Suou Tamaki dreams a lot of dreams.

Today, any minute, any second of a second he could and probably will dream a very nice dream.

One that, naturally, involves the cutest girl in the whole universe; even poetically charming and handsome people (like him) cannot describe how absolutely cute the girl is.

Fujioka Haruhi.


And so, today, any minute, any second of a second he could and probably will dream a very nice dream.

One that, naturally, involves the cutest girl in the whole universe, and him, obviously, the most gorgeous guy in the world and the main character of the most heartfelt romantic comedy (do ignore the homo side characters because they really are not that important).

Things will happen, the good and the bad, but he prefers very good things happening. Eventually he will get to hold her hand or hug her like a lover would do, and they would kiss (hell, ignore the fact that her first kiss is with a girl) in the most romantic place and in front of many people who will sigh in awe at the sweetness of the kiss.

Suou Tamaki sighs happily. Hearts in his eyes, his cheeks a rosy glow.


Haruhi stares at the host king sitting before her and frowns, slightly apprehensive and slightly concerned. She turns and addresses the rest of the host members.

"I dont think I want to know."


A/N: I applied to participate in the 30kisses challenge over at livejournal. Sadly, me and due dates just do not work together. I manage to get three drabbles in before I killed myself and figured what the hell, I'll de-participate myself but will finish the challenge...eventually...on my own pace...because me and due dates will never work out. Tell me if grammar sucks, wish to improve my grammar. Thanks.

Prompt: 026. If only I could make you mine.