He looked at her, it wasn't the Mitchie he'd seen a few days ago. It was Mitchie, in a gorgeous short red dress, blood red. And her hair that once reached her waistline was pinned on top of her head. Her earring's were borrowed from her trendy friend Tess, you could tell. This wasn't her look but it fitted her perfectly. Light make-up was on today, she never wore any so it was a surprise she looked even more beautiful with it on. It wasn't the Mitchie he had once seen, it was the new her. Shane was intimidated as he had not went to look perfect and show off so he had dressed down in jeans and a suite jacket, in fact he only went to see her. See her smile, and that she was.
He could see she was waiting for him, waiting for the arrival. Not only had he been standing in the hallway wondering what to say for the past hour but he'd also been wondering if this was the right choice. When he saw her, Shane knew it definitely was. If he had her, he wouldn't need anybody because no one but her made him have those butterflies.
He walked in, and her head immediately turned. She'd been looking at the door every minute, expecting him. Mitchie didn't even want to be there if he wasn't, but now he was. He was there.
They was both awaiting each other to give the green light. Obsession as they watched each other dance from across the room. Her physique swinging in all directions made Shane smile, he was hypnotized because it was so effortlessly perfect. All the rest of the girls were wearing tight dresses that clung to that body. Mitchie had wore a flowie dress, it swung with her and it showed her dainty body in a very good angle. The music went with her, dancing as the spotlight flashed around the room with her.
He approached her in amazement, joining in with the rhythm of the music, holding her close and dancing with her. Eyes turned to them but neither of them cared, they was looking into each others eyes as if they was alone. Singing alone again, but this time they was professional dancers.
"You look as wonderful as I imagined Shane, no one could look as wonderful as you tonight" Mitchie laughed back to reality.
"I know of one exception." Shane said, arising a blush on to Mitchie's cheek's. A blush so red it could have matched her dress.
Mitchie was glad she had came tonight, this has been more then a perfect beginning for her happily ever after. She was glad she taken the chance, even if her friends were not sure he would even show up. She had to admit even herself had got worried when the rest of connect 3 showed up and not Shane. She had spent majority of the night with Tess and her date, so these precious minutes meant more than anything.
"I thought you wasn't coming" she laughed at herself, it sounded pathetic like she was criticizing him and his timing. She felt horrible but it was racking her mind why he was so late.
"I was outside thinking how to talk to this beautiful lady in the red dress, and then I was worried Mitchie might show up." Shane said holding her in his arm's tighter, the music had got slower and there voices were more hearable.
"I am Mitchie!" She said.
"I know but you don't look like her. You look beautiful, but I prefer the more laid back you." Shane did like the old Mitchie more, even though this suited her she looked much better in her jeans and top, but he didn't mind because this was the dance. Of course she had to look extra special.
"Do I look tense to you?" Mitchie gave off a nervous grin.
"Yeah. It's okay though, I'm much more nervous than you." Shane said stroking her face with one of his hand's that had been lifted from her waist.
"Why? Wouldn't I be more nervous than you?" Mitchie was interested in why he was so nervous, she was plain, normal and had nothing special about her and he was the complete opposite.
"Haven't you noticed? You sing better then me, look better then me and you've got a personality to die for. Your a dream, and this is my fantasy with you in it. I can't even see myself here tonight if it wasn't for you." Shane pulled the clip from her hair, and it came loose down her back once more.
"Thanks for that." Mitchie laughed, streaming her fingers through her hair.
"I'm glad your happy. I didn't think it would work." Shane gave the worried smile, Mitchie noticed because she done it herself.
"I think I'm in love!" Mitchie stared at him with bedroom eyes.
"What?!" Shane said, his glare strained.
"Got ya." Mitchie laughed, yet she did think she was in love. In love with this boy that she hardly even knew. It scared her more then he noticed, she was choking in front of him. Every word he said was like she was dreaming, still at home with her one friend wishing she was going to camp rock and any minute she would wake up. Dream ruined.
"Don't do that!" Shane was even more disappointed now, he felt he was in love. Someone he could relate to. His girl, not like the others – the screaming fan's. She was herself, the perfect princess and she was here with him giving her heart. Of course he couldn't tell her he was in love, that would scare her and he wasn't even sure it was love. It felt like it though, it broke his heart this night would end.
Mitchie leant in, holding her hand around his neck. "Kiss me." She smiled, pulling his face nearer. The kiss was the final touches to the dance. She knew it was more then obvious she would be here next summer with him, with connect 3. All in this kiss she promised to keep in touch.
"I like you a lot." Mitchie said pulling herself away to breath. Her heavy breathing blew onto his face, hot air.
"Me too." They leaned there heads together. He could feel her hair on his forehead.
Leaning in for another kiss, they held one another.