Skies of Blue

Chapter 7

To Scott: With Love

Over the weeks the numbers of the refugees dissipated, they scattered to Europe or other parts of Canada. Soon it was only the X-men in the fort and life slowly began to retune to a semblance of normal. Logan and Remy resumed their Sunday basketball games while the Professor grew steadily stronger. Kurt and Storm began to plant a new garden so that they would have flowers in the spring and Scott continued to coach the newly initiated X-men in grappling.

Birthdays began to be celebrated again and on a misty morning in mid January Scott woke up to a rousing rendition of happy birthday. He opened his eyes irritably to see all of the forts inhabitants jammed into the tiny room he shared with Logan or packed into the hall outside. He smiled groggily and sat up rubbing his face careful not to push off his visor. The crowd cheered and then began to filter out of the room leaving Logan standing in the door way in his faded blue jeans with a smirk on his face.

"Happy Birthday Slim."

Scott smiled and sat up in bed, "do I get my gifts now? Or do I have to wait till the party?"

Logan smirked closing the door behind him and moving onto the bed. Scott shivered slightly as Logan pulled off the blanket but heat was restored when Logan began to cover Scott's wide chest in kisses. Scott ran his hands over Logan's back and left the tense muscles rolling sensually under his skin.

Suddenly Scott was a thousand miles away he was underwater and he felt hands on him, soft thin hands he knew well. Jean came into view now and Scott touched her face.

"Come to me Scott." She murmured, "I need you Scott."

Logan sat back with a confused look on his face, "Slim… you ok?"

Scott made no noise and Logan brushed his hand against Scott's face, Scott felt cold as ice.

"Shit." Logan swore and stood up tucking the blankets close around Scott and kissing him quickly before walking to the phone, "hey Hank… no I didn't break anybody's bones. It's Scott he's… I don't even know how to describe it… he's ice cold."

Hank had said it was nothing to worry about but he was at the door a little to fast for that to be true. Logan stood by the door while Hank inspected Scott. All of a sudden Scott took a large breath, like a man breaking the surface of the water and looked around wildly. Logan stepped forward then thought better of the action and settled back against the doorframe.

"Scott. How are you feeling?"

"Where- Hank? It was so weird I was just talking to Jean."

Hank knitted his eyebrows and put a hand against Scott's forehead, "Jean's been dead for a long time now Scott." Scott's body tempter was swiftly returning.

Scott's face dropped a little but she pushed Hanks hand away and grabbed for his pants, "I was talking to her Hank, we were underwater and-"

"Under Water?" Logan asked crossing his arms.

Scott took notice of Logan for the first time and became pale, "yeah, under water."

Logan shook his head and opened the door for Hank, as the door shut behind him Logan moved closer to the bed.

"Look Slim… I know we've been having a ruff time lately. Kidnappings near death experiences and all but… it's your birthday so try and make the best of it ok?"

Scott looked at Logan a quizzical look on his face, "I'm fine Logan."

Logan leaned into kiss Scott on the cheek but Scott stood up and walked to the door, "I'm going to go work on the bike."