Twilight is owned by Stephenie Meyer.

Set in the beginning of New Moon, after Edward leaves Bella. Bella is found in the forest by Sam and is now in her room.

I was an empty shell, unable to feel anything. My reason for being left me, didn't care for me anymore. A thousand thoughts ran through my mind. What had I done wrong? What should I have done differently? The most important one – would he ever come back? He didn't love me, but he could still come back to Forks, right? I knew there was almost no chance of that happening, but I didn't want to let go of that little piece of hope. I couldn't accept the fact that I might never see him again.

As I lay down on my bed I could hear the door open and someone enter the room. Then I heard Charlie's voice ''Bella, how are feeling?''

I didn't answer. I couldn't find my voice. I could also feel anger growing inside. How did I feel? How could he even ask a question like that? I felt dead. There was no desire to keep on living, not without him. I tried to think what I should do, but my mind came up blank. It was like all of a sudden I was floating in a big dark space and was completely cut off from the outside world.

When morning came, I finally moved from the bed. I didn't get any sleep at all. I just felt empty, like there was nothing that would make me smile ever again. I wasn't sure what I should do now. It was a Saturday so there was no school. I just couldn't stay here for much longer. This room, this bed – they reminded me of all the good times Edward and I had had here. I had to get out of the house. So I took a long cold shower, hoping that the cold water would snap me out of my zombie-like state, and pulled on a pair of jeans and a green pullover. I went downstairs to see if there was anything to eat. There was food, but nothing I would've wanted to have and I wasn't really that hungry so I decided to skip breakfast altogether.

I stomped to my truck and it roared to life. I backed out of the drive-way and just started driving down the street not knowing where I'd end up. I drove and drove and finally stopped in front of a store. I didn't know what to do. I had nowhere else to go. I sat there for a while and decided to head back home. I was home before Charlie so I thought I'd cook him dinner to keep me occupied. When I was done I set the table for him and went upstairs to my room. I looked at the empty bed and couldn't stop the tears from overflowing. That night I cried myself to sleep. Sunday went by slowly. I just spent the hole day in bed crying. When the tears ran out I just continued to sob. Although Charlie told me I didn't have to go to school yet, I decided to go. It was the only way to distract myself even if it was just a little bit.

The next morning I got ready and drove to school. I was early so I just sat in my truck until people started gathering. I was lost in my thought. I couldn't really make out what I was thinking about exactly. It seemed like I was thinking about several things at once not really understanding anything. I looked at the clock and found myself being late to class. So I grabbed my things and ran to school.

Three weeks later.

Time passed so slowly, weeks felt like months. I was glad about school though, it meant I didn't start crying until I got home from school.

Nothing had changed though. I didn't feel any better, I only felt worse by every day that went by. I was at the point of total breakdown, when I met this guy at school one day. I had seen him before, but never really talked to him. He was a sophomore so we didn't have any classes together. Also he was considered to be part of the ''bad crowd''. I had heard rumors of them throwing wild parties and dealing with drugs. Until now I had stayed away from him. But today, when I saw him during lunch, I saw my way out of the hell I was in.