YES, I did have help with this. If you wanna know more about it, tell me. It's not that big a deal. I wanted this to seem like the story was coming from both sides, so therefore, the switching of POV'S.
Bella weaved through the pile or drunks, dancing her ass off. Nobody smelled just right. Maybe it was the alcohol she herself had consumed, or just the alcohol and sweat in the air. It frustrated her to not be able to find a decent scent so easily, in a place so packed. She bit her lip, a very human gesture, and looked around once more. Another drunken cheater. Another girlfriend looking for an excuse to ditch her boyfriend. Another boyfriend spying on his girlfriend. The usual soap-opera drama. She wasn't in the mood, and was about to give up and just leave the humans to their pathetic, trite lives when she smelled something. She walked closer, enjoying the aroma. A male. She turned her head. She couldn't miss him. Bright, daring clothes, sexy body, not that she cared about that, and amazing eyes. She walked over to him, noting that he was still at the counter. She sat him on top of the counter when she got there and sat on his lap, careful to shift her weight so she wouldn't hurt him. She was way stronger than he would expect. After all, she was a vampire. "So, cutie, what's your name?" she purred, tracing circles in the palm of his hand. Smelling his amazing arouma.
Boy's POV:
The small male rose an eyebrow as she lifted him up, laughing softly. A soft squeak managed to escape his lips. He was quite strong as well, being at the height of only 5'2" and weighing around 90 pounds, he didn't seem very.. strong, just weak.
He shook his head, laughing softly, he scooted back a bit, holding onto her waist only slightly as she moved with him, "Cutie, eh?" he smirked, "I'm Mark." he nodded, his Italian accent was very heavy, having just moved there he wasn't very unfriendly toward the strangers. Wanting to make friends and all.
"And you, sweetie?" he asked, a small chuckle escaping his lips as his hands moved from her waist. He placed his palms on the counter, leaning back a little, "What brings you.. here, of all places?" That question was asked curiously, almost as if he knew she wasn't there for the dancing, but he wouldn't interfere with anything, other than that one question.
He bit at his pierced lip gently, before taking a small sip of the tonic he had ordered. Then the other shot of vodka, finishing them both off. He wasn't drunk, nor was he even close.
Bella's POV:
She squirmed a little as his hands held onto her waist. She was really ticklish there. She didn't like that. It was an easy weakness. If any of her enemies found that out, she'd be dead in a moment's notice. But she personally didn't care if the boy noticed her ticklishness or not. He was only a frail human, after all.
She smiled when he spoke, enjoying every second of his accent. It rang in her ears with eloquency, sweet music to the boring drone she had heard from humans over and over and over again. "My name is Bella, darling. And I'm here to meet amazing people, such as yourself, and to show them the time of their lives. Interested?" She flashed him a smile. Almost nobody could resist one of those.
Her eyes swiftly scanned over what she had seen him drinking. A lot. She blinked. Didn't that much alcohol make people's eyes go blurry and their brains turn into mush? Something like that. And yet...he didn't even seem to be tipsy. She raised one eyebrow, but said nothing.