Here you go. An ending. Finally.
Nate sat up on the bed, groggily rubbing his head. He could hear the soft warbling of voices downstairs, and then the soft noise of the front door closing and a car driving off soon after. Standing up slowly, he opened the door of his bedroom and poked his head out.
"Hello?" he called, but the only reply he received was an empty echo. Sighing, he closed the door behind him and started down the stairs. As he plodded somberly down the open staircase, suddenly, without knowing why, tears came to his eyes, slithering in their soft courses down his pale face. What part of this all had been a dream? What parts could he believe and remember as fact, or was it all to be some faded memory that only he could recall? And what about Linda; did she even exist, or was she some shadow he had dreamt up? Imagined? Coming into the kitchen, he put his head on the counter, banging a fist on the hard wood. The tears were starting to flow more rapidly now, but he didn't care.
"Linda…" he whispered in despair. "Linda…"
"Nate?" A voice suddenly called out, echoing through the large house. Nate's face flew up instantly. He knew that sound. And then a moment later, there she was, standing before him. Her honey-blond hair flowing in soft coiled ringlets to her shoulders, her green eyes sparkling like stars as she looked into his. His heart melted.
The next moment, he was at her side, taking her in his arms. He held her tight to him, as close as possible, but gentle like a child.
"Nate," she breathed into his chest, tears starting to trickle down her own face, leaving tiny wet patterned stains on his bed-shirt. He adored it. He adored her.
"We feared for your life," Linda cried, her throat choked with tears. "You were fine until we got to the airplane for home. Then you just collapsed at my feet in a heap."
More tears came to Linda's eyes as she mulled over that painful memory, the sirens of the ambulance, reverberating in her brain, mixing with her own shrieks and the ever-mounting fears that she would lose him yet again.
"We hurried you home as quickly as possible after that. You've been asleep for days now. Oh Nate, I was so worried. I...I thought I'd lost you again."
Nate took her face in his hand, staring down at that sweet, lovely, tear-stained face.
"I will never leave you, Linda. Do you hear that? Never again. And don't you leave me either, my precious," he said, kissing her forehead. "My darling," he said, this time softer, with a kiss on her nose. "My love, my heart, my all," he said in the softest of whispers, and then he leaned down and pressed his own lips to hers in a firm, but at the same time the most gentlest of embraces.
As they pulled away, a smile came to Nate's face.
"Linda, darling, as I have apparently forgotten some of my memory, I'll need you to refresh me a bit. I seem to remember proposing to you in a dreary little cabin in Britain after we'd both nearly gotten killed. Is that correct?"
A laughing smile came to Linda's face and she nodded.
"Well," Nate said. "Seeing as how that is so terribly unromantic of a situation, and I didn't even have a ring, I'm sorry but it just won't do. I shall have to propose to you again."
And with that, he looked around, picked up a milk-jug ring, and bent down on one knee.
"I have no beautiful bejeweled adornment for thine finger, my lady, but I ask that you accept this humble token of my love for you," here he placed the bottle-cap on her finger before continuing, "and answer me this question: Will. You. Marry. Me?"
Linda leapt into his arms, embracing him.
"Oh of course I will!" she cried out, kissing him. Then, his forehead bent to hers, Nate whispered into her ear,
"This time I'll make sure we're always together. I love you to the moon and back, I love you to the stars and back, and I'll love you forever and for always. I'm yours."
Wow. Ok well, I gave you an ending…..after about a year, I got back onto my fanfiction account and realized that I was mean enough to leave this story on the SECOND TO LAST chapter and not give you an ending. I even had to go back through and read the whole thing to remember how I wanted to end it! Haha, well, sorry it's a little hastily written and therefore not the best it could be, but I hope it's satisfying enough. I'll try and get on this account more! Hope you liked it!