Double Trouble
Yusuke and his twin sister are ripped apart by their father leaving at the young age of five. Their mother begins to drink away her depression of her husband leaving her and taking her baby girl with him. Yusuke shuts everyone but his sister's friend, Keiko, out of his life.
Eleven years later, she turns up again in the strangest of places; the Dark Tournament. She is the leader of the newest team sponsored by Koenma himself, and a certain Wind Master is all over the Wind Witch of the Feudal Era. What happens when Kagome and her team become the new Champions and gain the attention of the demons of the Makai, and especially a certain Forbidden Child?
Kagome walked expertly through the deadly forest, almost as if she had walked this path many times before. Which from the way the path seemed worn down wouldn't surprise him at all; Hiei spent most of the time relishing in the fact that he was home, breathing in the clean air that could only be found in such an unindustrialized world such as the Makai. On closer inspection he could tell from the mountains in the east that they weren't all that far from the caves where the bandit group he grew up with once resided. And behind the mountain would be the Wolf Tribes and the old remnants of the nests belonging to the Birds of Paradise that were destroyed 500 years ago.
The apparition turned his attention to the miko in front of him. It was hard to believe that this petite woman was a time traveling warrior, guardian of the most sought after jewel of all time, one of the warriors who defeated the vilest creature to ever have lived, friend of the two greatest bandits of Japan, and twin sister to the heir of the Mazaku throne.
This woman has, with no doubt in Hiei's mind, more influence then even Koenma and maybe even Enma. Though, most of her contacts are of demonic nature. There has yet for any human contacts for him to see. Then again, she is friends with the last living Taijiya, the adopted daughter of the Lord of the West, and a high monk.
"Who goes there?" Two guards stepped from the underbrush as they got closer to the gate into the castle and their voice snapped Hiei from his thoughts. He fought down the urge to hit himself in the head for he was not paying attention as he should have been. Being in the human realm to long has made his brain soften for one does not want to be caught off guard in the demon realm.
"Antonio, Benvolio!" Kagome laughed, launching herself at the two demons, whom caught her effortlessly. They were tiger demons, twin tiger demons if you looked close enough, and they seemed very friendly with the Miko.
"Ah, Kaggie, welcome back! Lady Rin has been awaiting you. She must discuss the management of your kit's video game companies. She does not find it fair that he owns all of them." The tiger on the right spoke, his voice deep and full of laughter. Hiei could not tell them apart at all, but it seemed as if Kagome could.
"Of course she wouldn't find it fair Antonio. That's Rin for you. Benvolio, will open the gate for my guest and I? We're headed to visit Fluffy and then to the Dojo." Kagome giggled, rubbing the cat's ears before they both stepped away and pushed open the large doors with ease. She walked in as if she was at home, where as Hiei did not get as warm a welcome. Most demons that would wave to the miko would give him a disgusted look once the woman had turned her back and they had tested her aura.
Every step he took made him more agitated. It was like being a monkey in a zoo. They could make their faces and laugh at him and he could do nothing about it but growl as they laughed harder.
He couldn't help but smirk though when Kagome jumped as three auras surfaced outside the gate. Her plan to escape was not going as she planned, and with it went her plan to teach him a lesson.
She was so amusing when angry, like a hissing kitten, unless she was as angry as she was at the Tournament. Then she was more like a lioness ready to pounce. And it wouldn't surprise him that if she was truly infuriated that she would be a threatened panther, ready to kill at the slightest movement of her enemy, and as deadly as she was beautiful.
Hiei startled himself; he was not thinking such thoughts. No, not him, and certainly not about a human miko who was sister the one human to have ever defeated him in single combat. Nope, he did not just think that the woman before him, talking to one of the visiting nobles, was beautiful. Nope, Nada, Zip, Zero, Zilch, No….
"Lady Kagome, what is this filth doing in Milord's palace? If you had brought in such scum I would have had him beheaded on sight." The noble sniffed, bringing Hiei into the conversation and making the apparition growl as his hand inched towards his sword. The noble just stuck his nose in the air and sniffed again, looking down on not only him, but Kagome as well. "Unless this Forbidden Child is your pet my dear, then I would advise you put not only a leash, but a muzzle on him."
"I'll show you a pet, you lowly trash…" Hiei growled, pulling out his Katana, already devising ways to relieve the male of his life, both slowly and quickly. Kagome's smile stopped him dead in his tracks.
It was bright and carefree, as if she believed every word the man said; she even nodded. But her aura told a different story. It was flaring and cackling darkly. The miko was not happy.
"Lord Tash, it would behoove you to stop speaking of my friend that way. Because for threatening my guest, you are threatening me, and as such you are committing high treason against Lord Sesshoumaru and his heir, the Lady Rin." Her smile turned dark as she poked the lord in his chest harshly, her miko powered finger tip burning right through his clothes and leaving a nasty burn on the demon's chest. The man even yelped like a puppy. "I do not like how you and the other demons of the house have discriminated against Hiei. Do not think for one minute I did not know the looks and sneers that were sent his way. Do we not all bleed red blood? Can we not all think and talk to one another civilly? You all disgust me."
Kagome let loose a very inhuman growl that had Lord Tash backing up quickly. Kurama, Kuronue, and Yusuke could only watch in confusion as Kagome advanced on the poor male with storming eyes.
"You will now apologize to Hiei or deal directly with me. I will not tolerate discrimination from anyone in a sanctuary for all. I'm sure you agree don't you Fluffy?" Kagome glanced to her right just as a large oak door opened and the Lord of the West appeared. He inclined his head enough to show that he agreed with her before turning cold golden eyes to the quivering lord.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry." Lord Tash stuttered before making a hasty exit. Kagome and Sesshoumaru watched him go smugly, whereas Hiei could only look at the miko in disbelief.
Why would she defend him? He was what he was and he was accustomed to the hate directed his way for being of both fire and ice. He watched as she turned and smiled brightly at not only him but at the three behind him before she disappeared after Sesshoumaru into the room. Kurama and Yusuke followed the slip of a girl, and so did he and Kuronue but not before Kuronue leaned down and whispered with a chuckle.
"You'll get used it. No matter how hard you try, her motives will always be a mystery."
Hiei smirked inside his brain. A mystery he would unravel. And this hunt for answers would beat any Sherlock Holmes mystery ever told.
Though Hiei didn't know who this Sherlock Holmes human was. He had only heard Keiko and Shizune talking about one of his books the day before.
Oh well….
Oh how I have missed writing! School has kept me so busy and away from my stories that I swear I feel malicious intent from my computer each time I open another review alert in my email that says 'Update soon' and then I have no choice but to tuck it away in my review folder with a sigh.
I hope you all liked the chapter! I worked on it for about….eh….two hours? I dunno, I lost track of the time once I started typing. It felt good to sit down and let the creativeness flow from my fingers.
Now review my darlings! The button is right down there!(If I still have any readers left)
Warning: Flames are read…then stared at…then ignored (or saved for laughs at a later time!)
(DO READ~~I have had some people ask me to co author a story with them and if anyone is still interested I will =) Just tell me)