all really just because her mother had died?

Ever since Videl passed away, Gohan's temper had gotten worse and worse. Over the last three years he taken to beating Pan. But even with her Saiyin blood, she was still no match for him. That's why she spent all her spare time training. In front of their friends they acted as if everything was fine. They were your average father and daughter, but behind closed doors Gohan had become a monster. If anyone asked about the bruises Pan would always lie and say it was from sparring. It wasn't a complete lie at least. Everyone knew how much she trained, they just didn't know why.

Carefully, she climbed out of the shower and dried herself. She couldn't stand to look at her own reflection anymore, so she passed the mirror as quickly as possible. She had to get out of here. Even if it was just for one night. Pan dressed as quickly as possible, throwing on her training gear, and packing a bag, Pan opened the latch on her window and flew away into the night. She shivered in the cool night air, her body still damp from her shower, strands of her jet black hair whipping in her face. Before she knew it, she found herself landing in front of the gravitation room at capsule corp. It was a special training facility Bulma and her father had created years ago and Pan knew for a fact that she would be safe here, at least for the night. In the morning she would start more of her training, her stubborn saiyin blood pushing her to become the first female super saiyin. That would show Gohan. Then they would be on equal ground.

Carefully, Pan punched in the access code and slipped inside. She didn't have to turn on the lights to find her way around. She could navigate this whole facility with her eyes closed. Using her bag as a pillow, Pan settled in the far corner of the room and prepared to rest for the night when the lights suddenly came on and someone else entered the room.

Pan did her best to suppress her ki as she heard the heavy thump of boots on the cool tile floor.

"What the hell are you doing here woman?"

Pan suddenly found herself face to face with Vegeta. Prince of Saiyins. The only male she had ever met who made her heart race and a deep, soul searing heat fill her body. Just staring at the handsome, arrogant saiyin prince made things low in her body clench. Their eyes locked for just a moment, the dark depths of his eyes staring back into hers. She could see his breathing had changed as he pulled her to her feet. She stumbled against him a little, her hands landing on his muscular chest. Pan could only stare back up at him. Now that he had her in the light, Vegeta could see the bruises that decorated the young saiyin woman's face. At 16 she was no longer a child, but a woman. A saiyin woman, and judging from the heat radiating from her body she was in heat. Vegeta sniffed the air around him and breathed in her scent like that of a drowning man who had just been brought to the surface. It was beyond intoxicating. He carefully traced the line of cuts and bruises with disgust.

"The bastard's been at it again I see," he growled, holding her close.

"You've got it all wrong. Dad and I were –"

"Sparring? Foolish woman. Do you really think anyone believes that lie?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Vegeta. I just lost in a sparring match with Dad and came here for a late night training session. That's all."

"You're lying."

Pan stared up at the saiyin man before her, defiant and stubborn in every way. She didn't care whether or not he believed her, as long as he didn't stop touching her. Suddenly she noticed the difference in the way he touched her, the almost gentle way his hands caressed her. She trembled at his touch on her skin.

"Why do you tremble? Do you fear me?"


But the words would not come. She could only stand there mumbling as Vegeta's eyes roamed her body. He took in her shoulder length black hair and dark eyes, the curves of her body beneath her training clothes and felt his saiyin blood begin to boil with need. He had never in all his existence felt this feeling, not even with Bulma. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was a saiyin like him, he didn't know, but something about this grandchild of Kakkorot made him nearly insane with a need to take her beneath him, to possess her. He was growing tired of fighting the feelings she brought about in him.

"Fine," Pan said angrily, " I'm hiding from him, happy? Once I reach super saiyin I won't have to hide from him anymore."

The words were that of a proud warrior. She did her ancestors proud. Perhaps she would become the first female super saiyin. All she needed was the proper training with the right teacher. Suddenly Vegeta pulled her against him and kissed her deeply. His tongue flicked at her lower lip, demanding access. Pan opened her mouth to Vegeta's hot, demanding kisses, and moaned at the force behind those kisses. His lips trailed down along her jaw, to the place where her neck and shoulder met. She could feel his mouth hover there for a moment before recapturing her lips with his. Vegeta's hands pulled at her top, ripping it from her body and tossing it to the floor. His hands slid up her sides to squeeze and massage her breasts. Pan arched into his touch, enjoying the strange new sensations. Her fingers tangled in his dark spikes of hair, and gasped when his mouth descended on her nipples one after the other.


Somehow he had managed to rid her of the remainder of her clothing and layed her on the cold tile. She shivered at the feel of the floor beneath her, despite the intensity of the heat between them. She watched, half embarrassed as Vegeta removed his own training gear and settled himself between her thighs. Her heart began to speed up in her chest. She was excited and scared all at the same time. She had never been with a man before, let alone a saiyin man. She could feel his fingers sliding against her, teasing her, when he slid his fingers inside her. Pan cried out, her back lifting off the floor at the touch. Vegeta smiled that self satisfied smile of his. It was a smile that said he knew this was her first time, and he was going to enjoy being the first, and only one to touch her. Slowly he pulled his fingers out of her and pulled her closer. He lifted her hips, ever so slightly, positioning himself at her entrance. Pan and Vegeta locked gazes, their breathing labored before he plunged himself deep inside her.

Pan clutched at his back, her finger nails making little half moons on his back at that quick burst of pain as he breached her. She heard Vegeta grunt above her, obviously satisfied with being her first. A look of wonder had crossed his face.

"You have never…."


He kissed her again, and this time it was different. It was deeper, more passionate, and yet gentle all at the same time. His thrusts were hard and fast. He knew with her he wouldn't have to hold back. That she could take whatever he gave her. Pan only moaned in response to each thrust, the air growing heavy between them. At some point in their love making, Vegeta lowered his head back down to that same spot as before and bit her hard enough to draw blood. She didn't know why, but Pan felt compelled to do the same to him. She heard his grunt and moan of both pleasure and surprise as she copied him. It was something in that moment, when they were joined in more ways than one, that the pleasure burst over them, and the intensity of the moment exploded.



The lovers cried one another's names as the orgasm washed over each of them. Pan gasped at the warmth of Vegeta spilling himself inside her. They lay on the cool floor, completely drained and content to lie there in each other's arms while they both relearned how to breathe. Vegeta kissed the mark his teeth had made on her, his tongue flicking out to touch the mark. Pan shivered in his arms at the touch. He raised one hand up to touch the mark that her teeth had made and smirked. She had no idea what she had done.

"What are we going to tell the others?" she asked, when her senses had finally returned to her, " I think they're all going to notice we have matching marks."

"I don't care. Do you know what these marks mean little one?"

"No. I just….I don't know, all the sudden it was like I needed to do it, to mark you….I wanted to mark you…"

"These marks mean that we are mated to each other, and there is nothing those damn fools can do about it. Not even that bastard you call father."


"Yes," Vegeta said, wrapping a possessive arm around her waist, " You are mine.Mine!"

Pan turned in the circle pf his arms and wrapped her own arms around him, her mind still reeling from everything that had happened. She lost track of how long they lay there, oblivious to the sun that would bring with it another day.

When Pan awoke she was alone with nothing but a blanket covering her. Vegeta had gone sometime in the night when she had fallen asleep. Damn him. What had she been thinking last night? She had always sworn that she would never let her feelings for Vegeta get the best of her, that she would never act on them. But last night, her will power had failed her, and now she and Vegeta were mated together. Waves of guilt swept through her. How was she going to face Bulma? Or Bra? Or Trunks for that matter? How could she see any of them knowing what they had done last night? She had given her virginity to Vegeta! Her only excuse was that she had been scared, hurt, angry, and alone. Not that that would convince anyone.

Still sore from the beating she had taken the night before, and the other activities she had taken part in, Pan rose and took a shower in the gravity room's private showers. She scrubbed her skin all over, saddened at the loss of Vegeta's scent on her skin. It was something she cherished.

Pan had just finished dressing and bandaging herself up when the door to the gravity room opened….

Want to know who it is? Then please come back for the next chapter! Please review!! But be kind!! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!!