Lily Evans was bursting. She needed to spill the secret to someone. Immediately. This was an insane idea and she admitted it, but she was about to explode and no one was in the bloody room except for McGonnagal (Like I would tell her. "Professor, I love James Potter." That will go down well.) Remus (He's James' best friend.) and Sirius (He'd laugh at me. And he's James' best friend.) So she did the only sensible thing she could think of. Which, sadly, was not sensible at all.

Dear Potter,

I think I love you.

Lily Evans

Dear Evans,


James Potter

Dear Potter,

Are you stupid?

Lily Evans

Dear Evans,

What do you think?

James Potter

Dear Remus,

Why did James just jump off his seat and kiss Lily?

Sirius Black

Dear Sirius,

Do you honestly think I know?

Remus Lupin

Dear Remus,

I thought you were smart.

Sirius Black

Dear Sirius,

So you admit you're stupid?

Remus Lupin

Dear Remus,

I walked right into that, didn't I?

Sirius Black

Dear Sirius,

OHMERLIN. Did James just…

Remus Lupin

Dear Remus,

If your question was, "Did James just lift Lily up from the floor and did Lily just wrap her legs around James to continue snogging passionately?" the answer is yes.

Sirius Black

Dear Sirius,

I am scarred for life.

Remus Lupin

Dear Remus,

Why hasn't McGonnagal done anything?

Sirius Black

Dear Sirius,

I'm sure you have your own theory on that.

Remus Lupin

Dear Remus,

You are so right.

Minerva is secretly a perverted old lady. Who is in love with Dumbledore.

Sirius Black

Dear Sirius,

You, frankly, are even more disturbing that James sticking his tongue down Lily's throat.

Remus Lupin

Dear Remus,

I'm glad to hear it.

Sirius Black

Dear Sirius,

Consider mental help.

Remus Lupin

Dear Remus,

I shall take your word for it.

Sirius Black

Dear Sirius,

You reckon we should tell Lily and James they're walking out into a huge corridor full of people snogging?

Remus Lupin

Dear Remus,

Nah. Where's the fun in that?

Sirius Black