'Morning.' Cam smiled down at the women in his arms, brushing a stray piece of hair from her eye as she began to stir.

Sam snuggled into his chest, her voice still thick with sleep. 'Morning already?'

'Fraid so baby...' He pulled the doona up, trying to keep some of the cold out. 'I was thinking we order pancakes, juice…'

'Cam.' She cut him off as the fog began to slowly lift from her brain, 'What time is is?'

He reached over her, grabbing his watch off the nightstand. '0800 hours.'

Her eyes widened slightly. 'Isn't our plane leaving in less than an hour?'

Cam scrubbed his hand across his face trying to remember the exact conversation with Landry. Vala had been complaining that she wouldn't have any time to site see and the general had informed her they needed to be back because they were due to hand trade negotiations over to Sg-2…

'I swear he said…'

A loud knock cut him off and he visibly flinched as Daniel's voice cut through the door. 'You ready in there?'

He went to respond but Sam quickly covered his mouth so he couldn't speak.

'Do you know who's room we're in?' Her voice was hushed and he shook his head against her hand, struggling to remember which key they'd used.

If they were in Sam's room and he answered then they would be busted for sure.

'Sam…?' Daniel knocked on the door again and she sighed in relief but still didn't dare lift her hand.

'I'm ready Daniel, I'll be out in a minute..'

She could hear muffled voices behind the door and she assumed he was talking to Vala because his next sentence was spoken rather hesitantly. 'You haven't seen Cam have you, he's not in his room.'

She blushed furiously as she felt the man beneath her smirk and she cleared her throat trying to come up with something that sounded half plausable. 'Maybe he… went for a run? You know what he's like...'

Cam raised an eyebrow and she shrugged her shoulders, relieved when Daniel bought the suggestion.

'Okay well…we're going to go get some coffee.' There were some more muffled words and then she heard him move away slightly. 'We'll see you downstairs in ten.'

He left and Sam slumped down burying her head into Cam's chest.

'Went for a run?' He asked incredulously as she lifted her hand, 'Why would I be running?'

'And what would you have said?'

Her look feigned annoyance and he let out a low growl rolling her over onto her back.

'I would have told him we were having sex and to come back later…'

She laughed as he lightly nuzzled her neck, trying to picture the look on Daniel's face. 'He wouldn't of believe you…'

'Then I would've opened the door.' He threw her a lopsided grin before leaning down for a kiss her but she reluctantly pushed him off.

'Cam, we're already late…'

He let out an overly dramatic sigh as she wriggled out from under him.

He was sure she did this to him deliberately.

'We've got time for a shower right?'

'Well, I do…' She pulled the sheet around herself standing up, 'You need sneak back to you're room and act like you've been running.'

'You're kidding?'

She resisted the urge to laugh as he pouted slightly.

It was amazing how a grown man kneeling on her bed in nothing more than his boxers and socks could look so pathetic.

'Well…' He scratched the side of his head, trying to keep the amusment out of his voice. 'There is one thing I can thing of that would get me all hot and sweaty…'

She rolled her eyes, picking up his shirt and throwing it at him. 'Dressed, now.'

'You really need to work on your bedside manor...'

He slipped on the wrinkled fabric and she folded the sheet she was wearing under her arm so it would stay up and moved to fix his buttons.


His voice came out breathless and he was unable to resist the urge to lean in and kiss her. For a moment she responded but the realisation they didn't have time was still present in her mind and she pulled away.

'Okay that's it.' She threw him a pointed look, 'Out… now.'

Cam flopped back on to the bed as she disappeared into the small bathroom. He briefly entertained the idea of following her but he decided against it, figuring she'd probably kick his ass if he tried...

Smiling, he sat up and pulled on his pants.

He had no idea how he was going to convince the others he'd been running, or how they were going to react when they eventaully found out. Infact he didn't know much about anything other than whatever came next, they'd deal with it… together.

It wasn't much but somehow it was more than enough...

A/N: So thats it! Thanks so much for all the wonderful reviews and comments! There is a plot forming in my mind for a sequel but it's still in it's early stages and needs some inspiration... so any thoughts or ideas, situations? Something you'd like to read? I can't promise i'll write it but it may help jump start my muse :P