Rose Turned to the doctor "why didn't you go back for 'im

Rose Turned to the doctor "why didn't you go back for 'im?" she asked "bec-" he was cut off because someone slapped him, he looked for Jackie & noticed she was half way across the room, So the only possibility left, was that Rose had slapped him.

He rubbed his cheek, rose's hits stung more than her mothers, he thought maybe it hurt more because it was rose who was hitting him, he didn't even bother to retort with a remark like "what was that for" because he knew perfectly well that he deserved it.

There was a tension building up in the TARDIS, so much so that when somebody finally broke the silence, it made both the doctor & Rose jump.

The person in question was Tony, he came running out from the bowels of the ship with outstretched arm's screaming "Mummmmy!" the doctor was expecting him to run to Jackie, but instead he ran straight past her to Rose.

Rose bent down & picked him up, grunting a little "How's my big boy?" She asked

"The blue box sing to me mummy & then.." he paused thinking for a moment "& then

I hear big noises & I heard the ship go crash & got scared. I lost you mummy" He finally finished, the doctor turned to Jackie "I thought he was yours" He stated

"Well he's not ya plum!" She said to the doctor "Very cute grandson though" She said softening "Why was Pete on nursery watch?" Asked the doctor "Well, I had to go, Mum & dad didn't have the experience that I had with the daleks" she said her voice cracking a little at daleks, neither of them had forgotten what had brought her to the parallel world in the first place "& stop changin' the subject, why did you leave him back on the other earth" the doctor spilled forth into a fit of babbling before finally getting to the main part, Rose didn't know what to say "But what if you doing that to 'im just made 'im that way?" Rose asked, the doctor thought of two reason's

"Okay my second reason is that, If I hadn't done that It might cause a paradox, but he might have just turned out that way anyway, my number one reason was you. If I had left you there & the TARDIS hadn't figured it out while we still had the time-" he let that sentence hang in the air.

Then he started up again "Now, tell me where is this boy's father rose? I might be able to get back to go pick him up aswell" Rose smiled a little "Maybe you should jus' go look in a mirror yeah" she said "What!" the doctor said "But we never…you never told me about him" the doctor said "Remember when we went to that planet & the translation circuit was playin' up?" Rose asked "Yeah…whats that got to do with it?"