It's hard to say how and why the idea for this poem entered my mind. Probably due to studying the likes of enviromental degradation in uni. Anyway, it can fit into the SatAM/Archie universes, though I'd nominate the latter if I had to be specific. There's already a precedent for deities such as Aurora and the Ancient Walkers, not to mention the Tomes.

Forest Spirit

We're all marked for destruction,

Myself and those inside.

Hated by the lord of metal,

And his mechanical tides.


I do not question the status quo,

I do not question why.

It is not within my power to stop this,

I can only simply stand by.


Devastation, obliteration,

That's all that he does seek.

To the one who dwells in the dark city,

Nature simply reeks.


The Freedom Fighters always hold on,

Believing they will see this through.

Declaring that they'll make victory,

Believing that this is true.


There's no compassion, no forgiveness,

There is no wrong or right.

The war between machines and nature,

Is one of dark and light.


Whatever is broken is rebuilt,

Only to fall again.

Planned by the squirrel, thus executed,

The proverbial mother hen.


In all this I keep holding on,

Though I'd be better off alone.

I'm keeping track of every tree

And every upturned stone.


For breaking point is drawing near,

And I see what lies in store.

Mobotropolis, Robotropolis,

It's the object of this war.


Long have I stood over my domain,

Watching the dying of the land.

For all their pointless rhetoric,

Not even the mobians could understand.


They chose the path that he provided,

The one that won the war.

All turning a blind eye to,

What did become their fall.


Both sides are angered and so am I,

A thousand fires burn.

The balance of nature that once existed,

Is something that can't return.


In the technosphere Robotnik dwells,

And he is welcome to it.

At least he would be if he left me be,

Did not kill me bit by bit.


Opportunities is what they seek,

A victory for which they wait.

Yet they are no better than the iron lord,

I can feel the simmering hate.


Eventually there'll be a victor,

Of that I have no doubt.

But if victory is wholly flaunted,

The winners should watch out.


For nature's fury is something terrible,

Does not distinguish between wrong and right.

Long have I held back this tide,

Against what against me slights.


Both sides seek what they believe is theirs,

But if more they seek to gain,

I'll unlock what Mobius has held back,

From destruction I'll not refrain.