
Without being conspicuous, I watched my Dad and Riley as close as possible all throughout dinner. They didn't act weird. They laughed and joked with each other and Flint and Volkner, and I tried my best to join in, although my insides were torn up dying to know what was going on.

I wondered if this is how it had been for my Dad - when I'd always been so vague about my love life. Had he been this curious, dying to know what I was doing? Dying to know I was going to be all right?

We headed back upstairs after finishing up, completely stuffed with fish, rice and sake. Flint immediately closed his door and I could hear the sound of five Pokeballs popping open. Volkner tapped my shoulder. "He's just having a slumber party with his friends. Come on in." He tugged on my arm, but I paused with my head sticking out the door as my Dad and Riley came up the stairs.

"Dad - goodnight," I said, and he grunted, patting me on the shoulder. I gave in and wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Good vacation, son, thank you," he growled, patting me on the head. I whimpered.

I felt like I was just nine years old again, praised for having found a real fossil this time.

"'Love you, Dad," I mumbled into his yukata, squeezing him again before letting him go. He smiled at me.

"Same to you, son. G'night."

He went into his room, and Riley started to follow, pausing to smirk at me.

"Roark - thanks."

I made urgent gestures for him to come into my room for a second. I wanted to know everything. He only shook his head, and winked.

"Tell ya tomorrow." Then he headed in after my Dad and the door slid shut. Disappointed, I shut the door to my own room, turning to pout at Volkner, who was sitting upright on the futon.

"Ah, Roark, leave'em alone. They aren't fighting, that's all that matters." I slid onto the futon next to Volkner, but he suddenly pushed me onto my back, straddling my hips. I blinked up at him, surprised.


"Now... where were we?" He untied my yukata, opening it up down the middle and sliding it down my arms, exposing my chest and thighs. I shivered in anticipation as his hungry face looked down at my body.

"That water..." He leaned down, kissing my lips, then trailing kissed down my throat and chest, pausing to suck at a nipple. A small moan escaped my lips, my body twisting to press against him eagerly. "Mmm... it really made your skin soft..."

"Y-yeah?" I whispered, squirming as his lips moved down further, kissing my bellybutton, then nuzzling into the little hairs above my erection, which was already pointing straight up at Volkner.

"M-hm... soft, and sweet." His hands lifted my legs up, spreading my thighs apart as his lips trailed more kisses up to the tip of my cock, before he slid his mouth over the head. I moaned louder, unable to keep my voice down.

Both of us were unable to keep our voices down for the next two hours. I was thankful in more ways than one for Flint holding a loud Pokemon Party in the room between me and my Dad's.


The next morning, the hotel had laid out a wonderful breakfast for us, but only Flint, Volkner and I got to eat it. My Dad and Riley appeared just as it was cleared away - fully dressed and packed. I ran up to them.

"Are you leaving Sunyshore already?"

"Yeah, we've got big plans back in Canalave," Dad said. Dad looked normal, but Riley's face looked completely stupid, locked in a starry-eyed, dazed expression. "You don't mind, do you boy? You're only in Sunyshore another few days, right? Come to Canalave when you get back west, yeah?"

"Sure." I paused, Riley's weird aura making me feel awkward. "Are... are you two okay? Did you overcome your differences?"

"Yeaaaah," Riley's voice drifted through the air like little bubbles. "We did."

"No problems here," Dad growled, a small smile on his face.

"Oh - that's really good!" I said, forcing the most natural smile possible on my own face. "Anyway, I'll see you guys this weekend, I guess."

Dad clapped a hand on my shoulder. "See you boy. Don't forget - it's a promise."

I nodded, and my Dad turned and headed for the door, nodding to Volkner and Flint as he went. I turned to Riley.


"Wow," he said, his eyes focused on something invisible in his mind that I could not see. His eyes slowly drifted to meet mine. "Oh, Roark... thank you. You're my good friend." He gently laid his hand on my arm, and it was then that I noticed the mark on HIS throat - a bite mark. No doubt about it. I could see it clear as day. I gasped, reaching out to touch his neck.

"Riley - what-?!"

He danced away from me, grinning. "Tell you later... bye Roark... bye, guys." He also waved at Volkner and Flint, then headed out the door, running after my father. I stood there in the silence left behind, then suddenly turned on my heel and pounded up the stairs.

"Roark-!" Volkner called after me, but I ignored it. I ran to one of the rooms in the front of the building, overlooking the road. I pushed it open and stared outside.

Volkner joined me a minute later, coming up behind me and sliding his arms around my waist, enveloping me in a tight hug. We both watched the two figures growing smaller, although their laughing voices still carrying up to us. Just before they became too small to see, I watched one of the tiny figures reach out to grab the hand of the other. Then they vanished over a hill.

"Hey hon... you gonna be okay?" Volkner mumbled, nuzzling my neck from behind. I took a deep breath, then turned, hugging him as tight as I could.

"Yes - just give me some time to get used to this weird insanity."

"Think your Dad will ever tell you?"

"No. But Riley will." I sighed.

"And you'll really be okay?"

I looked up at him. "I have a few more days here with you, right?"


"Can you forget about construction and just make love to me like mad until I have to go home?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Then, I really will be okay."

He did.

And I was.
