Disclaimer: Hey guys, Please review this. I just want an opinion. I hope you enjoy this story because I plan on this being a very long story. This story is a definite must which you will all see soon. I am so excited! Man, I been wanting to get this written for so long and none of you know why but yet you believe you do! xD This is awesome! Ohhh yeah! -is a' rearing for some heavy duty writing- I hope you enjoy! I know I might seem too into their past but now I realize what the purpose is of all this obsession with Android 18...

Where am I? Have I been kidnapped? It must be the case...I've never been in such a dark, dank room in my entire life. And where is my brother? Is he okay? How am I going to get out of this room?! The door won't budge an inch! The door is locked, too! I'm trapt, trapt! I'll never get out, will I?

Those were the dreaded thoughts running through Crystal's mind as she finally had decided to give it a rest and stop banging on the door. Noone was coming to her aid and she felt as if noone ever would niether. She had been in such a panic over waking up to this nasty room that she had forgotten entirely about who had kidnapped her.

There was only one thing left to do- scream as loud as she possibly could. She was almost positive that doing so would wake up whoever had kidnapped her. Or maybe they were already awake and just were ignoring her? It was more likely than possible. She was sure though that they would eventually not be able to take it anymore and come to her.

"Let me out!!" Crystal shrieked as loud as she possibly could. After there was not even a hint of a response, she shrieked again as loud as possible. "Please, somebody!!"

No response! She felt like it was hopeless, but she knew it was her only route she could take now. "I said let me out!" She shrieked once again, balling her hands up into fists. She felt so helpless; like she was at this person's mercy- whomever it was that had taken her hostage. She hated feeling that way. Maybe she should multi- task, she realized. Raising her fists above her she began to pound as hard as she could like earlier against the door and shriek yet again. "Let me out! Let me out!!"

She quieted down for a second or two to make sure she heard noone coming. Which of course, there was not a hint of anyones presence but hers. Her fists were already a tint of red and hurting really bad from pounding so hard against the door- after all, it was steel. Anger jolted through her and she suddenly twisted around, walking to the back of the room and twisting back around to face the door. "Let me out!!" She shouted as she suddenly took off at the door full speed; slamming her side against the door as hard as she could muster.

She quieted down yet again to make sure noone was coming and then backed away a little from the door. Now not only were her fists still hurting, but her side was hurting even worse. Grunting pain slightly, she raised her foot and slammed it into the door. She didn't care if it hurt, as long as she was able to bug whoever her kidnapper was until they came to her. She had kicked the door a little too hard because her foot was pounding, but she didn't care- she just kicked it again. "I said let me out! Ahhhhh!!" She screamed while slamming her foot against the door again.

Suddenly, it dawned on her. There was a small, square window in the top of the door, which was where the source of light was coming from. Man, she had been so ballistic she hadn't even noticed it until now. She probably could bust it open- but she had nothing to do it with, so she would have to use her bare hands. No doubt it would hurt, but what did it matter if her hands were just as bruised and battered as the rest of her body?

So she raised her right arm a little, balling it into a fist again, and pulled it back a little to gain some momentum. After doing so, she thrusted her fist forward into the window; it shattering into a million tiny pieces. Too bad it was too small for her to crawl out of. But she could still stick her head out of it. Pulling her arm back by her side, she examined it to notice she was bleeding a little. It stung a little, but it was nothing compared to what her parents could pull off so she considered herself lucky.

Sticking her head through the window, she looked around the hallway. The walls were made of solid rock, it appeared. There was lights handing down from the rocky ceiling all the way down the hallway. There were no more rooms to her right, but instead a dead end a couple feet from the room she was in. She twisted her head to the left to see that the hallway carried on down there. There was another room only a few feet from hers. Was her brother in there, possibly? For once in her life, she felt a small twinge of hope. Crystal noticed there was a wall at the other end of the hallway too that at first looked like a dead end, but after further examination she realized there was a turn in the hallway.

After examining everything, she remembered her purpose for breaking the glass window. "Let me out!! Please!!" She shouted. When there was no reply, she turned her head back to the right and looked down a little to notice some weird looking thing attached the wall. It looked like one of those security things. Like one of those things were you have to push in a code to open something. Crud. In that case she'd never ever be able to escape out this room herself.

"How dare you?!" A voice suddenly spoke up, causing Crystal to jump in shock as she twisted her head to the left. A man with a white lab coat on and khaki pants on underneath along with a dark blue shirt was walking down the hallway towards Crystal. As he got closer, Crystal realized he was an old man. Yuck, he had nasty wrinkles all over his face. He must have been really old because he was bald at the top of his head and only retained his white hair near his ears. He seemed very aggitated at what she had done.

Once he got in front of her door, he spoke again. "Do you realize what that window costed me?" He didn't seem to get the picture already that of course if you kidnap someone they will try to use any means necesary to escape.

"You should have thought about that before you kidnapped me!" Crystal backfired defensively, feeling a little angry. "Now why don't you just let me out?!"

Instead of responding, the man simply reached for something in his pocket with one hand, while his other hand typed in a code to open the door. Yes! Freedom was right at her door! Then again, the man wasn't that dumb was he? She was sure he knew she would do her best to bolt out the door. He must have been prepared in some sort of way..She'd make sure she'd watch herself. After all, what could an old man possibly do to her?

Crystal pulled her head out from the window and took a step back as the door opened. The man still had his hand in his pocket. Was there something in them? Oh well, she didn't really care. It was probably nothing anyways. Once the door was all the way open, she ran towards the man right as he pulled something out of his pocket that looked like a tazer- crud! Not stopping her run towards him, she slammed the side of her body against him, pushing him up against the wall in the hallway. She had to make sure he did not get to use that tazer! Reaching for his hand that held the tazer, she successfully grabbed ahold of it.

"Get off, girl!" The man shouted in anger, bringing his free hand down and slamming his elbow into the back of Crystal's neck. In reaction to the sudden pain, Crystal jerked her hand away from his and grabbed the back of her neck with both her hands, groaning slightly. All of a sudden, she felt the mans free arm wrap around her small waist and throw the both of them on the ground; him on top. The air was slammed out of her as she made contact with the cold, hard floor. Pained gasps of air came from her. She was laying on her stomach. She had a feeling he had the tazor pointed right at her threateningly.

"It seems you're going to be a bit of a challenge." The man exclaimed, sounding much more calm. "But from what I can already tell, you seem like the perfect specimen."

Crystal had no idea what this man was talking about- it just sounded like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to her. Maybe he was just some crazy old fart? She wanted to reply with some sort of sarcastic dig, but she could hardly even breathe.

"I'm sure you're wondering what I must be talking about." The man was quite correct. "Well, I guess you deserve to know just as much as your brother deserves to know." A twinkle of mischief was in the man's eyes.

"Wh-where...is he?" Crystal managed to spurt out in a low voice due to having to regain her oxygen.

"Oh, my pardon." The man apologized. "I should have known you would want to know where he is first."

"G-go on." Crystal pushed, anxiously awaiting his reply.

"He is in a room similar to the one I placed you in. I knocked him out with some medicine, so he won't be awake for quite awhile." The man then carried on to what he originally had wanted to say to her. "Anyway, my name is Dr.Gero. As you probably can tell, I am a scientist. I-" He was cut off by Crystal's shocked reply.

"What the heck would a scientist like you want with us?!" She had finally regained her breathe.

"Let me explain." He sounded a little irritated that she had interrupted him. "I like to create androids from scratch. I am well known for doing so. But recently, someone challenged me. They said that I would never be able to construct an android from a real human. I took them on and began to study until I started to find out it will not be nearly as impossible as what they had originally thought. Though, I can see why they thought it would be impossible. After all, what if I conduct a certain precedure wrong- just one tiny mistake- and end up killing them? The patient's life is in my hands. Not only that, but the emotions can get in the way. Fear; causing the patient to not cooperate. Love; causing the patient to once again not cooperate." He finally came to a conclusion. "I can tell you are going to be a real hard head in this matter- maybe even more so than your brother. Thank goodness I prepared for such a fiesty little specimen."

Crystal was at too much of a shock to reply to his explanation right away. There was no way he was serious! She did not even know a such thing was possible! Nor did she know there were really such things as mad scientists! This was like a horror movie come true! Things to say kept flashing in her mind, but none of the words would come out her mouth. How could someone be as sick as to...do that? Was she always supposed to be miserable? She had thought she would be free after she got away from the grasp of her two psychotic parents and their friends, but she was wrong. Was she cursed? She felt it would be useless to simply beg the man into letting her go, so she decided she would not reply with any sort of thing to do with begging.

"Dr.Gero, eh? The name sounds familiar, but not that scraggly old face of yours." Crystal threw in a dig at Gero. It did not seem to anger him nor provoke him, to her dissapoint. "You sound really crazy, you know. I wouldn't tell anyone else what you told me unless you want to run them off."

"Sorry to dissapoint, dear, but every single one of my assistants have actually done quite the opposite. They all think it's a good idea." Dr. Gero sounded quite stern with his answer. "In fact, they have all agreed to help me tackle this job."

"You do realize we will find a way out of here, right?" Crystal took off with another subject. "I might not be much stronger than you, but my brother could beat that sorry behind of yours."

"Maybe so, but as I said earlier, I have my asissants. He can't handle the whole lot all alone, now can he? All of them are men except for one." Gero replied. It seemed as if he had everything planned out perfectly. He seemed to be a very intelligent man. "Besides, no man's body can withstand my medicines. Believe me when I say this, dear, you nor your brother will ever escape my grasp. I've awaited this day too long to let you two escape."

It was hopeless...He was right. Ther probably would never escape. Maybe she'd get lucky and die on him? She couldn't bear being...twisted, contorted into some sort of robot. What else was his point in making her into some kind of robot? There must have been some other reason behind this...She was sure he wouldn't tell her though.

"How can you deal with knowing you've taken two teenagers lives away from them?" Crystal asked. She knew she would not be able to take knowing she had hurt someone in that manner. Sure, she had killed her parents, but it was different when someone was innocent.

"You don't look too innocent yourself." Gero replied. "You were already pretty injured when you were brought into my lab. Might I ask why?"

She was sure it wouldn't help, but she decided she could still try and scare him away with the ol' 'I'm a psycho murderer- you better get outta' my way!' thing. "I murdered my mother." She responded calously. "And I have not been able to shower in weeks, so that's why I'm all messy looking."

She couldn't see it because she was facing the ground, but if she could have been facing his way, she would have noticed a sick twinkle glittering in Gero's eyes. Did he actually like it that she had murdered her mother? Certainly he was not that sick. "I truely have been blessed! I just knew if I waited the two perfect specimens would come running to me!" He sounded very excited. "So I don't have to start from scratch after all! This is perfect! Just absolutely perfect! No wonder what that look in your eyes is! It's hatred! Perfect, just perfect!" He kept babbling on and on.

"I thought it was a bad thing to kill your parents?" Crystal asked him, sounding very puzzled.

"So you tell me you killed them both? Excellent!" Gero babbled, sounding even more excited. "You already are a murderer...It won't be hard for you to carry out my mission, after all."

"Mission?!" Crystal demanded. "What mission?"

The excitement suddenly was out of his voice when he spoke again. "Oh yes. You see, I want a certain man who goes by the name Goku dead. When I am done with the two of you, you will be able to kill anyone that comes your way."

What nonsense was this man speaking? He was crazy! He was insinuating she would have powers! That was entirely impossible! "That's it- you're crazy!" Crystal spurted off, feeling fear suddenly wash over her all over again. Something was about to happen! She could feel it.

"To each his own, my dear." Dr. Gero replied. "Now that I have this out of the way, goodbye." Suddenly something stuck inside the back of Crystal's neck. Before the pain could even register of it sticking inside her skin, she felt as if her body were being shocked. The tazor!

She felt Gero's body weight leave her and instead felt him grab her foot. What the heck? She attempted to move but could not...that darn Tazor...She felt her body slide against the floor back into that dark, dank room again. Ouch! As she was sliding, she had felt a piece of glass cut into her stomach. She felt Gero remove his hand from her foot and it slam against the cold floor. She heard the door shut soon afterword and it lock. How would she ever escape this dreadful looking place?

Disclaimer: Man, I hope this was okay. Look forward to many other despairing, but life changing chapters. Life changing? Hm. Anyways, review...please? xD Lol. Well, g'night.