I'm contemplating where to take my other stories. I really don't know where there heading, though I have a general idea of the plots. So in my writers block here's a hopefully long running story.

Disclaimer: I do not own naruto.. At least I think not.


He could hear there footsteps by the echoes coming from the dimly lit hallway. Six people he counted. He developed that skill from the years of few visitors he had.

He wondered what they wanted. Every time someone came to his cell they wanted something in return for there chit chat, which they thought he liked. The truth was he never wanted any visitors, unless they brought him a cake with a nail file in it.

His eyes downcast he sighed and prepared for them to suck his chakra reserves dry. he crawled off the dirty bench that took up most of his cells room, and stood crouched painfully, bent away from the bench.

"Here he is children, the one who will help us on are journey" he heard a hissed voice say from the other side of the bars of his cell.

"Hmm" he mumbled 'this could be interesting"


Curiously tayuya stared at the mug shots that hung from small tacks on the walls of the hallway. Each bore a face of an unpleasant, and angry shinobi. Either glaring or snarling 'very original' she thought. But one of the pictures she had passed was different. Not that anyone would care, but after walking down these tunnels you get very bored.

The picture was of a boy about five, she discovered, he had blond hair and deep blue eyes that were twisted up in confusion. His blond hair was dirty and wet. While he held up a sign weakly that had printed on it in bold black letters 'Naruto Uzumaki, cell 16 maximum security' he seemed way to innocent for prison.

The innocence was just a façade she learned by the red blood dripping down his mouth and chin. Her eyes widened, konoha was one fucked up place.

She peered up on the wall of the new hall where the were entering. 'maximum security' it read.

"Hm" she exhaled in thought.

Orochimaru glanced back at her "What is it tayuya-chan" he said smiling a cheesy smile. She grimaced, she hated it when he called her Chan, like he knew her at all.

" Who are we visiting" said the redhead.

He smirked this time "A friend" his voice filled with laughter. She hated it when he wouldn't answer the question straightforward.

"Here he is children, the one who will help us on are journey" said the snake sanin, once they arrived in front of a dark cell.

"Naruto" he whispered trying to sound caring.

"Yes" an equally creepy voice echoed out of the cell. The rest of the sound four were freaked out by the noise.

"I need a favor naruto" orochimaru said sweetly.

"And what's that snaky" it echoed again. Tayuya lifted an eyebrow 'snaky?' orochimaru must really need this guy to allow him to call him snaky.

"I need you to assist my troops In the destruction of konoha" there eyes bulged out orochimaru just announced there master plan to a potential enemy, this little slip up could ruin all there hard work and planning.

They all breathed a sigh of relief when the guy said " And what do I get in return"

Orochimaru smirked 'hook, line , and sinker' "Well you get to get out of here and join my forces, plus-" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar.

"- all the candy you could want" he finished tossing the bar through the bars of the cell. A deadly pale hand rocketed out of the cell and grabbed the candy bar, and retched it into the cell. The sound four were surprised by the speed of the hand. Tayuya voicing her opinion.

"Holy shit"

They all heard sounds of the rapping crinkling and animalistic chewing coming from within the small cell.

"Mmm…that hit the spot, I'll do it" the voice exclaimed.

"Fufufufufufufufufu..good choice naruto" laughed Orochimaru practically spelling out that he would have killed him if refused.

"Kabuto, please get our little friend out of there" the snake said

"Yes Orochimaru-sama" curtly kabuto said being the lapdog he is.(kind of forgot about kabuto until now) his hand glowed blue with chakra as he cut four bars on the cell.

The guy named naruto stepped out of the dark cell and into the light. He wore a black ski hat with ear flaps that had two little braded pieces on the ends of the earflaps. Some pieces of spiky, dirty blond hair curled out of the hat. His eyes were a deep blue with dark bags under them from sleepless nights.

On each of his cheeks were three whisker like markings that made him look exotic. His shirt was a bright white standard button up mental patient garb. With a name tag and everything.

He had on a white, black stripped under shirt that sleeves that were longer then the white button up, that covered his hands, and almost dragged on the floor. His pants were a plain white just like the shirt, with two pockets. On his feet were converse high-tops, the shoelaces untied carelessly. Around his neck was a long necklace that came down to his stomach, a weird mismatched shape hung on the end.

All together he looked weird. Which was why the sound four were gawking at him. tayuya recognized him as the kid from the mug shot, with all that blood on his face. Normally she would have though he wouldn't be that much help in the invasion, but him being in a high security prison changed that thought.

Naruto turned his head and stared.

And stared

And stared

Until finally he screamed out,

"Omg, you have eight arms" he yelled standing right in front of Kidomaru. And I don't mean respectably in front minding his space bubble, I mean right smack dab in front of his, so close that there noses were touching. Kidomaru just gawked at him, what was he some kind of freak show to this kid, well most people, he admitted hadn't seen a real life Spiderman in there lifetime, but that didn't mean this kid had to yell at him.

And those eyes, they were just plain creepy. They seemed to stare into your soul, searching for your mind so they could tear it apart. He may be sounding crazy but he just had a feeling that this kid would be trouble.

"Um..yeah" he answered trying to brush away the awkwardness of the situation.

"That's so COOL!" the blond yelled, and with kidomaru being so close, his ears were ringing. Naruto stepped back, and ran back into his cell. He walked back out about a moment later, with a blue and yellow yo-yo in hand.

"Naruto you have everything you need" the snake smoothly hissed facing Naruto.

"Yesssssss" he hissed mocking Orochimaru. Kabuto fixed the bars back on the cell so the guards that brought him food wouldn't notice he was gone.

"Alright then lets get out of here" the sanin smirked, Naruto noticing he did that a lot. They all traveled back up the tunnels to get to the surface. After an hour they were at the entrance of the cave.

They walked through the genjutsu that was masking the cave opening and into the really bright sunlight on the hokage mountain. Bright being the key word in that sentence.

"AHHHH!!" Naruto screamed covering his eyes. Everyone whirled around. "Awwww shitttt" he moaned. Most held back there laughter, but Tayuya couldn't.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" she laughed out bent over holding her gut.

"O, sorry Naruto I forgot that you would be blinded by the sunlight after seven years in prison" Orochimaru smiled. "Here's some protection" (lol)he said oddly holding out a pair of green goggles, which Naruto quickly grabbed and shoved them on.

"Aww..much better" was his relived reply. By now Tayuya was rolling around on the ground laughing like a maniac.

"Wow…it wasn't that funny tayuya" said Jirobo finally talking for once.

"That's not very lady like" smugly said by Kidomaru. Tayuya stopped laughing and rolling to give him one hell of a glare.

" What did you say fuck face" A bead of sweat formed on the spider wielders forehead.

"Oh ho ho burn!" naruto exclaimed happily. He just loved it when people got burned.

Tayuya stood up and slowly walked up to kidomaru. By now he was amazed he hadn't wet his pants this time. She took him by the collar and got really close till he was blushing. She raised her fist. He closed his eyes.

" Okay enough children, lets go before some konoha nin shows up" said Orochimaru saving Kidomaru's life. "Fine" snarled tayuya as she dropped kidomaru on his butt.

Kabuto masked them with a genjitsu making all of them to look like anbu, and the group took to the rooftops and surprisingly naruto could keep up even with his unused legs. While they were leaping he couldn't help but think how konoha was beautiful, but it would look much better in flames.


Writing kudomaru's part was annoying, mostly because every time I typed his name my stupid laptop kept changing it to tidemark. Not only that but I totally blanked on sakon and ukon. They were there but I forgot to have them talk, and right know I'm to lazy to change that.

Wrote this listing to mindless self indulgence, and Voltaire so you cant blame me on weird plot. This takes place right before Chunin exams, but after wave arc so don't get confused.

Thank god for spell check

Review………..or else!………..not really..