Tear Droplet: Konnichiwa Minna-san. Nice 2 meet u all! This is my first fanfic so 2 here are the guardian's shugo chara Character Profiles. I will only continue in writing this if I receive at least 5-10 reviews about whether u will like this cause if u don't like it, there isn't any point on me continuing 2 write it. (Note: I will wait for about 2 days for the reviews)

Summary: A Gakuen Alice and Shugo Chara CROSSOVER! What if the Gakuen Alice students had shugo charas? But, instead of new ones, it's the characters from Shugo Chara! A whole new fun adventure staring mikan and her fellow Gakuen Alice schoolmates. Pairings: Mikan x Natsume, Ruka x Hotaru, Amu x Tadase and possibly more (no alice)

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice or Shugo Chara but I am the one who thought of this story's plot

The Guardian's Shugo Chara character Profiles:

Author's note: everyone practically looks the same from the anime. I'll let u know if I did any changes. For the personality of the chara's , they basically act the same as in the anime/manga. And also, sorry bout when I come up with something stupid and you don't like it because this is my first fanfic and I don't really have much of a clue bout anything.

Mikan Sakura-Joker

Amu-She represents Mikan's would be cool and spicy side. A pink X appears on where mikan ties her hair for when they do a character change. Her egg is a blue-green color with pink x's on it. (when I mean x I mean like the one that she wears as a hair clip)When she character transforms with Mikan, they are called Cool Talisman or Spicy Talisman. (note:Amu could do different outfits ok?That's why there are two different names. It's hard for me to think about what to maker her wear )

Yaya- She represents Mikan's childish and sweet side. (I mean, even though she wants to change to a different person, she still also wants to remain herself) Her egg is a light pink color and has small pictures of sweets decorated on it. When Mikan does a character change with her, ribbons appear where she ties up her hair (note: the ribbons are the same as Yaya's in the anime) When she character transforms with Mikan, they are called Cute Talisman.

Rima-She represents Mikan's goofy side but she is also serious at times. Her egg is yellow-orange and is decorated with scattered light colored diamonds on it. When she does a character change with Mikan, a bow appears on top of Mikan's head. When they do a character transformation, they are called Crazy Talisman.

Natsume Hyuuga-King's Chair

Tadase-He is Natsume's would be cool, powerful, and yet social side. His egg is a darkish blue with flames decorated on it. A character change with him involves a fiery crown appearing on Natusme's head.

Hotaru Imai-Queen's Chair

Nadeshiko- She represents Hotaru's side on wanting to be nice, caring, and girly but is also strong and powerful. Her egg is pink and is decorated with a cross of nadeshiko flowers and spear. (when I mean spear I mean that thing that nadeshiko uses when she character changes with Temari) When she performs a character change, a nadeshiko earring appears on Hotaru's ear.

Ruka Nogi-Jack's Chair

Ikuto- He is Ruka's would be strong self. He is both nice and cool/not but likes to tease people. His egg is a black and shiny with a silhouette of a cat's head on it. When performing a character change, a silver chain is strapped around Ruka's neck.

Hitomi Hoshina –Ace Chair (This is one of my own characters )

Utau-she is Hitomi's ambition on wanting to be singer and actress. Her egg is red with a bit of pink in it; musical note's are decorated on it. When character changing, a white microphone appears around Hitomi's ear.

Tear Droplet: Umm so yeah, that's basically about it. I'll probably do some more character profiles in the future, most likely when I introduce a new character. Please review and tell me what you thought of it. If u think I should fix some parts please tell me.