A Case of Liliane

By: Rikku Himura

Hello everyone! Sorry its been so long, I haven't been in a writing mood and when I have been, I don't have a clue to write. But today I decided enough excuses I'll just sit down and write and see what happens. Sound good? Lets see what chapter 7 brings then lol.

Chapter 7

Lily Helps Uncle Roy

Lily's lessons with Edward were going great. She new a few letters, but couldn't quite remember her alphabet yet. Edward was also teaching her how to spell her full name, and he couldn't help the grin that came to his face when he watched her sloppily write out Lily Elric with his coaching. Until he saw it on a wall in red crayon. That incident was soon avoided by lots of paper and crayons, as well as chalk for the sidewalk outside.

Al was also enjoying it. At times he would teach his niece a few things when his brother was busy. He had gotten her a coloring/activity book that had shapes in it and simple puzzles that they would do together. The Elric brothers were finding that Lily enjoyed puzzles.

Winry remained doing other things with her daughter. Whether it be girly things such as baking in the kitchen. Or letting her help with auto mail. Lily was doing something with everyone, and learning with everyone.

Today was different though, today Lily was getting to spend time with her Uncle Roy whom she hadn't got to see in awhile. Riza and given her paper and crayons, and watched for awhile to make sure the toddle wasn't going to get into any trouble. But Lily was content either writing Lily and Mommy and Daddy and Al repeatedly or drawing. Knowing Roy would feel left out Riza knelt down next to her and wrapping her hand around Lily's smaller one that held the crayon she wrote out Roy Mustang. And once Lily asked she also write out Riza Hawkeye. On her own she managed Roy and Riza fine, stumbling slightly on the z in Riza. However, it took them a few times for Lily to be able to write Mustang and Hawkeye on her own. Grinning happily at her achievement Lily proceeded to write the names she knew over and over again. Riza smiled slightly and stood telling Roy that he should get some paperwork done, before she took Hayate outside with her.

Silence in the office followed after Hawkeye's leave. Except for the sound of crayon on paper and a lazy pen being scratched on paper. Remembering that she wasn't the only one with paper Lily stood from her spot on the floor in front of her uncles desk and looked at Roy's pile of paper. Roy caught her hand mid-way from taking a piece and she blinked at him.

"Lily need more," Lily stated.

"These are important papers you can't draw on them," Roy explained.

"Why are they important?" Lily asked.

"Because they are," Roy stated unable to find a reason he was sure she would understand.

"But you're drawing on them Uncle Roy," Lily pointed.

"No I'm not," Roy chuckled. "I have to sign everyone of these papers."

"Sign?" Lily repeated.

"Put my name on them," Roy explained.

"Oh," Lily replied glancing from the pile of undone papers, to the pile of signed papers, and the paper that he was in the middle of signing with understanding.

"I'll go get you some more paper," Roy said standing. "Wait in here okay?"

"Okay Uncle Roy," Lily nodded.

Lily watched Roy leave the office and then returned to staring at his desk. She decided that that was just to many papers for her uncle to sign and decided that she needed to help him. So with one last look at the door Lily took a few pages from Roy's stack and then returned to the floor and began to write Roy Mustang in pink crayon on the sign line. After seeing Roy do this a dozen times she knew where his name went, and Aunt Riza was nice enough to show her how to write out his name.

Ten minutes later Riza returned to the office and glanced at her then the empty desk with a frown. Not noticing that her niece wasn't drawing on any paper, but a certain document.

"Where's your Uncle Roy?" Riza asked.

"He went to get paper for Lily cuz Lily ran out of drawing space," Lily explained.

"So..he went and got you some and then disappeared again?" Riza asked again.

"No," Lily shook her head. "Uncle Roy hasn't returned yet with Lily's paper."

"Oh," Riza stated. "What are you drawing on then?"

"Lily is helping Uncle Roy," Lily stated. "See?"

Lily stood on her knees and brought a piece of paper with her. Riza stared in shock, slack jawed at a document that had Roy Mustang written in pink crayon by a four year old. Riza opened and closed her mouth a dozen times. She needed to scold the girl, but Lily had pulled one on her that she wasn't sure how to respond too. Riza turned hearing laughter behind her and found Roy leaning against the door hunched over laughing with an armload of paper. Lily grinned at him.

"Lily do good?" Lily asked. "Lily surprise Uncle Roy?"

Roy couldn't answer her, he was laughing to hard, but he did manage to nod his head.

"Yay Lily do good!" Lily shouted.

"No Lily did not do good," Riza scolded. "Those are important documents, not drawing paper."

"What she do now?" Ed asked coming through the doorway. Glancing form a laughing Roy, to an upset Riza, and lastly to a confused Lily.

"Lily help Uncle Roy daddy," Lily stated.

"That's not helping," Riza stated. "You shouldn't touch those."

Edward neared Lily who was starting to head towards tears, uncertain of what she had done wrong but knowing she had done something to greatly upset her aunt. Edward knelt next to his daughter and looked at some of the papers she had wrote on with a half smile, now understanding why Riza was mad but curious as to were she got the idea.

"Why'd you write on these Lil?" Edward asked.

"Lily wanted to help Uncle Roy," Lily sniffled. "Lily thought Uncle Roy would be happy."

"Oh you made me plenty happy," Roy stated after composing himself.

"Roy!" Riza yelled. "She wrote your name in pink crayon!"

"True you could of picked a better color," Roy replied.

"But Lily likes pink," Lily frowned.

"Not helping," Riza growled out.

"Okay so you wanted to help Mustang," Ed stated still not drawing the connection. "At least she didn't draw on them. Why'd you write his name?"

"Because I told her that's what goes on those papers," Roy said. "Didn't I Lily?"

"Uh-huh," Lily nodded. "And Aunty Riza taught Lily to write Uncle Roy's name!"

"That was a big help Lily," Roy replied. "But you can't do that anymore."

"But..why?" Lily asked. "Lily likes helping Uncle Roy."

"It's something Mustang has to do," Edward explained. "He'll get into trouble if he lets someone else do his work."

"Doesn't seem to stop him," Riza muttered. Now that she understood where the toddler came from and why she did it, she wasn't so mad at her.

"So Lily can't help?" Lily asked.

"Next time we'll find something for you to do that can be helpful, alright?" Roy asked.

"Maybe you can help me run my errands," Riza supplied.

"Otay!" Lily agreed.

"Now that that's settled," Edward stood. "Lily and I need to get going so we can tell Winry and Al about Roy's new signature and favorite color."

"Just wait until she does something like this to you shortie," Roy replied.

"WHO ARE YOU-," Edward stopped his rant and shook his head. "Never mind, lets go get some ice cream Lily."

"Daddy?" Lily asked half way home.

"Hm?" Ed responded.

"How come you and Mommy don't do that?" Lily asked.

"Do what?" Ed looked around wondering what had caused this question.

"Kiss like the other mommy's and daddy's we saw today," Lily replied. Ed twitched looking slightly red in the face. "Do you not love each other?"

"No, that's not..I mean I..umm," Edward turned even redder. If he couldn't tell Lily how would ever tell Winry? Then again if he told Lily, Lily would probably tell Winry before he even had the chance. "How about I take Winry, I mean Mommy, out on a date?"

"A date?" Lily asked.

"Yea," Edward stated. "Umm..a mommy and daddy day?"

"Oh," Lily replied. "I think Mommy would like that a lot!"

"Let me ask Mommy first okay?" Ed stated facing the girl to make sure she'd understand.

"Why can't Lily tell her?" Lily asked.

"It's the proper way of doing things," Edward shrugged. It'd be easier to just have Lily do it, he'd admit, but Ed wanted to do things right with Winry. They had a lot of making up to do.

"Let Uncle Roy's papers?" Lily asked.

"Like Uncle Roy's papers," Ed nodded.

Alright, I'll admit that the first few paragraphs aren't' that good. But I think it picks up after that, also I do believe that I managed to make this chapter longer, yea? Smogle I hope Lily made you laugh yet again in this one with her genius ideas. I'm glad that you don't mind that they are short Rultas. Smile-thebestthingintheworld thank you for the idea for a romance scene, I do believe that will happen in the next few chapters. To all my other reviewers thank you! And please hit that review button, I love hearing from ya'll and it really helps me when I'm stuck!