So this is the final chapter.

Also I'd like to say that I might've gotten the effects of Ecstasy wrong, because I don't know exactly what it does to a person. But I so wanted her to hallucinate and I didn't want Bella to be hooked on something too serious like cocaine. So it might not be 100 accurate, but I wanted to write a lighter story.

Thanks for the reviews, I really appreciate your comments :)

Twilight is owned by Stephenie Meyer.

''I don't want to talk about that right now. I just want to be with you.'' I put my arms around him. He did the same and pulled me closer. We held each other, but were interrupted by a knock on the door. We both looked in it's direction and saw Carlisle open it.

''Hello, Bella. I just came to check on your head.'' He was next to us in a flash. He removed my bandage and looked at the wound. ''You were lucky, it isn't deep. It should heal quickly'' he said putting on a clean bandage.

Right then I felt my hands starting to quiver. I looked down at them, but just couldn't hold them still. I knew what this meant, I knew what my body was craving. I tried to hide it, but they saw.

''Bella,'' Carlisle asked ''have you been taking anything?''

''No,'' I said and hid my face in Edward's chest.

''Bella.'' This time it was Edward who spoke.

I tried to get closer to him, but he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me away to look me in the eyes. ''Bella, love. It's okay, just tell us.''

I stared at him and said ''Well, I did take some pills...''

''What pills?'' Carlisle asked.


''How many?'' Carlisle again, he sounded worried.

''I'm not sure exactly, I took two to three each day.''

''How long have you been using?''

''I first started a few weeks after you left.'' I looked at the floor. I didn't want to see the disappointment on their faces.

''That's not good,'' Carlisle said looking at Edward now. ''She'll experience heavy withdraw symptoms.''

Edward looked at me. ''This is all my fault. If I hadn't left, you would've never done something like this to yourself.'' And then he held me. I started sobbing and he hummed my lullaby.

I'm not sure how long I slept, but when I woke up I was at home in my bed. It was dark outside and I went to check on Charlie. He must be mad about me staying out so late. I went downstairs and saw him watching a game on TV.

''Hey, Bells'' he called when he saw me coming down.

''Hey, Dad.'' He wasn't mad. ''Sorry I was out so late.''

''It's okay. I was held up at work and when I got home you were already sleeping.''

Sleeping, was it all only a dream? ''Good night, Dad.''

''Good night, Bells!''

I went back to my room. I sat on the bed and just looked into the same spot for a while. What if it really was just a dream? What if Edward wasn't back? Yes, it must've been a dream, it was too good to be true.

I got up and felt dizzy. I grabbed my head and there was a bandage on it. How can that be? I must've put it on myself when I was high. I went over to my dresser and reached for my hidden stash. I found it where I had left it, under a stack of socks. I opened the bag and then stopped. But what if it was all real, that meant that Edward was back and I wouldn't need the pills anymore. That's what I thought, but the junkie in me had come up with a clever plan. I should hide these in multiple places so he wouldn't find them all if he was to come looking. So that's what I did, I hid them all over my room and took six to the bathroom.

When I was finished I was left with two in my hand. I brought a glass of water from the bathroom and sat on my bed waiting for Charlie to fall asleep. I opened my door and heard him snoring. I went over to the dresser where I had the pills and the water and was about to take them in.

''Bella, what are you doing?'' I heard coming from behind me. It was Edward standing by my window.

I instinctively put my hand with the pills behind my back. ''Edward, you're really here.'' I was happy, but not completely. My body still craved for something else.

''Bella,'' he said in low voice ''what's in your hand?''

I took a step backwards and replied ''Nothing.''

He was in front of me in a flash grabbing my hand.

''No!'' I yelled, but he had already opened my hand.

He looked sad. He held my hand tightly and took the pills from me. ''No'' I yelled again.

''Bella, it's for your own good.''

''But you don't understand, I need those!'' I was already starting to feel dizzy and sick in my stomach.

He held me then pulling me close to him. After a minute he pushed me back to look at me. ''Do you have any more of those?''

''No,'' I replied without even thinking. A reflex I guess.

''Bella, love. You always were a horrible liar. Where are they?''

''I don't know what you're talking about,'' I said indifferently.

''You know I'll find them eventually, right?''

''There's nothing for you to find.''

He sat me on the bed. ''Stay!'' he commanded and started looking around the room sniffing the air. It was so easy for him to find them. And I thought I had hidden them carefully. He found all that were hidden in my room. He sniffed again and then looked at me. ''Is that all?''

I was so angry at him. I threw myself back onto the bed and rolled to my side so he couldn't see my face. He put the pills into his pocket and came to me. He lay down behind me and put his arm around my waist pulling me closer. I tried to yank away, but he held me tightly against himself. ''Shh,'' he whispered into my ear ''everything is going to be fine.''

I could feel my body starting to shake. No doubt it was from being without for so long. He sat up and pulled me onto his lap and rocked me back and forth gently. I started crying and he again hummed my lullaby, but this time it didn't have that soothing effect on me. I felt sick in my stomach and I just had to get out of there.

I wanted to get out of his arms and I put my hand over my mouth. He looked at me and let me go. I ran to the bathroom with him following me. He would've come inside with me, but I didn't want him to see me like this. So I closed the door in his face and mumbled ''Sorry''.

I felt awful. I thought the puking was never going to stop. Edward waited patiently behind the door asking if I was okay. When it finally felt like I was able to stand up again I remembered the hidden pills in the bathroom. I would do anything to get rid of this feeling, of being so sick. I stood up and took them into my hand. There was six. I had never taken so many at a time, but thinking I probably wouldn't get the chance again soon, I took them all. I put them in my mouth, took a zip of water and swallowed. I put my hands on the sink for support and felt the effects of the pills almost immediately. It must be because my stomach was totally empty or because I had taken so many. I stood there watching myself in the mirror seeing everything swirling around me. It was too much and I collapsed onto the floor.

Edward was beside me at once picking me up from the floor and calling my name. I felt his icy hand on my face, but I couldn't answer him and then there was darkness all around me.

I woke up in a hospital bed with all these tubes and machines around me. I looked around and there he was, my Edward, sitting beside me.

He stroke my hair and said ''Bella'' in the softest voice.

''Edward,'' I felt the tears coming. ''I'm so sorry.''

''It's okay, you're going to be okay,'' he said and kissed my forehead.

''What happened?''

''You overdosed and they did a gastric lavage on you.''

''Oh,'' I whispered.

''Don't worry, love. Everything is going to be fine.''


And everything was fine. I still had to deal with the wrath of Charlie, but it wasn't that bad now that I had Edward beside me again. He helped me through the painful process of withdraw and over time I was fine. Charlie said I'd be grounded for the rest of my life, but he let me off the hook after a few months. It took a while for Edward to let me out of his sight for more than a few seconds, but eventually he trusted me not to do anything stupid.

I have been clean for several months now and I couldn't be happy. I'm with the one whom I love the most in this world. We will have forever together and there is nothing that can come between us now.

I really hope you liked the story. It was my first fanfic ever, my first try at writing actually. I'm not a native English speaker, so there may be mistakes in there. I would be thankful if you'd point them out (if you find any) so I could improve myself. Thanks for reading :)